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Releases: pangpuncake/ip

Duke v0.3

17 Sep 09:44
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The final release of Duke.

Duke v0.2

05 Sep 08:42
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Duke v0.2 Pre-release

Duke v0.2
Add GUI and list saving capability.

A - Jar: v0.1

26 Aug 16:05
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v0.1 of Duke, with basic functionalities.

Accepted commands:
hello - hello!
list - show current list
bye - saves the current list and exits the program

todo \<description\> - create a todo Task
event \<description\> /at <dd/MM/yyyy> - create an event Task (date is optional)
deadline \<description\> /by <dd/MM/yyyy> - create a deadline Task (date is optional)

done \<task number\> - mark the specified task as done
undo \<task number\> - mark the specified task as not done
delete \<task number\> - deletes the specified task from the list