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Conventional .Net SQL entity mapping framework.

QsMapper is an easy to use zero configuration mapping framework using simple naming conventions to map sql based data into .Net objects and vice versa.

The framework provides a Linq-like fluent syntax for database operations on (MS)SQL Server databases.

var result = dao.Query<Customer>()  
   .Where(x => x.Field("FirstName").IsEqualTo("John"))  
   .And(x => x.Field("LastName").IsLike("Do%"))  

A basic dao implementation for MSSQL databases is provided with the project.

Implementations for other relational database management systems may be developed based on the framework's interface definitions.


Table and field names

By default QsMapper makes use of sql database schemes.

create database QsSamples

use QsSamples

create schema Contacts
create table Contacts.Customers
   Id int not null identity(1, 1),
   Salutation nvarchar(20),
   FirstName nvarchar(50),
   LastName nvarchar(50),
   Name as trim(FirstName + ' ' + LastName),
   Birthday datetime,
   constraint pk_contacts_customers primary key (Id)

The corresponding .Net Class should reside in a folder/namespace named Contacts and the class name itself would be Customer.

As you might have noticed the table name is the plural form of the class name. For conventions regarding exceptions please refer to doc/

Property names are mapped by the convention of identical names (case sensitive).

using Net.Arqsoft.QsMapper.Model; 
namespace Net.Arqsoft.QsMapper.Examples.Model.Contacts
   public class Customer : IntegerBasedEntity
      // Id and Name are already declared in IntegerBasedEntity class
      public string Salutation { get; set; }
      public string FirstName { get; set; }
      public string LastName { get; set; }
      public DateTime? Birthday { get; set; } // may be null, so ? is recommended but optional

Please refer to doc/ for more information on the framework's naming conventions.


The contained IGenericDao implementation may be constructed using a connection string like so.

var dao = new GenericDao(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=QsSamples;Integrated Security=True");

Please refer to (TODO) for more information.

Basic operations

Creating and updating objects

var customer = new Customer
   Salutation = "Mr",
   FirstName = "John",
   LastName = "Doe"
// Id will be updated during save so it can be requested immediately after
// (assuming the Id column is declared as identity)
var generatedId = customer.Id;
// update
customer.Birthday = new DateTime(1985, 10, 3);

Retrieving single objects by id

var customer = dao.Get<Customer>(1);

Deleting objects

// by id
// by object

Querying objects

// retrieve all records
var allCustomers = dao.Query<Customer>().ToList();

// query data using conditions
var customers = dao.Query<Customer>()
   .Where(x => x.Field("Salutation").IsEqualTo("Mr")

Please refer to doc/ for more information.

Calling stored procedures

// without return value
  .WithParameter("Year", 2020)
// with return value
  .WithParameter("UserName", CurrentUser.Name)
  .WithParameter("Time", DateTime.Now)

// with data output
    .WithParameter("FirstCityCode", "20000")
    .WithParameter("LastCityCode", "29999")

Please refer to (TODO) for more information.

Mapping declarations

Data relations and behaviour of the framework may be defined in a custom catalog definition.

public class SampleCatalog : Catalog
   public SampleCatalog() 

Please refer to (TODO) for more information.