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Zoom control tips

Alexander Smirnov edited this page Jul 13, 2016 · 1 revision

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GraphX ZoomControl

Last checked against version: 2.1.8

Property ZoomControl.UseCtrlForMouseWheel can be used to toggle mouse wheel zooming using Ctrl modifier or without it.

Property ZoomControl.MouseWheelZoomingMode can be used to enable absolute (center-oriented) zooming by mousewheel. Relative zooming is used by default.

Nice zoom-in animation after new graph generation can be achieved by using this code:

tg_zoomctrl.Zoom = 0.01; //disable zoom control auto fill animation by setting this value
tg_zoomctrl.ZoomToFill();//manually update zoom control to fill the area

Note: You should call ZoomToFill() method in RelayoutFinished event if you use async computation and AnimationCompleted event if you use custom vertex animation.