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Google Summer Of Code '16

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ALL the commits in this repository, as well as all the pushes to the following docker repositories was done as a part of Google Summer of Code 2016


Gentoo is an operating system with extreme focus on configurability and performance. To provide fully customizable experience, without interfering with the stability of the system, Gentoo has a concept of masked packages. These masked packages (or versions) are either untested, or are known to be unstable and are installed only if the user explicitly unmasks them. While this concept is a boon to the stability of the operating system, the current implementation requires the packages to be tested manually by a team of developers. This significantly increases the time in which new packages are made safely available to the users. The goal of this project is to provide a mechanism to test and stabilize the packages automatically with little or no human intervention.


During this project, I built Orca, a continuous build and stabilization engine that automatically tries to find out the packages with broken dependencies, or code. Not just that, it is possible for any user to install the stabilization client to help in the stabilization process, and all the result of the stabilization calls is stored at a single place on the server.



You can help in the stabilization of Gentoo packages by downloading the file from the repository, and running it. Please note that you need docker installed to use the stabilization container.

If you are on Gentoo Operating system, you can use the ebuild in the folder utilities/ebuilds/. This ebuild will be added to the Gentoo Portage tree as soon as the backward incompatible changes to the server are done, since the ebuild may not be fit to use just now.

Repository Structure

├── Containers
│   ├── Dockerfile-(Client,Server,Solver)
│   ├── etc_portage
│   │   └── .................. :: Contents for /etc/portage in container
│   ├── Orca-Deployment.yml
│   ├── scripts
│   │   ├── ControlContainer
│   │   │   └── .............. :: Client container files
│   │   ├── FlagGenerator
│   │   │   └── .............. :: Flag, Dep Solver container files
│   │   └── Server
│   │       └── .............. :: Server (graph container) files
│   └── ........... :: WRAPPER script for client (symlinked)
├── Documents
│   └── ...................... :: Proposal, arch diagrams, minutes of meeting
├── utilities
│   ├──
│   ├── bugzillaRESTapi
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── ebuilds .............. :: Ebuilds of client for Gentoo users
│   │   └── orca_ci-0.1.ebuild
│   ├──
│   └── packages


Oftentimes it is valuable to know if a package is failing to build, even if the exact reason for the failure is not know. The whole of Orca is built on this mindset, with the main task of indicating an error if it exists instead of trying to figure out why it exists.

Orca consists of two parts. The server and the client. Both play a really important role in the stabilization process.


The server is responsible of maintaining a database of all the packages that have to be or have been stabilized. But it isn't enough to just have all the packages in a dump. A package cannot be stabilized until all its dependencies have been stabilized.

To get around this problem, the server maintains a tree type structure of all packages. Obviously, the dependencies occur as children in the tree. Doing this isn't as easy at it seems, because packages often have circular dependencies. While the server, to function properly needs a Directed Acyclic Graph. Consider the following:

                                  /   \
                                 ↙     ↘
                                B       C
                               / \
                              ↙   ↘
                             D     C

There are two repetitions in the above graph, A and C. However C doesn't actually give us any trouble. Because the tree still remains acyclic (since it is directed). However, the chain A->B->D->A forms a directed cycle. To resolve such cycles, the server replace one of the nodes with a new "fake" node. This makes the above tree.

                                  /   \
                                 ↙     ↘
                                B       C
                               / \
                              ↙   ↘
                             D     C

This again makes the graph acyclic. Starred nodes are assumed to be stable (i.e. the fake nodes, not the top level A node) and are never sent for stabilization.

In the resulting graph, the server looks for a leaf node, and sends it for stabilization.

USE flags and combinations

Find the main article HERE

Gentoo Packages are not all built with the same settings, and the users have the ability to customize their build with a variety of USE flags (like on-off switches for various features). This gives the users unparalleled control, and is one of the most inviting features of the Gentoo Operating System.

However, the USE flags also make it very difficult to test the packages of bugs, because for n USE flags, there are literally 2^n different ways to build the package. The server takes a shortcut, and builds each package with at most 4 different combinations of USE flags.

  1. Min number of USE flags possible
  2. Max number of USE flags possible
  3. Random combination not present in above two
  4. Random combination not present in above three

Some of the USE flag combinations given by the above rules may not be legal. For example, if an ebuild specifies REQUIRED_USE="^^ (a b c)" then EXACTLY one flag out of a, b, and c should be enabled. This doesn't fall under "without USE flags" or "with all USE flags" category.

So, the server instead of choosing the flags randomly, also needs to calculate the flag combinations that are legal for that package. Server does this by modelling the REQUIRED_USE constraint as a boolean satisfiability problem. After solving the satisfiability problem with a SAT solver, it finds combinations that are allowed by the ebuild to prevent errors due to this cause.

Server Architecture

The server uses Kubernetes for orchestration. The server runs three primary containers. The "Server", "Flag Generator" and "Dependency Solver". There is also a mongoDB container which stores all of the information for the dependency graph.

A Kubernetes Service surrounds each of "Flag Generator" and "Dependency Solver" which means that multiple containers of each can hide behind those services and a load balancer would distribute the incoming requests to the containers.

Server Architecture diagram

Stabilization procedure

When a client runs the wrapper script for stabilization, the client spawns a docker container with a minimal gentoo system. The system requests a package name from the server. When faced with this request, server evaluates the DAG of the packages and returns a leaf node.

Note that every package node has multiple USE flag combinations set in. The server selects one, and sends the data to the client. The client sets portage settings to those USE flags and runs the merge of that package. The client merge stops in case of any errors, or continues till the build is over in case there aren't any. After the build, all the logs, as well as the build output is tarred, and uploaded to the server.

For the upload request, server generates a time limited upload token for the openstack storage, and gives it to the client. Once the logs are uploaded, the server marks the package in the tree STABLE/UNSTABLE, depending on what was reported.

Deploy your own stabilization server

Since the server is built completely on Kubernetes, it is very easy to deploy on a separate machine. However, there are a couple of problems one must be aware of.

  1. Trigger auth: To trigger builds in Travis CI, the server authenticates with github to make a dummy commit in trigger branch of the repository. The key for this authentication is stored in a folder on the VM with the filename "auth". This folder is mounted to /secret directory on the server container.
  2. Openstack storage: The server generates Temp-URLs for the clients so that the clients may use the swift storage to store the build logs. To generate the temp-url, we need the swift openstack secret. This secret is also stored in the same directory as mentioned above with the filename secret.

Once the above two are taken care of, follow the instructions on the Kubernetes website to set up a kubernetes cluster, depending on the platform you have. After that, simply run kubectl create -f $REPO/Containers/Orca-Deployment.yml where $REPO is the path to the repository and it should start the server.

Scope and future work

Work on this project is far from over. The server currently can help stabilize packages based on USE flags only. There are a lot more variables involved when working with Gentoo. Things like architecture, python_targets, ruby_targets can still cause unforeseen problems, and the task is to modify the server to make the testing generic, irrespective of what the factors of testing be.


I have no words that can describe how grateful I am to my mentors - Sebastien Fabbro and Nitin Agarwal - for all their support, for being extremely responsive and helpful with every one of my problems. Without their vote of confidence, this project would've been a lot harder and a lot less fun to do.

I would be lucky to get to work with them further as I continue work on this project and try to get it accepted as an official Gentoo Project.

I am also thankful to Gentoo Organisation for the opprtunity to work on this project, which helped me learn a lot in such a short period.