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Add lost line of data in Oracle sql
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m-lopez-f committed Sep 1, 2015
1 parent f8d508b commit b3917cd
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pandora_console/
Expand Up @@ -1334,6 +1334,7 @@ INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, execute, plugin_type, m
INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, execute, plugin_type, macros, parameters) VALUES (4,'SMTP Check','This plugin is used to send a mail to a SMTP server and check if works. 

Parameters in the plugin:

IP Address - SMTP Server IP address
User - AUTH login  
Pass - AUTH password
Port - SMTP port (optional)

Optional parameters:

-d Destination email
-f Email of the sender
-a Authentication system. Could be LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD',10,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Port","help":"","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Username","help":"","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Password","help":"","value":""},"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"Optional parameters","help":"","value":""}}','-h _field1_ -o _field2_ -u _field3_ -p _field4_ _field5_');
INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, execute, plugin_type, macros, parameters) VALUES (6,'MySQL Plugin','Samples:
   ./ -u root -p none -s localhost -q Com_select
   ./ -u root -p none -s localhost -q Com_update
   ./ -u root -p none -s localhost -q Connections
   ./ -u root -p anypass -s -q Innodb_rows_read
',15,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"IP address","help":"IP address","value":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Username","help":"Username to access to database","value":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Password","help":"Password to access to database","value":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Query string","help":"Query string of global status. For example 'Aborted_connects' or 'Innodb_rows_read'","value":""}}', '-s _field1_ -u _field2_ -p _field3_ -q _field4_');
INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, execute, plugin_type, macros, parameters) VALUES (8,'SNMP remote','Plugin that gets remotely, using SNMP, values such as the percentage of disk or memory used, the status of a process or the CPU load',0,'perl /usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/',0,'{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Target IP","help":"","value":"_address_"},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Community","help":"","value":"public"},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Plug-in Parameters","help":"Memory use (%)
-m memuse

Disk use (%)
-m diskuse -d [disk name]

Status of a process (0/1)
-m process -p [process_name] 

Average of CPUs Load (%)
-m cpuload","value":""}}', '-H _field1_ -c _field2_ _field3_');
INSERT INTO tplugin (id, name, description, max_timeout, max_retries, execute, net_dst_opt, net_port_opt, user_opt, pass_opt, plugin_type, macros, parameters) VALUES (9,'Packet Loss','Checks for dropped packages after X seconds of testing. It returns % of dropped packets. It uses ping flood mode to launch 50 consecutive pings to a remote destination. On local, stable networks, value should be 0.
',30,0,'/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/','','','','',0,'{\"1\":{\"macro\":\"_field1_\",\"desc\":\"Test time\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"8\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"2\":{\"macro\":\"_field2_\",\"desc\":\"Target IP\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"}}','_field1_ _field2_');

-- Update curr val of sequence
update_currval('tplugin', 'id');
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