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Countdown numbers game solver.


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Usage: ./build/numbers [OPTIONS] TARGET NUMBER...
       ./build/numbers --generate [TARGET]

TARGET may be a single number or an inclusive range in the form START..END.


        ./build/numbers 100..200 1 2 3 25 50 75


        -h, --help             Print this help message.
        -t, --threads=COUNT    Spawn COUNT threads. (default: cpus)

                               Special COUNT values:
                                  cpus ...... use number of CPUs (CPU cores)
                                  numbers ... use number count

                               Note: If more than 1 thread is used the order of the
                               results is random.

        -r, --rpn              Print solutions in reverse Polish notation.
        -e, --expr             Print solutions in usual notation (default).
        -p, --paren            Like --expr but never skip parenthesis.
        -g, --generate         Generate standard numbers games with 6 numbers and
                               their solutions. If no target is given all targets
                               from 100 to 999 are iterated over.

Getting the number of CPU cores is supported on systems that support sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN). On other systems it will take the number count as threads. The way threading is implemented this is the maximum number of possible threads anyway.

Numbers Game Rules

In this "given number" doesn't refer to a certain value of a number, but to a number as given in the problem set. The same value may occur more than once in the problem set.

  • all given numbers are positive integers
  • each given number may be used at most once
  • allowed operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • at no intermediate step in the process can the current running total become negative or involve a fraction
  • use all of this to produce a given target number

In the original game from the TV show only certain given numbers are allowed, there are always 6 of them, and the target number is in the range 101 to 999. But this program can take any positive 64bit integer for any number and the target. Given enough RAM and CPU time it supports up to 64 given numbers on a 64bit machine (32 on a 32bit machine). On my machine (16 GB RAM, 64bit Linux) up to 9 numbers work fine (of course depending a lot on the given numbers).

Memory complexity of the used algorithm is O(N), or O(2n-1) to be overly precise. All of the memory is allocated at the start of the program and freed at the end. During runtime two array indices are manipulated instead of allocating and freeing memory. This is what sets it apart to my old numbers game solver that runs out of memory on my 16 GB RAM machine when trying to solve a game with 9 numbers.


This uses a calculation strategy that is called reverse Polish notation (RPN). Doing math that way doesn't need parenthesis. You build up a stack of values and operations like this:

5 4 + 2 *

The + adds the 5 and 4 and leaves a 9 on the stack:

9 2 *

So now the 9 and 2 are multiplied which leaves:


This is useful because it is an easy way to express these mathematical operations just in an array of values and operations. If the number of possible values are limited you know the maximum size of the array in advance:

number_of_values * 2 - 1

However, since we don't just want to calculate an expression using RPN, but want to actually remember what the expression was so we can print it if it matches the target we don't pop off anything from the operation stack when pushing on operations. Instead we track the calculated intermediate values on a separate stack. We need a separate stack for that since we don't know where on the operation stack the operations before the current one end without searching through it in reverse.

So now the search for a solution just works as follows:

Solve Numbers

Check Solution

  • if only one value is on the value stack and it is the target
    • print the operations stack

Solve Operations

  • if more than one values are on the value stack:
    • for all operations
      • push the operation on the operation stack
      • push the result of the operation on the value stack
      • call check solution
      • call solve operations
      • call solve numbers
      • pop the operation from operation stack
      • pop the value from the value stack


The first optimization is just to adhere to the rules of the numbers game: Don't push operations that would generate forbidden intermediate results. See: Numbers Game Rules

Useless Operations

Discard operations that:

  • result in 0
    • A - A = 0
  • result in one of its own operands
    • A - B = B
    • A / B = B
    • A * 1 = A
    • A / 1 = A

Commutative Rules

1 2 +

Is the same as:

2 1 +

Since of the no negative or fractional intermediate results rule we simply discard any operations where the left hand side operand is smaller then the right hand side operand for any operation and make this the first check before everything else.

Associative Rules

1 2 3 + +

Is the same as:

1 2 + 3 +

So we need only try one of those. I see doing both as redundant. Since it is easy to check if the previous operation is the same as the current one we drop those and take the second version. In particular we drop the operation if:

  • if top of the stack is +
    • and new operation would be + or -
  • if top of the stack is -
    • and new operation would be +
    • and new operation would be -, except if the other way of writing this calculation would have a negative intermediate result
  • if top of the stack is * or /
    • and new operation would be * or /

Written differently, drop if:

  • A + (B + C)
  • A + (B - C)
  • A - (B + C)
  • A - (B - C) unless A - B < 0
  • A * (B * C)
  • A * (B / C)
  • A / (B * C)
  • A / (B / C)

Combined Rules

However, we can do more when combined with commutativity. We want to sort our expressions so that in a chain of + and - operations the operand size decreases and the - operations are grouped to the end. (Same for chains of * and / operations.)

Drop operations if:

  • operation is + and
    • either left hand operand is also + and
      • right hand operand of that nested + has a smaller value than the right hand operand of the new operation
    • or left hand operand is -
  • operation is * and
    • either left hand operand is also * and
      • right hand operand of that nested * has a smaller value than the right hand operand of the new operation
    • or left hand operand is /

Written differently, drop if:

  • (A + B) + C where B < C
  • (A - B) + C
  • (A * B) * C where B < C
  • (A / B) * C

Note: All of these rules will still give redundant results if a number occurs more than once in the game. I don't think it would be woth it to optimize for that case.


These days computers have many cores, it would be a waste to not use them all. In my first attempt of implementing multithreading I did this:

Instead of running just one solver the first level (the initial numbers) is split up evenly to the number of threads that shall be used. A solver is instantiated for each split and run concurrently.

This is simple and easy to do, but not optimal. It means you can only have at most one thread for each number and in praxis these different sub problems have a vastly different runtime. Several threads will finish way before the last one. The thread with the lowest number will even finish pretty much immediately.

For a better multithreading implementation the following approach is used:

  • create thread count number of threads and make them all wait
  • each thread has an associated solver with initialized state
  • start first thread which will call a modified solve numbers

Modified Solve Numbers

However, that check would happen extremely often and would need to guard against concurrency, which could bring the performance down a lot again. Experimenting has showed that a good trade off is to only move work to a free thread when there are at least 3 more unused numbers. This might be different for problems of larger size.

Also, in my experiments using twice as many threads as cores did still give some speed improvements, indicating that this multithreading approach is still not 100% optimal.

Note: Printing the operand stack needs to be protected from concurrency. And without buffering the results and then merging them the results will appear in basically random order using multithreading.

Other Resources

Old Solvers

These are old solvers that I've written that use a worse strategy. See the other C implementation for a description.


Countdown numbers game solver.







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