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Quiet Foodie

Clean and concise Hugo theme designed for creating a Food Blog.


Live demo

You can find a live demo on github pages, but for a full version you can check my own food blog Punched Potatoes.

Main features

  • No social media links or tracking of any kind.
  • If you choose to, you can create recipes with a recipe schema markup for better search engine results.
  • By using tags and categories, recipes can easily be browsed by the user.
  • If you like to include a personal note on your recipes, you can hide it from your users by default, but still keep it in the blog post.
  • There's a Life section for personal posts and an About page.


Getting started


Create a new Hugo Site:

hugo new site [path]

Inside the newly created directory in [path], clone Quiet Foodie theme into the /themes directory:

git clone


Edit hugo.toml to fit your blog and add the following:

theme = "quietfoodie"
sectionPagesMenu = "main"
    paginate = 3

    unsafe = true

    mainSections = ['Recipes']
    authorname = "Author"
    # change to false if you don't want to use recipe schema markup
    recipeSchema = true

    tag = "tags"
    course = "courses"

    home = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS"]

    min = "0.41.0"
# if your baseurl is not the site root, set canonifyurls to true (if you're hosting on github pages, for example)
canonifyURLs = "false"

If you would like to have a favicon, place it inside static/images and name it favicon.ico.

Add content

Blog structure

Inside the content directory create a file named with the following content:

weight: 130

Inside the content directory create a directory called recipes. Create a file named inside the recipes directory with the following content:

title: "Recipes"
weight: 130

Optionally, if you would like to have a Life section on your blog, create a directory called life inside the content directory. Create a file inside the directory with the following content:

title: "Life"
weight: 140

(Posts on the Life section will not show up on the frontpage.)

For the About page, create a directory called about inside the content directory. Create an file with the following front matter:

title: "About"
menu: "main"
type: "singlepage"

Finish writing your About page as you please.

Actual content

Now that your blog structure is set up, you can start creating posts.

  • At the root of your hugo site, to create a new recipe with recipe schema markup, type hugo new content --kind recipeschema recipes/
  • To create a new recipe without markup, type hugo new content recipes/
  • For a life post type hugo new content life/

Place your images inside the static/images directory.

Recipe schema markup

Check out the examples inside exampleSite for more details. By creating content using the archetypes as I described before, the recipe files created will be ready for you to fill them out. Shortcodes will be your friends.

Don't forget to change draft to false when you are ready to publish!


This theme is released under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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