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Nick Miyake edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 9 revisions


./godelw docker provides commands for building and publishing Docker images.

Tutorial start state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository and Go module
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to create distributions for echgo
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.2

Build Docker Images

Our project has been configured to build and publish its binaries. We now want to build and publish a Docker image that contains the output of the distribution for our product. gödel provides a docker build command that can be used to build Docker images with the outputs of build and dist tasks (and can use the output of other docker tasks to use as a base image).

The docker build task requires a directory within the project that is used as the Docker build directory and a Dockerfile used to build the Docker image (if a Dockerfile is not specified in configuration, it defaults to "Dockerfile" within the build context directory). When run, the task ensures that all of the build and dist inputs required by the Docker task have been created (and runs the build and dist tasks as necessary if up-to-date outputs are not available) and then hard-links those outputs into the context directory. The paths to all of these dependencies are provided as template functions.

Start by creating the Docker build context directory:

➜ mkdir dockerctx

Run the following to define a Dockerfile:

➜ echo 'FROM alpine:3.7

COPY {{InputBuildArtifact Product "linux-amd64"}} /usr/local/bin/

ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/echgo2" ]' > dockerctx/Dockerfile

For the most part, this is a standard Dockerfile. The custom portion is {{InputBuildArtifact Product "linux-amd64"}}. This renders to the path of the build output of the echgo2 product built for the linux-amd64 OS/architecture. The example above uses the build artifact (which is the generated Go binary). The InputDistArtifacts function can be used get the paths to the distribution outputs for a product (useful if the dist task for a product packages resources or other files required by the program) and the Tags function can be used to retrieve the Docker tags for a product (useful if an image that is being built by a project needs to use another image created by the product as its base image). See the "More" section below for details on these use cases.

Now that the context directory and Dockerfile exists, update dist-plugin.yml to specify that a Docker image should be built:

➜ echo 'products:
      main-pkg: .
      version-var: main.version
        - os: darwin
          arch: amd64
        - os: linux
          arch: amd64
        type: os-arch-bin
            - os: darwin
              arch: amd64
            - os: linux
              arch: amd64
          type: default
          context-dir: dockerctx
          input-products-dir: inputs
            - "{{Repository}}echgo2:{{Version}}"
            - "{{Repository}}echgo2:latest"' > godel/config/dist-plugin.yml

The tag-templates configuration specifies the tags that should be applied to the Docker image that is built. {{Product}}, {{Version}} and {{Repository}} are special values that can be used that will be rendered when the docker build task is run. The value of {{Repository}} can be specified as configuration (the repository field in the docker configuration block) or as a flag when invoking the docker build or docker push tasks.

Run the task in dry run mode to verify that it will invoke the proper command:

➜ ./godelw docker build --dry-run
[DRY RUN] Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.2.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.2.dirty-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.2.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.2.dirty-linux-amd64.tgz
[DRY RUN] Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2
[DRY RUN] Running Docker build for configuration echgo2 of product echgo2...
[DRY RUN] Run [docker build --file /go/src/ -t echgo2:0.0.2.dirty -t echgo2:latest /go/src/]

Note that specifying the repository using the --repository flag updates the tag:

➜ ./godelw docker build --dry-run --repository=myregistryhost:5000/
[DRY RUN] Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.2.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.2.dirty-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.2.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.2.dirty-linux-amd64.tgz
[DRY RUN] Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2
[DRY RUN] Running Docker build for configuration echgo2 of product echgo2...
[DRY RUN] Run [docker build --file /go/src/ -t myregistryhost:5000/echgo2:0.0.2.dirty -t myregistryhost:5000/echgo2:latest /go/src/]

The following is example output of a successful build:

➜ ./godelw docker build
Creating distribution for echgo2 at /Volumes/git/go/src/, /Volumes/git/go/src/
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2
Running Docker build for configuration echgo2 of product echgo2...

The default behavior of the docker build task does not include the output of docker build itself. The --verbose flag can be used to include all output:

➜ ./godelw docker build --verbose
Running Docker build for configuration echgo2 of product echgo2...
Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.021MB
Step 1/3 : FROM alpine:3.7
 ---> 3fd9065eaf02
Step 2/3 : COPY inputs/echgo2/build/linux-amd64/echgo2 /usr/local/bin/
 ---> 57767e5b5a61
Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/echgo2" ]
 ---> Running in 32700255ed57
Removing intermediate container 32700255ed57
 ---> 2538ee323de3
Successfully built 2538ee323de3
Successfully tagged echgo2:0.0.2-dirty
Successfully tagged echgo2:latest

Verify that the Docker image can be run and works as expected:

➜ docker run echgo2:latest 'Hello, world!'
Hello, world!

In order to make sure that the hard-linked artifacts are not checked in, add a .gitignore file:

➜ echo 'inputs/' > dockerctx/.gitignore

In this example, the .gitignore file is configured to ignore the inputs/ directory because we configured the Docker task to use that directory as the directory into which the build and dist artifacts should be hard-linked.

Commit the changes that were made to the repository:

➜ git add dockerctx godel/config/dist-plugin.yml
➜ git commit -m "Add Docker build configuration"
[master 16a6dcd] Add Docker build configuration
 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dockerctx/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 dockerctx/Dockerfile

Push Docker Images

The docker push task can be used to push Docker images built using the docker build task. Run the following command to observe how the Docker image would be pushed:

➜ ./godelw docker push --dry-run
[DRY RUN] Running Docker push for configuration echgo2 of product echgo2...
[DRY RUN] Run [docker push echgo2:0.0.2-1-g16a6dcd]
[DRY RUN] Run [docker push echgo2:latest]

Tutorial end state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository and Go module
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to create distributions for echgo
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.2
  • dockerctx directory exists and godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build Docker images for the product

Tutorial next step

Generate license headers


Use build or dist artifacts of dependent products

By default, the docker build task only hard-links in the build and dist artifacts for the current product. However, if the current product depends on other products, the Docker task configuration can specify that build and/or dist outputs of any of those products should be hard-linked in to the context directory. The input-builds and input-dists configuration values can be used to specify the builds and distributions that should be hard-linked in.