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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 29, 2018. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation

PLEASE NOTE: Pandorabots Documentation has migrated to:

As a result the repo below has been deprecated, but please feel free to fork it for your own projects or use.

Welcome to the Pandorabots documentation site! Here you'll find instructions on how to update and maintain the site.

Technology colophon

Local setup

From the command line:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ jekyll serve

This will open the Jekyll development server at localhost:4000. It will also watch your files, so that you don't have to rebuild/restart every time you make a change.

Tip: if you aren't up to date with the remote repository, run git pull to bring down any changes that you don't yet have. If you don't have any local changes you want to integrate, you can just clone the repository as shown above.


The docs site only has 2 pages (besides all the content pages) - these are generated from index.html and Any changes to the front page should be made in index.html.

Adding content

The site's content is driven by Jekyll collections, which allow you to group similar content together under a common namespace. The concept is similar to the posts that make up a blog, except that we aren't so concerned with displaying our content ordered by date published.

Jekyll collections are stored in folders that have the name of the collection, plus an underscore prefix. Inside, create a markdown file (.md) for your new piece of content. So for a new "article", go into the _articles directory and create a file called "".

This will create a new page accessible at (the title of the file determines the URL).

Each content file needs to have "Front matter" section to define some properties for the content. This section is delimited by three hyphens before and after, and should contain at least the layout and title properties for the content:

Example (_articles/

layout: default
title: My Article

Here is my article!

The title will appear in the sidebar index, and the layout will determine how the header, footer, sidebar etc. are laid out. Use "default" as the layout for all content except for AIML references for which you should use the "aiml" layout.

You can also use HTML in content files. Just make sure to save the file as .html instead of .md.

Adding a new collection

Open up _config.yml to see your Jekyll site configuration. At the bottom is the configuration for collections - simply follow the format to create a new collection, and add a folder with the name of your collection prefixed with an underscore. Note: you will need to restart the jekyll server after editing this file when editing locally.

See _includes/sidebar.html for examples of how to add a collection to the navigation.

Finally, you'll want to copy-paste one of the click handlers in js/app.js to handle the collapse of your new collection in the sidebar. Go to the bottom, duplicate one of the click handlers, and replace all instances of the old collection's name with your new collection.


The site's styles are 99% Bootstrap with some customizations made in css/style.css.


Deployment is handled by Github pages. You just have to push your code to master, and Github will build the Jekyll site for you!


Pandorabots documentation [DEPRECATED - see link below for current docs]






No releases published
