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About GearAgain

GearAgain is an app for people who love the outdoors, and love to find great deals on outdoor equipment. Users can sign up and immediately start shopping for used outdoor items. A user can even list old (or new) items on the site and make a little money!

Table of Contents

Here is a quick rundown of how this document is laid out:

  1. Tech Stack
  2. Feature List
  3. Database Schema
  4. Frontend Routes
  5. API routes
  6. Available Scripts

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Redux
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • CSS
  • Heroku

Feature List


  • A user who wishes to view and experience the site as a fully registered user, but does not wish to create a new account, may use the Demo login.
  • Users may create a new account or login using their existing credentials.

List Items

  • Upon signup, users can click on the "Sell" button which is available on any page, and list their used (or new) items to sell on the site.


  • Upon signing up or logging in, users may immediately start shopping for items. They can view items by category, or all items.
  • Users can add any items to their cart that they have not listed for sale.
  • Once inside the cart, the users can walk through the purchase process.

Database Schema

Frontend Routes

  • Login: /login
  • Signup: /signup
  • Home: /
    • This will be for the main home page
  • Category Item listings: /categories/:id
    • A user can click on a category to view all items which have that category
  • Profile: /profile
    • This is the user's profile page
  • Item Details: /items/:id
    • A user can view a specific item's details
  • Cart: /cart
    • A user can view their cart items
  • Checkout: /cart/checkout
    • Checkout page
  • Create Listing: /profile/sell
    • A user can create a new product listing
  • Update Listing: /:id/:id/edit
    • A user can edit their listing

API routes


  • /users

  • Get User: GET /api/users

  • Login: POST /api/session

  • Sign-up: POST /api/users

  • Logout: DELETE /api/session

Home Page

  • Display list of categories: GET /api/categories
  • Display a select number of items by category: GET /api/items/:category_id

Categories Display Page

  • Display list of categories: GET /api/categories
  • All items view
    • Display all items: GET /api/items
  • By category view
    • Display all items for a category: GET /api/items/:category_id

Item Details Page

  • Display items listed by the user: GET /api/items/id
  • Create new item listing: POST /api/items
  • Edit listing: PATCH /api/item/:id
  • Delete listing: DELETE /api/item/:id

User Profile Page

  • Account information
    • Display account information: GET /api/user/:id
    • Edit account information: PATCH /api/user/:id
  • Order Information
    • Display past orders: GET /api/orders/:user_id
  • Items for sale
    • Display all items: GET /api/items/:user_id
    • Create a new listing: POST api/items
    • Edit items for sale: PATCH /api/items/:id
    • Delete items for sale: DELETE /api/items/:id

Available Scripts

In both the frontend and backend project directory, you can run:

npm start

This runs the frontend and backend server in development mode.\

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Link to Wiki docs


final project






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