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Introduction to Data Science Course Content


Building the book


If you'd like to develop and/or build the data-science book, you should:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run conda env update --file environment.yml
  3. Run conda activate data-mining-book
  4. (Optional) Edit the source files located in the data_science/ directory
  5. Run jupyter-book clean data_science/ to remove any existing builds
  6. Run poetry run sphinx-autobuild data_science/ _build/html

A fully-rendered HTML version of the book will be built in data_science/_build/html/.


Simply run jb build data_science --force --builder pdflatex

Hosting the book

In this repo the book is automatically built and deployed to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. The workflow file is located in .github/workflows/deploy.yml.

Please see the Jupyter Book documentation to discover other options for deploying a book online using services such as GitHub, GitLab, or Netlify.

For GitHub and GitLab deployment specifically, the cookiecutter-jupyter-book includes templates for, and information about, optional continuous integration (CI) workflow files to help easily and automatically deploy books online with GitHub or GitLab. For example, if you chose github for the include_ci cookiecutter option, your book template was created with a GitHub actions workflow file that, once pushed to GitHub, automatically renders and pushes your book to the gh-pages branch of your repo and hosts it on GitHub Pages when a push or pull request is made to the main branch.


We welcome all pull requests that can take the form of new text suggestions or simply indicating the place where the book can be improved. Please see the contributing guidelines for more information.


My Introduction to Data Science Course @njit







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