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Symbols in argument position are resolved
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This removes the need to deref script functions.  Script functions are
now regular functions, with a custom dispatch mechanism.  Plain
clojure functions can now be used as script functions.

Fixes #22.
  • Loading branch information
hugoduncan committed Feb 13, 2013
1 parent 01288f1 commit 6630d61
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Showing 9 changed files with 239 additions and 217 deletions.
62 changes: 25 additions & 37 deletions src/pallet/script.clj
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:line line

(defn invoke
"Invoke `script` with the given `args`. The implementations of `script` is
found based on the current `*script-context*` value. If no matching
implementation is found, then nil is returned."
([script args]
(invoke script args nil nil))
([script args file line]
{:pre [(::script-fn script)]}
"invoke-target [%s:%s] %s %s"
file line (or (:kw script) (::script-kw script))
(print-args args))
(when-let [f (best-match @(:methods script))]
"Found implementation for %s - %s invoking with %s empty? %s"
(:fn-name script) f (print-args args) (empty? args))
(apply f args))))

(defn script-fn*
"Define an abstract script function, that can be implemented differently for
different operating systems. Calls to functions defined by `script-fn*` are
dispatched based on the `*script-context*` vector."
[fn-name args]
{::script-fn true
:fn-name ~(keyword (name fn-name))
:methods (atom {})}
{:arglists ~(list 'quote (list (vec args)))}))
(let [;; replace any destructuring with simple vars
arglist (map #(if (symbol? %) % (gensym "arg")) args)
;; if we're passed vargs, then we name the vargs, so we don't
;; have to interpret any destructuring in the actual vararg
;; argument in args.
is-vargs? (some #{'&} arglist)
varg (when is-vargs? (gensym "varg"))
arglist (if is-vargs?
(concat (butlast arglist) [varg])
fwdargs (if is-vargs?
`(concat [~@(butlast (butlast arglist))] ~varg)
(vec arglist))]
`(let [m# (with-meta
{::script-fn true
:fn-name ~(keyword (name fn-name))
:methods (atom {})}
{:arglists ~(list 'quote (list (vec args)))})]
(fn ~fn-name [~@arglist]
(dispatch m# ~fwdargs))

(defmacro script-fn
"Define an abstract script function, that can be implemented differently for
different operating systems. Calls to functions defined by `script-fn` are
dispatched based on the `*script-context*` vector."
([[& args]]
(script-fn* :anonymous args))
(script-fn* 'anonymous args))
([fn-name [& args]]
(script-fn* fn-name args)))

Expand All @@ -189,10 +188,8 @@
indication whether the implementation is a match for the `*script-context*`
passed as the function's first argument."
[script specialisers f]
{:pre [(::script-fn script)]}
(swap! (:methods script) assoc specialisers f))

;;; Dispatch mechanisms for stevedore
{:pre [(::script-fn (meta script))]}
(swap! (:methods (meta script)) assoc specialisers f))

(defmacro defimpl
"Define a script function implementation for the given `specialisers`.
Expand All @@ -213,12 +210,3 @@
~script ~specialisers
(fn [~@args] (stevedore/script ~@body))))

(defn script-fn-dispatch
"Optional dispatching of script functions"
[script-fn args ns file line]
(dispatch script-fn args file line))

;;; Link stevedore to the dispatch mechanism

(stevedore/script-fn-dispatch! script-fn-dispatch)
103 changes: 52 additions & 51 deletions src/pallet/stevedore.clj
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
The result of a `script` form is a string."
[ :as io]
[clojure.set :refer [union]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :refer [tracef]]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
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[& forms]
`(with-source-line-comments nil (emit-script (quasiquote ~forms))))

;;; * Keyword and Operator Classes
"Special forms are handled explcitly by an implementation of
:internal true}
#{'if 'if-not 'when 'when-not 'case 'aget 'aset 'get 'defn 'return 'set!
'var 'defvar 'let 'local 'literally 'deref 'do 'str 'quoted 'apply
'file-exists? 'directory? 'symlink? 'readable? 'writeable? 'empty?
'not 'println 'print 'group 'pipe 'chain-or
'chain-and 'while 'doseq 'merge! 'assoc! 'alias})

(def ^:internal operators
"Operators that should not be resolved."
#{'+ '- '/ '* '% '== '= '< '> '<= '>= '!= '<< '>> '<<< '>>> '& '| '&& '||
'and 'or})

(def ^:internal unresolved
"Set of symbols that should not be resolved."
(union special-forms operators))

;;; Public script combiners
Expand All @@ -77,7 +99,6 @@
;;; => (script
;;; (ls)
;;; (ls))

(defmulti do-script
"Concatenate multiple scripts."
(fn [& scripts] *script-language*))
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*script-file* ~file]

(def ^:dynamic *apply-form-meta* true)

(defn- form-meta
[new-form form ]
(tracef "form-meta %s %s" form (meta form))
(if-let [m (meta form)]
(if-let [m (and *apply-form-meta* (meta form))]
(if (number? new-form)
`(with-meta ~new-form ~(merge {:file *file*} (meta form))))
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(defn- handle-unquote-splicing [form]
(form-meta (list `splice (second form)) form))

(def resolve-script-fns true)

;; These functions are used for an initial scan over stevedore forms
;; resolving escaping to Clojure and quoting symbols to stop namespace
Expand All @@ -292,27 +316,31 @@
[inner outer form]
(tracef "walk %s %s" form (meta form))
(list? form) (outer (form-meta (apply list (map inner form)) form))
(list? form) (outer (with-meta
(if (and resolve-script-fns
(symbol? (first form))
(not (unresolved (first form))))
(list* (first form) (map inner (rest form)))
(list* (map inner form)))
(meta form)))
(instance? clojure.lang.IMapEntry form) (outer (vec (map inner form)))
(seq? form) (outer (form-meta (doall (map inner form)) form))
(coll? form) (outer (form-meta (into (empty form) (map inner form)) form))
(seq? form) (outer (with-meta (doall (map inner form)) (meta form)))
(coll? form) (outer (with-meta
(into (empty form) (map inner form))
(meta form)))
:else (outer form)))

(declare inner-walk outer-walk)

(defmacro quasiquote
(tracef "quasiquote %s %s" form (meta form))
(let [post-form (walk inner-walk outer-walk form)]
(tracef "quasiquote return %s" post-form)
(form-meta post-form form)))

(defn- inner-walk [form]
(tracef "inner-walk %s %s" form (meta form))
(unquote? form) (form-meta (handle-unquote form) form)
(unquote? form) (handle-unquote form)
(unquote-splicing? form) (handle-unquote-splicing form)
:else (form-meta (walk/walk inner-walk outer-walk form) form)))
(instance? clojure.lang.IObj form) (with-meta
(walk inner-walk outer-walk form)
(meta form))
:else (walk inner-walk outer-walk form)))

(defn- outer-walk [form]
(tracef "outer-walk %s %s" form (meta form))
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(seq? form)
(tracef "outer-walk %s %s" form (meta form))
(form-meta (list* 'list form) form))
(form-meta (list* `list form) form))
:else form))

(defn quasiquote*
(tracef "quasiquote* %s %s" form (meta form))
(let [post-form (walk inner-walk outer-walk form)]
(tracef "quasiquote return %s" post-form)

;; (let [s (first form)]
;; ( "outer-walk %s" form)
;; (if (symbol? s) (list 'quote s) s))
;; (rest form)
(defmacro quasiquote
(quasiquote* form))

;;; High level string generation functions
(def statement-separator "\n")
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;;; Script argument helpers
;;; TODO eliminate the need for this to be public by supporting literal maps for
;;; expansion
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underscore (:underscore m)]
(dissoc m :assign :underscore) :assign assign :underscore underscore)))

;; Dispatch functions for script functions

(defn script-fn-dispatch-none
"Script function dispatch. This implementation does nothing."
[name args ns file line]

(def ^{:doc "Script function dispatch." :dynamic true}
*script-fn-dispatch* script-fn-dispatch-none)

(defn script-fn-dispatch!
"Set the script-fn dispatch function"
(alter-var-root #'*script-fn-dispatch* (fn [_] f)))

(defmacro with-no-script-fn-dispatch
[& body]
`(binding [*script-fn-dispatch* script-fn-dispatch-none]

(defmacro with-script-fn-dispatch
[f & body]
`(binding [*script-fn-dispatch* ~f]
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/pallet/stevedore/bash.clj
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:only [emit emit-do *script-fn-dispatch* empty-splice
:only [emit emit-do empty-splice special-forms with-source-line-comments]]
[pallet.common.string :only [quoted substring underscore]]))

(derive ::bash :pallet.stevedore.common/common-impl)
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(common-string/quoted (emit arg)))

(defmethod emit-special [::bash 'println] [type [println & args]]
(str "echo " (emit args)))
(str "echo " (string/join " " (map emit args))))

(defmethod emit-special [::bash 'print] [type [println & args]]
(str "echo -n " (emit args)))
(str "echo -n " (string/join " " (map emit args))))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/pallet/stevedore/batch.clj
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(apply clojure.core/str (map emit args)))

(defmethod emit-special [::batch 'println] [type [println & args]]
(str "echo " (emit args)))
(str "echo " (string/join " " (map emit args))))

(defmethod emit-special [::batch 'deref]
[type [deref expr]]
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