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Generic Functions

I don't like the word 'multimethod'.

To me it seems to imply that you have normal, regular 'methods', which are the default, the correct choice in almost all cases. 'Multimethods', on the other hand, are something unusual, obscure, and special purpose, if not actually weird.

I hope to show the opposite here: that the semantics of 'method' in Java ('virtual method` in C++) are counter-intuitive at best, while 'multimethod' (aka 'generic function' in Common Lisp, Dylan, etc) semantics are the natural choice.

In over a decade of interviewing SDEs, I've encountered very few who understood how Java method lookup actually works. Perhaps 95% unconsciously assumed it was using 'multimethod'/'generic function' semantics. I started out thinking understanding method lookup semantics was a minimal requirement for a Java; I had to drop that in favor of evaluating how quickly the candidate could figure out what was actually happening, given a code that demonstrated their misunderstanding.

Core idea

I suspect that some of the confusion about method lookup semantics is due to the asymmetric method invocation syntax in Java and similar languages, which itself probably reflects extending the 'method call' as 'message sending' metaphor to contexts where it shouldn't have been.

The actual idea is pretty simple.

I'm going make an attempt at neutral, terminology, to minimize misleading metaphorical baggage. I'm also going to use a lisp-like syntax, because, after all, we are talking about Clojure functionality, but also, more important, because I believe it's better at exposing the intrinsic symmetries.

Let's say we are assembling a software system out of operations (f, g, ...) which are applied to to operands (a, b, c, ...). I write (f a b c) for applying f to a b c.

I'm not assuming anything about whether a, b, c (or f for that matter) are immutable values or containers for mutable state, whether f returns values or has side effects, or whether f is a pure function in the sense that it does the same thing (returns the same value) every time it is applied to the same operands. These are important issues, but orthogonal to what I'm talking about here.

(I'm using 3 argument examples to simplify presentation, avoiding lots of ellipses. There's nothing special about 1 vs 2 vs 3 vs ... for simple argument lists. I'm going to defer dealing with more complicated argument specification.

I'm also avoiding, for the moment, dealing with generic operations with multiple arities. The simple approach is to treat each arity independently. However, it may be useful at times to define a single method that can handle multiple arities, via some kind of &rest argument.)

For a simple operation, (f a b c) means something like:

  • push c b a on the stack.
  • jump to the first instruction of f and start executing.

A generic operation is implemented indirectly, via a set of methods. In that case, (f a b c) turns into ((find-method f a b c) a b c), roughly:

  • push c b a f on the stack.
  • jump to the first instruction of find-method and start executing, returning with c b a method on the stack
  • pop method off the stack
  • jump to its first instruction and start executing.

TODO: Why 'generic' rather than 'polymorphic'?

Pro: Generic operations offer an elegant form of modularity, permitting us to extend an existing software system either by adding new operations on existing operands, or new operands that can participate in existing operations, without touching existing code.

Con: In some cases, implementing methods that are efficient enough will require breaking the encapsulation of the operands, exposing what should be private state in scattered locations, violating standard 'object-oriented' doctrine.

However, the fact is that there are important cases where it is impossible to correctly implement an operation on 2 or more operands without access to their internal state. What happens too often in practice, in languages like Java, is the private state is made public, losing all control.

Languages with generic functions (multimethods) at least offer the possibility of tracking and managing multiple operand encapsulation breaking. And they encourage adding alternate representations (new operands) rather than modifying the internal representation of an existing operand.

TODO: Discuss performance implications on rectangle operations with [left top width height] vs [left right top bottom] as an example for encapsulation breaking.

TODO: MultiJava reference for encapsulation breaking.

Con: (find-method f a b c) is takes extra time compared to (somehow) calling the method code directly.

If the time for find-method is small compared to to the time for method itself, then it doesn't matter.

How small is small enough? Of course, smaller is always better, but I rarely find that speed-up/slow-down less than a factor of 2 has much practical impact on whether an approach is used or not.

A useful goal: be able to add new methods to (+ a b) while retaining the same performance when a and b are primitive numbers.


  • (handle event handler)

    Most UI systems are organized to allow adding new handlers for existing events. Buy suppose we add a new 3-finger swirly gesture and we want existing widgets to respond appropriately?

  • (render scene-component graphics-device)

    The default method for rendering a node in a scene graph is to recursively render all its components. The recursion stops when we reach a component the device can handle as a primitive. Adding new kinds of scene components is common, but adding support for new kinds devices is important as well.

    Without good support for extending in both operand dimensions, we end up with something like D3js, which is excellent at creating new scenes, but only supports one output 'device': SVG --- the primary reason it can't handle datasets of even moderate cardinality.

  • (add matrix0 matrix1), (multiply matrix0 matrix1), ...

    Practical systems for numerical linear algebra must take
    advantage of the special structure of the linear functions (matrices and more) they manipulate. Otherwise operands that should take constant or linear space grow as n2 and operations that should take constant or linear time end up n3 or worse. More importantly, using the wrong representation (eg inverse matrix) can make it impossible to solve many problems, giving answers that have no correct significant digits. As a rule, every application area (numerical optimization, statistics, physics, chemistry, ...) produces matrices with idiosyncratic special structure that need to interoperate with the standard ones: dense, diagonal, banded, general sparse, ...

  • (intersects? geometry0 geometry1)

    See the benchmarks document.

Method lookup

As written above, (find-method f a b c) could use arbitrary logic to determine the method to use --- find-method could in principle be a generic operation itself.

(defgeneric foo
  :method-finder bar)

On the other hand, if (find-method f a b c) is completely opaque, that defeats the primary purpose of generic functions, because there's no way to add methods to an existing operation, and ensure they are called in the right circumstances.

I believe we can describe the behavior of find-method in all languages I've seen (at least the default behavior) by breaking it down into 3 steps:

(defn find-method [f a b c]
  (let [k (method-key f a b c)
        a (applicable-methods f k)
        mm (preferred-methods f k a)]


types and prototypes

One option for method-key is just [a b c], effectively passing the argument list untouched to the next steps. This is what prototyping languages do (like Cecil.

More commonly, languages restrict what information about a, b, and c, (and f) can be used to determine the method. This can be written:

(defn method-key [f a b c] \[(q0 a) (q1 b) (q2 c)\])

so that methods are defined per equivalence class of a b c under q0 q1 q2. Note that this has a different kernel function for each of the 3 arguments, which may seem needlessly complicated, probably leading to surprising and difficult to debug behavior. A better choice is almost surely something like:

(defn method-key [f a b c] (mapv q [a b c]))

treating all arguments the same.

Note, however, that so-called 'single dispatch 'languages like Java and C++ use a method-key that looks like: uses different But this is what Java and C++ do. TO

(defn method-key [f a b c] \[(q0 a) (q1 b) (q1 c)\])

I'll come back to this below.

In typed languages, something like class is the most common equivalence kernel function. (I'm avoiding type, because that function in Clojure has somewhat complicated behavior, merging Java classes with explicit :type metadata tags, but only for the small subset of Clojure/Java objects that can carry metadata.)

dynamic vs lexical

As written above, (method-key f a b c) is called every time (f a b c) is called, and has access only to the values of f, a, b, and c. This is pure dynamic method lookup.

However, to cover all the languages of interest, we have to consider passing information about the lexical environment in which (f a b c) is evaluated as well. Consider

(defn axpy ^Vector [^LinearFunction a ^Vector x ^Vector y]
  (let [^Vector ax (transform a x)]
    (add ax y)))

a typical generic operation in a library dealing with linear spaces in 1, 2, 3, and higher dimensions.

The lexical environment in which (transform a x) is evaluated tells us the a has to be an instance of something implementing spaces.linear.LinearFunction and x of something implementing spaces.linear.Vector. I'm calling these (lexical-class a) and (lexical-class x).

The dynamic environment gives us the values of a and x, which, in the languages of most interest here, carry the actual classes, which, to be painfully clear, I'll call (dynamic-class a) and (dynamic-class x) (Clojure class == dynamic-class).

In a particular call to transform thru axpy, a might be an instance of spaces.linear.rn.UniformScaling (represented by a single double) and x might be an instance of spaces.linear.rn.UnitBasisVector (a unit vector in one of the canonical coordinate axes, represented by a single int indicating which axis it is).

Getting the right method in this case (perhaps return a BasisVector represented by one int for the axis and one double for the length, with no arithmetic required) requires using the dynamic classes.

A method defined in terms of the high level interfaces LinearFunction and Vector would require n2 multiplications and additions, and the result would require n doubles to hold (and subsequent operations that should have been constant time and space will also scale like n or n2.

The problem with static method lookup is that we either:

  • specify the exact type of the operands, so that the operation is no longer generic, or
  • risk getting a different method from (get-method f (hinted-class a) (hinted-class b) (hinted-class c)) than we would have gotten by calling (get-method f (class a) (class b) (class c)) at runtime.

Java instance method lookup a.f(b,c):

(defn java-method-key [f a b c]
  [(dynamic-class a) (lexical-class b) (lexical-class c)])

Java class (static) method lookup f.invoke(a,b,c):

(defn java-method-key [f a b c]
  [(dynamic-class a) (lexical-class b) (lexical-class c)])

applicable-methods (inheritance)

It's generally neither feasible nor desirable to define a method for every possible value of (method-key f a b c). A practical system for generic operations has to be able to define methods that are applicable to multiple values of method-key.

Some systems use rules or a regular expression associated with each defined method, to determine which method-key values it matches.

A simpler, and more common, approach is to define methods for particular values of method-key and use a partial order relation method-key<= on method-key values to determine which methods are applicable. In other words, a method defined for k1 is applicable to k0 if (method-key<= k0 k1).

In the case where method-key looks like (mapv q [a b c]), the ordering on [(q a) (q b) (q c)] is derived from a partial ordering on the values of q, q<=, by

(method-key<= [(q a0) (q b0) (q c0)] `[(q a1) (q b1) (q c1)`])

if and only if

(and (q<= (q a0) (q a1))
     (q<= (q b0) (q b1))
     (q<= (q c0) (q c1)))

The partial ordering q<= is usually the transitive closure of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) over the possible values of q.

For dynamic, class-based lookup in a JVM language, this is

(and (.isAssignableFrom (class a1) (class a0))
     (.isAssignableFrom (class b1) (class b0))
     (.isAssignableFrom (class c1) (class c0)))

isAssignableFrom is the transitive closure of the union of the Java extends and implements DAGs. (Note the change in argument order: parentClass.isAssignableFrom(childClass) vs (class<= childClass parentClass).)


(applicable-methods f k) may return 0, 1, or many methods.

When applicable-methods is defined by a partial order on method keys k, then it's natural to define the preferred-methods as the minima of method-key<= among the applicable methods.

Another way to look at it is to merge applicable-methods and preferred-methods into a single step: the preferred methods for k are the method-key<= least upper bounds of k` among the methods keys with defined methods.

However you look at it, we end up with a set of preferred methods that might be empty, have a single elements, or have multiple elements.

  • The single element case is easy --- we're return it.

  • The zero element case is also not too hard. There are 2 reasonable choices:

    1. Define a default method, often one that does nothing. In the dynamic, class-based JVM case this means defining a method for f at [Object Object Object].
    2. Throw an exception. Rely on (automated) unit tests to find missing methods.
  • When there are multiple, equally preferred methods, the choice is more difficult. Some languages, eg Common Lisp, offer complex options ordering calls to multiple methods and combining their results. I think experience showed the complexity was not worth it. Clojure multimethods permit adding explicit edges to the method-key<= DAG to resolve multiple preferred methods.

TODO: Dylan et al?

Java class (static) methods


(defn method-key [f a b c]
  (mapv lexical-class [a b c]))

Because it all lexical, find-method can be evaluated at compile time. A compile error results if there is more than one preferred method.

Java instance methods


(defn method-key [f a b c]
  [(dynamic-class a) (lexical-class b) (lexical-class c)])

Pre-Java 8, the dynamic preference graph

Clojure multimethods

TODO: historical references: Common List, Dylan, Cecil, MultiJava, ...

TODO: where does Julia fit?