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Daniel Berenguer edited this page Jan 19, 2016 · 43 revisions

Patch and files for Arduino 1.5 and 1.6

Download of zip file containing sample sketches and a patch for Arduino 1.5/1.6 IDE. The patch will install all the necessary core files and libraries to make panStamp AVR and panStamp NRG compatible with this popular programming environment. This method will be soon deprecated due to the new installing method being developed at this moment.

Link to the zip file - Current version: 0.25b (8-Jun 2015).

Link to the installation guide

Sample sketches for Arduino IDE

Link to the zip file - Current version: 1.0.0 (25-Jun 2015)

Python applications

Download of Python module (pyswap) and applications to manage SWAP networks and automate processes wirelessly.

Link to the zip file - Current version: 3.1.0 (9-Jan 2016)

Link to the installation guide

Anti Swap

API for Anti Swap

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