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paolino committed Nov 16, 2011
1 parent 6f73e8d commit 8b1478d
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Showing 5 changed files with 135 additions and 113 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}

module Controller where

import Control.Monad (msum)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Map (Map, empty,elems,insert,delete )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tree (Tree)

import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Game (Event (..), MouseButton (..), Key (..), KeyState (..))

import Data.List.Zipper (Zipper , inserisci, elimina, destra, sinistra, modifica)
import Data.Tree.Missing (routingDumb, forward, backward,modifyTop, Routing)
import Data.Zip (Selector, moveSelector, filterDuplicates, labella)
import Model (ruotaScelto, vicino, Punto (..), Assoluto (..), Pezzo (..), assolutizza, relativizza)
import Interfaccia (IFigura (..))

data Movimenti a = Movimenti
{ lastPunto :: Maybe Punto
, movimenti :: Map Char (Movimento a)

mkMovimenti = Movimenti Nothing empty

type Movimento a = Punto -> a -> Punto -> a

type CatchEvent a = Event -> a -> Maybe a

catchMevs :: CatchEvent (a, Movimenti a)
catchMevs (EventKey (MouseButton _) _ _ _) (x,Movimenti _ movs) = Just (x,Movimenti Nothing movs)
catchMevs (EventMotion (Punto -> p)) (x,Movimenti q movs) =
Just (foldr (\f x -> f (fromMaybe p q) x p) x . elems $ movs, Movimenti (Just p) movs)

catchMevs _ _ = Nothing

register :: Key -> Movimento a -> CatchEvent (a,Movimenti a)
register c@(Char z) m (EventKey e Down _ (Punto -> p)) (x,Movimenti q movs)
| c == e = Just (m (fromMaybe p q) x p, Movimenti (Just p) $ insert z m movs)
| otherwise = Nothing
register c@(Char z) m (EventKey e Up _ _) (x,Movimenti p movs)
| c == e = Just (x,Movimenti Nothing $ delete z movs)
| otherwise = Nothing

catchRegister :: [CatchEvent (a,Movimenti a)] -> CatchEvent (a, Movimenti a)
catchRegister regs ev (w,movs) = catchMevs' <|> catchRegs where
catchMevs' = catchMevs ev (w,movs)
catchRegs = msum . map (\r -> r ev (w,movs)) $ regs

routingPezzi :: Punto -> Routing (Pezzo Assoluto) -> Tree (Pezzo Assoluto) -> Tree (Pezzo Assoluto)
routingPezzi p r = snd . r (Pezzo p undefined undefined) (\(Pezzo c _ _) (Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo c o alpha)

rotazioneInOrigine :: Tree (Pezzo Assoluto) -> Tree (Pezzo Assoluto)
rotazioneInOrigine = modifyTop $ \(Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo o o alpha

ricentra :: Punto -> IFigura -> IFigura
ricentra l (IFigura ifig isels _ ibackw ) = let
ifig' = rotazioneInOrigine . routingPezzi undefined ibackw $ assolutizza ifig
isels' = map (moveSelector ifig $ routingDumb ibackw) isels
ir = vicino l ifig'
lifig = labella [0..] ifig'
c = head $ snd (ir lifig)
iforw = forward c lifig
ibackw' = backward c lifig
ifig'' = relativizza . rotazioneInOrigine . routingPezzi undefined iforw $ ifig'
isels'' = map (moveSelector ifig' $ routingDumb iforw) isels'
in IFigura ifig'' isels'' iforw ibackw'

type World = (Zipper IFigura, Movimenti (Zipper IFigura))

catchMovimento :: [(Key,Movimento IFigura)] -> CatchEvent World
catchMovimento xs = catchRegister [register e (\p x q -> modifica (\i -> f p i q) x) | (e,f) <- xs]

traslazione :: Movimento IFigura
traslazione l (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) l' = let
ifig' = modifyTop g ifig
g (Pezzo p o alpha) = Pezzo (p + l' - l) o alpha
in IFigura ifig' ir iforw ibackw

rotazione :: Movimento IFigura
rotazione l (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) l' = let
ifig' = foldr (uncurry ruotaScelto) ifig (zip ir $ map iralpha ir)
iralpha ir = let
Pezzo q _ _ = head . snd $ ir (assolutizza ifig)
alpha = atan2 y' x' - atan2 y x
Punto (x,y) = l - q
Punto (x',y') = l' - q
in alpha
in IFigura ifig' ir iforw ibackw

movimentoCentroTop :: Movimento IFigura
movimentoCentroTop l (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) l' = IFigura ifig' ir iforw ibackw
where ifig' = relativizza . modifyTop (\(Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo l o alpha) . assolutizza $ ifig

catchEvents :: CatchEvent World
catchEvents (EventKey (Char 'c') Down _ _ ) = Just . first (inserisci id)
catchEvents (EventKey (Char 'd') Down _ _ ) = Just . first (\z -> fromMaybe z $ elimina z)
catchEvents (EventKey (MouseButton WheelUp) Up _ _ ) = Just . first destra
catchEvents (EventKey (MouseButton WheelDown) Up _ _ ) = Just . first sinistra
catchEvents (EventKey (Char 'g') Down _ (Punto -> l)) = Just . first (modifica $ ricentra l)
catchEvents (EventKey (Char 'z') Down _ _) = Just . first (modifica f) where
f (IFigura ifig _ iforw ibackw) = IFigura ifig [] iforw ibackw
catchEvents (EventKey (Char 's') Down _ (Punto -> l)) = Just . first (modifica f) where
f (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) = IFigura ifig (filterDuplicates ifig (ir':ir)) iforw ibackw where
ir' = vicino l . assolutizza $ ifig
catchEvents e = catchMovimento [(Char 't', traslazione), (Char 'r' , rotazione), (Char 'x', movimentoCentroTop)] e

controller :: Event -> World -> World
controller e w = fromMaybe w $ catchEvents e w

20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions Data/Tree/Missing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,23 +63,7 @@ backward y tr x0 f = maybe (error "missing element in ricentratore") id . mov

type Routing b = b -> (b -> b -> b) -> Tree b -> (b , Tree b)

routing :: forall a b . Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Routing b
routing xt tr x0 f = second (fmap snd) . either (error "endpoint not found in routing") id . search . zipWith (,) tr where
search (Node (x,x2) ys)
| xt == x = Right(x2,Node (x,f x0 x2) ys)
| null ys = Left (Node (x,x2) ys)
| otherwise = let
ys' = map search ys
in case rights ys' of
[] -> Left (Node (x,x2) ys)
[(x0,_)] -> Right (x2,Node (x,f x0 x2) $ map (either id snd) ys')
_ -> error "multiple endpoints in routing"
routingDumb :: Routing b -> Tree b -> Tree b
routingDumb r = snd . r undefined (const id)

niceTree = putStrLn . drawTree . fmap show
checkFB n s = mapM_ niceTree [s, forward n s s, backward n s (forward n s s)]

88 changes: 2 additions & 86 deletions Interfaccia.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,11 +23,8 @@ import Data.Tree (drawTree, Tree)
import Data.List.Zipper
(elimina, destra, sinistra, modifica, inserisci, valore, elementi,
import qualified Data.Char
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Game
import Data.Graph (reachable)
import Data.Tree.Missing
(Routing, backward, forward, Ricentratore, modifyTop)
import Interface.Register (register, catchRegister, CatchEvent, Movimenti, mkMovimenti)
import Control.Arrow (ArrowChoice(..))
import Control.Exception (assert)
Expand All @@ -41,28 +38,6 @@ data IFigura = IFigura


routingPezzi :: Punto -> Routing (Pezzo Assoluto) -> Tree (Pezzo Assoluto) -> Tree (Pezzo Assoluto)
routingPezzi p r = snd . r (Pezzo p undefined undefined) (\(Pezzo c _ _) (Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo c o alpha)

routingDumb :: Routing b -> Tree b -> Tree b
routingDumb r = snd . r undefined (const id)

rotazioneInOrigine = modifyTop $ \(Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo o o alpha

ricentra :: Punto -> IFigura -> IFigura
ricentra l (IFigura ifig isels _ ibackw ) = let

ifig' = rotazioneInOrigine . routingPezzi undefined ibackw $ assolutizza ifig

isels' = map (moveSelector ifig $ routingDumb ibackw) isels
ir = vicino l ifig'
lifig = labella [0..] $ ifig'
c = head $ snd (ir lifig)
iforw = forward c lifig
ibackw' = backward c lifig
ifig'' = relativizza . rotazioneInOrigine . routingPezzi undefined iforw $ ifig'
isels'' = map (moveSelector ifig' $ routingDumb iforw) isels'
in IFigura ifig'' isels'' iforw ibackw'

----------------------------- rendering ---------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,72 +69,13 @@ help = [ "S: select/deselect nearest to pointer piece for rotation"
, "Mouse wheel: select a marionetta to edit"
, "D: eliminate marionetta"
----------------------------- input ---------------------------------------------------

type CatchWorld = CatchEvent (Zipper IFigura, Movimenti (Zipper IFigura))

registerModActual :: Data.Char.Char
-> (Punto -> Punto -> IFigura -> IFigura)
-> CatchWorld
registerModActual s f = register (Char s) $ \ l z l' -> modifica (f l l') z

registraT :: CatchWorld
registraT = registerModActual 't' $ \ l l' (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) -> let
ifig' = modifyTop g ifig
g (Pezzo p o alpha) = Pezzo (p + l' - l) o alpha
in IFigura ifig' ir iforw ibackw

registraR :: CatchWorld
registraR = registerModActual 'r' $ \ l l' (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw ) -> let
ifig' = foldr (\(ir,alpha) -> ruotaScelto ir alpha) ifig (zip ir $ map iralpha ir)
iralpha ir = let
Pezzo q _ _ = head . snd $ ir (assolutizza ifig)
alpha = atan2 y' x' - atan2 y x
Punto (x,y) = l - q
Punto (x',y') = l' - q
in alpha
in IFigura ifig' ir iforw ibackw
registraX :: CatchWorld

registraX = registerModActual 'x' $ \ l l' (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw)
-> IFigura (relativizza . modifyTop (\(Pezzo _ o alpha) -> Pezzo l o alpha)
. assolutizza $ ifig) ir iforw ibackw

changeWorld :: CatchEvent (Zipper IFigura, Movimenti (Zipper IFigura))

changeWorld (EventKey (Char 'c') Down _ _ ) (z, mov) = Just (inserisci id z, mov)
changeWorld (EventKey (Char 'd') Down _ _ ) (z, mov) = Just (maybe z id $ elimina z, mov)
changeWorld (EventKey (MouseButton WheelUp) Up _ _ ) (z, mov) = Just (destra z, mov)
changeWorld (EventKey (MouseButton WheelDown) Up _ _ ) (z, mov) = Just (sinistra z, mov)

changeWorld (EventKey (Char 'g') Down _ (Punto -> l)) (z, mov) = Just (modifica (ricentra l) z, mov)
changeWorld (EventKey (Char 'z') Down _ _) (z, mov) = Just (modifica (\(IFigura ifig _ iforw ibackw) ->
IFigura ifig [] iforw ibackw) z, mov)

changeWorld (EventKey (Char 's') Down _ (Punto -> l')) (z,mov) = Just (modifica f z, mov) where
f (IFigura ifig ir iforw ibackw) = let
ir' = vicino l' (assolutizza ifig)
in IFigura ifig (filterDuplicates ifig (ir':ir)) iforw ibackw

changeWorld e z = catchRegister [registraT, registraR, registraX] e z

changeWorldG e w = maybe w id $ changeWorld e w

----------------------------- time -----------------------------------------------------
stepWorld :: Float -> a -> a
stepWorld = const id

type World = Zipper IFigura

run :: Rendering Picture -> World -> IO ()
run re world = gameInWindow "marionetta" (600,600) (0,0) white 100 (world,mkMovimenti) (renderWorldG re) changeWorldG stepWorld
-- run :: Rendering Picture -> World -> IO ()
-- run re world = gameInWindow "marionetta" (600,600) (0,0) white 100 (world,mkMovimenti) (renderWorldG re) changeWorldG stepWorld

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c)2011, Paolo Veronelli
Copyright (c)2011, paolo veronelli

All rights reserved.

Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.

* Neither the name of Paolo Veronelli nor the names of other
* Neither the name of paolo veronelli nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions marionetta.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ Name: marionetta
Version: 0.1

-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
Synopsis: 2d marionetta movements
-- Synopsis:

-- A longer description of the package.
-- Description:

-- URL for the project homepage or repository.

-- The license under which the package is released.
License: BSD3
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE

-- The package author(s).
Author: Paolo Veronelli
Author: paolo veronelli

-- An email address to which users can send suggestions, bug reports,
-- and patches.
Expand All @@ -48,14 +48,13 @@ Cabal-version: >=1.2

Executable marionetta
-- .hs or .lhs file containing the Main module.
Main-is: Marionetta.hs
Main-is: Marionetta.hs

-- Packages needed in order to build this package.
Build-depends: base -any, mtl -any, containers -any, gloss -any
-- Build-depends:

-- Modules not exported by this package.
Other-modules: Data.List.Zipper Data.Tree.Missing Data.Zip
Interfaccia Model
Other-modules: Control.hs

-- Extra tools (e.g. alex, hsc2hs, ...) needed to build the source.
-- Build-tools:
Expand Down

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