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BassKeyPHP Framework

Light MVC framework for PHP7 with example bundle and configurations.

Getting Started

BassKeyPHP framework was created to make management of application by domain address easy. Configuration is created in .yml files. Assumptions bundle structure, and views running are similar to Symfony framework.


To install BKPHP we will need server PHP7 or more and a http server as well, for example apache2 or nginx.


Clone framework repository with name of your project.

git clone exampleProject
cd exampleProject

or clone project and change the name of the directory.

git clone
mv -v BassKeyPHPFramework exampleProject
cd exampleProject

Installing composer

Framework use composer tool. After clone project necessary is install it by composer.

If have installed composer tool:

composer install

Or use composer.phar file:

php composer.phar install

Server configuration

app/Kernel.php is the initial file where execution begins and executes all the framework processes.
It is necessary to create rewrite rules in server, to redirect all paths to file app/Kernel.php

Example apache2 server configuration

In project directory file .htaccess is the file with apache2 server rules.
All paths will be redirected to app/Kernel.php except assets directory.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/assets/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./app/Kernel.php [L,QSA]

For the rewrite rules to work correctly, it is necessary to enable rewrite rules in apache2 server configuration.
How to turn on rewrite engine issue:

Simple configuration of framework

Example configuration for LocalHost domain.

Framework BKPHP was created to make managing many domains possible. That is why every configuration depends on the domain.

app/Config/base_config.yml is main configuration file. This is where all the other config files will be included.

Below is example configuration, for domain "localhost", and base url "localhost/exampleProject/".

#file: app/Config/base_config.yml

  domain: "localhost"
  base-url: "localhost/exampleProject/"
      - { resource: '%root_dir%/LocalHost/config.yml' }

Constance variable %root_dir% is a path to app directory.
Snippet below refers to importing config from LocalHost directory.

      - { resource: '%root_dir%/LocalHost/config.yml' }

Directory: app/Config/LocalHost
File list:

  • config.yml
  • database.yml
  • memcache.yml
  • routing.yml

'config.yml' imports other files from this directory - to configure database, memcache and routing.

Routing configuration

File app/Config/LocalHost/routing.yml

  address: /
  defaults: { _controller: "DemoBundle:Demo:Init" }

In this file, there is example routing for home page. It is essential to declare unique name, define address and set config for action. Action is a method in controller class. In this example:

  defaults: { _controller: "DemoBundle:Demo:Init" }

From directory /src from bundle DemoBundle from directory Controllers from class Demo[file Demo.php]. Will be executed method InitAction. All the methods that are actions end in 'Action'. So in configuration we don't explicitly specify as it is implicitly understood by the framework.

Class src/DemoBundle/Controllers/Demo

namespace DemoBundle\Controllers;

use BassKey\Components\System\Controller;

class Demo extends Controller
    public function InitAction() { ... }

Bundles | Controllers | Actions

BassKeyPHP framework makes it easy to manage different parts of applications using bundle structure.
Bundle is a directory in /src directory. Name of bundle is optional.


Mandatory directory:

  • Controllers
  • Views

Optional directory:

  • Config
  • Entity
  • Models

Note: These bundles should be created in a way to make easy transfer between projects possible.


Controller is a class created in src\BundleName\Controllers directory. This class must extend BassKey\Components\System\Controller\Controller class. In this class, we can declare actions and actions execute views.


Example action:

    public function InitAction() { ... }

Define parameters and turn on developer tool to see details of controller and view for easy debugging.

     * Example parameters, transfer to view
    $exampleParameters = array(
        "title" => "John",
        "students" => array("Peter", "Adam", "Tom"),
     * Developer tool
     * Show controllers details

Render view using php views template.

     * Render view php type
    $this->RenderPhp("DemoBundle:Demo:home", $exampleParameters);

Render view using twig template:

     * Render view twig type
    $this->RenderTwig("DemoBundle:Demo:home", $exampleParameters);

Both of these functions have two parameters.

Parameter "DemoBundle:Demo:home"

Is a rendering path of view file. First part "DemoBundle" is bundle name, "Demo" is name of directory inside View directory: src\DemoBundle\Views\Demo. "home" is name of file.

Parameter $exampleParameters Is array with parameters are will be sand to view element.

RenderTwig method will looking for file with extensions:

  • .twig.html
  • .twig
  • .html.twig

RenderPHP method will be looking for file with extensions:

  • .php
  • .html


Above is simple configuration and basic functions of framework. For more information check wiki(not ready yet).


Paweł Korczak PaKor


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


BassKeyPHP Framework - light framework








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