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Daniel Yoder edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Panda-9000 wiki.

The Panda 9000 is a reactive task framework, similar to Gulp or Grunt, except built on top of the Fairmont functional reactive programming (FRP) library.

Table of Contents


npm install -g panda-9000


p9k [<task-name>...]

If no arguments are given, the default task name is used.

Task definitions should be placed in the tasks/index directory.

Defining Tasks

To define tasks, place a CoffeeScript or JavaScript file in your project's task/ or tasks/index.js file.

For example, here's a simple hello, world task.

{task} = require "panda-9000"

task "hello-world", ->
  console.log "Hello, World"

Run the task like this:

p9k hello-world


Panda-9000 provides a variety of built-in helpers you can use in tasks. Helpers are designed to be used within reactive flows using the Fairmont FRP library.

For example, here's a simple task that will take a list of CoffeeScript files in the src directory, compile them, and then write them out to lib with a .js extension.

{go, async, map, glob} = require "fairmont"
{task, context, coffee, write} = require "panda-9000"

task "coffee", async ->
  yield go [
    glob "**/*.coffee", "src"
    map context "src"
    tee coffee
    tee write "lib"

Run the task via the command-line, as before:

p9k coffee

See the API references for more details.

Reactive Programming

Panda-9000 tasks are typically defined as reactive flows using the Fairmont FRP library. You can read the Fairmont wiki to learn more.


FRP provides a strong basis for composing collection operations. This can trivially be extended to handle asset pipelines. For example, here is a reactive flow, without any pipeline-specific code, for compiling Jade assets into HTML.

go [
  glob "**/*.jade"
  map (path) -> jade.compileFile path
  map apply

We can build on this by adding task helpers (ex: jade) and task dependency analysis. We no longer need a separate set of abstractions for defining tasks.

With Panda-9000, adding some helpers and a function for defining tasks, our example above looks like:

task "compile-jade", ->
  go [
    glob "**/*.jade", source
    map context source
    tee jade
    tee write target

This builds naturally on the foundation provided by Fairmont rather than requiring a completely separate set of abstractions (and codebase).


Panda-9000 adds three pieces to the FRP foundation provided by Fairmont:

  • reusable task helpers, for common actions like compiling Jade templates

  • a task runner, which takes into account task dependencies

  • a shared context object that allows helpers to interoperate

Tasks are typically defined as flows that include one or more helpers, each of which updates the context object. So a compilation helper might set the target.content property of the context object, which, in turn, is used by a helper that writes the content to a file.

Helpers have side-effects—namely, updating the context object. The advantage is increased modularity and possibilities for composition of helpers..


Panda-9000 Helpers are simply functions that take a task context as an argument and, optionally, modify it. They do not need to return the context as a result: the updated context is the result.

Some helpers may require properties be set on a task context before they will run. Others guarantee that certain properties will be set.

Task Context


Description of the source of an asset. May include path, extension, name, and content attributes.


Description of the target of an asset. May include path, extension, name, and content attributes.


The path of a source or target or the relative path of an asset (independent of source or target).

When used as a relative path, the extension is not included. This is so that subsequent helpers can construct a new (target) path using the relative path.

  • The context helper creates an initial context from a path. It sets the source property (including the path of the source), but also sets the path of the context itself to the relative path to a given directory.

  • The jade helper uses the source.path to read the asset from a file.

  • The write helper sets the target.path if it hasn't already been set.


The directory of a source or target.


The name of a source or target.


The extension of a source or target, including the period. Ex: .jpg.


The content associated with a source or target. May be a string or a readable stream.


context path

Returns new context object given a path.

Sets: path, name, source.path,,, source.extension.

go [
  glob "src", "**/**.coffee"
  map createContext
  tee compileCoffee
  tee writeFile "lib"

write directory, context

Write a file based on the given directory and the target property of a given context.

Requires: target.content with either target.path or path and target.extension

Sets: target.path, unless it's set already.

jade context

Compile a Jade asset described by the source property of the given context.

Requires: source.content or source.path (from which to read the content).

Sets: target.content.

stylus context

Compile a Stylus asset described by the source property of the given context.

Sets: target.content.

coffee context

Compile a CoffeeScript asset described by the source property of the given context.

Sets: target.content.


The Panda-9000 is currently alpha status, meaning it's under heavy development and not yet suitable for production use.