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This is a simple TODO application to show the 12 Factor app patterns in action in Python.

Backing Services

The app depends on just Postgres. Any version of modern Postgres would do. For instructions on how to install Postgres on your operating system, have a look here.

Installing Dependencies

The application should run fine on Python 3.8+ as of September 1, 2020

$ git clone
$ cd 12factor-todo
$ python -m pip install pipenv
$ python -m pipenv install

Setting up the database

Once Postgres is installed, you have to create the database and the schema.

$ createdb todo
$ psql todo < schema/schema.sql

Running the application

Environment variables

Name Description
PGHOST Postgres server hostname. If not set, psycopg2 will use the Postgres unix socket.
PGPORT Postgres server port. If host is set and port is not set, 5432 will be used as the default.
PGUSER Postgres server username. If not set, takes in the current OS user.
PGPASSWORD Password for the above Postgres User. Empty if not set.
PGDATABASE Database name for the application. MUST BE SET.
WEB_CONCURRENCY The number of workers uvicorn should spin up. If not set, 1 worker is spun up.
$ PGDATABASE=todo ./ [--reload]

Optionally, you can pass in --reload to have the server live reload on changes.

Using the Docker image

With every tagged release of this GitHub repository a new Docker container is pushed to GitHub Container Registry. You can pull in and use the same.

$ docker pull<tag>
$ docker run --rm \
    --name 12factor
    --publish 8000:8000
    --env PGPORT=5432
    --env PGUSER=baz
    --env PGPASSWORD=qux
    --env PGDATABASE=todo<tag>


This app was built to show the 12factor patterns in PyCon India 2020. The draft presentation can be seen here.


This project is governed by the terms GNU GPLv3