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Small Updates Part I - more GHA Tweaks #1469

Small Updates Part I - more GHA Tweaks

Small Updates Part I - more GHA Tweaks #1469

name: Parallel Tests
# For PRs to dev or pushes that modify the root Dockerfile, build from scratch
# then run CI tests using that container in parallel
# For forked repos that can't use our panda-arc test suite, just build and run make check
- dev
- stable
- candidate_release_*
# paths: ['Dockerfile'] # If this file changed, we'd need to do a clean build (this action)
# otherwise we could speed this up by pulling the last container of 'dev', copying
# code into it, and then rebuilding
test_installer: # test
runs-on: panda-arc # Note 22.04 would work, but it requires docker > 20.10.7 which is not on our CI box (yet)
image: ubuntu:20.04
- name: Update
run: apt-get -qq update -y
- name: Install ssl
run: apt-get -qq install -y libssl-dev
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.9
- name: Install Python dev headers
run: apt-get -qq install -y libpython3.9-dev
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Clones to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE. NOTE: this requires git > 2.18 (not on ubuntu 18.04 by default) to get .git directory
- name: Lint PyPANDA with flake8
run: |
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install flake8
flake8 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/panda/python/core/pandare/ --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
# python -m flake8 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/panda/python/core/pandare/ --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- name: Run
run: cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && ./panda/scripts/
if: github.repository == 'panda-re/panda'
runs-on: panda-arc
- name: Install git
run: sudo apt-get -qq update -y && sudo apt-get -qq install git -y
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Clones to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE. NOTE: this requires git > 2.18 (not on ubuntu 18.04 by default) to get .git directory
fetch-depth: 0
- name: 'Login to Docker Registry'
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: pandare
password: ${{secrets.ALL_PANDARE_DOCKERHUB}}
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Build panda:developer container for testing
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ${{ github.workspace }}
tags: pandare/panda:${{ github.sha }}
target: developer
push: true
- name: Minimal test of built container # Just test to see if one of our binaries is built
run: docker run --rm "pandare/panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" /bin/bash -c 'exit $(/panda/build/arm-softmmu/panda-system-arm -help | grep -q "usage. panda-system-arm")'
#- name: Save Docker image as artifact
# run: |
# docker save panda_local:${{ github.sha }} | gzip > panda.tar.gz
#- name: Upload Docker image artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: panda
# path: panda.tar.gz
#- name: Minimal test of built container # Just test to see if one of our binaries is built
# run: docker run --rm "panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" /bin/bash -c 'exit $(/panda/build/arm-softmmu/panda-system-arm -help | grep -q "usage. panda-system-arm")'
if: github.repository == 'panda-re/panda'
runs-on: panda-arc
needs: [build_container]
- test_type: "taint"
target: "i386"
- test_type: "taint"
target: "x86_64"
- test_type: "pypanda"
test_script: "all"
- test_type: "make_check"
test_script: "all"
# Given a container with PANDA installed at /panda, run the taint tests
- name: Update
run: sudo apt-get -qq update -y
- name: Install ssl
run: sudo apt-get -qq install -y wget
#- name: Download Docker image artifact
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: panda
#- name: Load Docker image
# run: |
# cat panda.tar.gz | gzip -d > panda.tar
# docker load -i panda.tar
- name: Run Taint Tests
if: matrix.test_type == 'taint'
run: >-
wget -q -O wheezy_panda2.qcow2;
wget -q;
docker run --name panda_test_${{ }}_${GITHUB_RUN_ID}
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/wheezy_panda2.qcow2,target=/home/panda/regdir/qcows/wheezy_panda2.qcow2
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64-noaslr-nokaslr.qcow2,target=/home/panda/regdir/qcows/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64-noaslr-nokaslr.qcow2
--rm -t "pandare/panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" bash -c
"cd /tmp; git clone;
cd ./panda_test/tests/taint2;
echo 'Running Record:';
python3 --arch ${{ }} --mode record;
echo 'Running Replay:';
python3 --arch ${{ }} --mode replay;
sed -i '/^\s*$/d' taint2_log;
if cat taint2_log; then echo 'Taint unit test log found!'; else echo 'Taint unit test log NOT found!' && exit 1; fi;
echo -e '\nFailures:';
if grep 'fail' taint2_log; then echo 'TEST FAILED!' && exit 1; else echo -e 'None.\nTEST PASSED!' && exit 0; fi"
- name: Run PyPanda Tests
if: matrix.test_type == 'pypanda'
run: >-
wget -q;
docker run --name panda_test_${{ matrix.test_script }}_${GITHUB_RUN_ID}
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/ubuntu_1604_x86.qcow,target=/root/.panda/ubuntu_1604_x86.qcow
-e PANDA_TEST=yes --cap-add SYS_NICE
--rm -t "pandare/panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" bash -c
"cd /panda/panda/python/tests/ && make && pip3 install -r requirements.txt && chmod +x ./ && ./";
docker run --name panda_sym_test_${{ }}_${GITHUB_RUN_ID}
--rm -t "pandare/panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" bash -c
"pip3 install capstone keystone-engine z3-solver; python3 /panda/panda/python/examples/unicorn/;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e 'TEST PASSED!' && exit 0; else echo 'TEST FAILED!' && exit 1; fi"
- name: Run make Tests
if: matrix.test_type == 'make_check'
run: >-
docker run --name panda_test_${{ matrix.test_script }}_${GITHUB_RUN_ID}
-e PANDA_TEST=yes --cap-add SYS_NICE
--rm -t "pandare/panda_local:${{ github.sha }}" bash -c
"cd /panda/build && make check"
# Cleanup after prior jobs finish - even if they fail
needs: [tests]
runs-on: panda-arc
if: always()
# Note we leave the last 72hrs because caching is nice (first few panda image layers won't change often)
# docker system prune -> Remove all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced)
# docker builder prune -> Remove build cache
- name: Cleanup images
run: |
docker system prune -af --filter "until=72h"
docker image prune --all -f --filter "until=72h"
docker builder prune -af --filter "until=72h"
build_and_check_fork: # Forked repos can't use panda-arc test suite - just checkout and run make check
if: github.repository != 'panda-re/panda'
runs-on: panda-arc
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Clones code into to /home/runner/work/panda
- name: Build docker container from project root
run: cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && docker build -t panda_local .
- name: Minimal test of built container # Just test to see if one of our binaries is installed
run: docker run --rm panda_local /bin/bash -c 'exit $(panda-system-arm -help | grep -q "usage. panda-system-arm")'
- name: Minimal test of built container # Run make check to check all architectures (in serial)
run: docker run --rm panda_local /bin/bash -c 'cd /panda/build && make check'