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paquettg committed Dec 12, 2013
1 parent 824143e commit ec5e3b7
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# PHPHtmlParser Contribution Guide

This page contains guidelines for contributing to the PHPHtmlParser package. Please review these guidelines before submitting any puLl requests to the package.

## Pull Requests

The pull request process differs for new features and bugs. Before sending a pull request for a new feature, you should first create an issue with `[Proposal]` in the title. The proposal should describe the new feature, as well as implementation ideas. The proposal will then be reviewed and either approved or denied. Once a proposal is approved, a pull request may be created implementing the new feature. Pull requests which do not follow this guideline will be closed immediately.

Pull requests for bugs may be sent without creating any proposal issue. If you believe that you know of a solution for a bug that has been filed on Github, please leave a comment detailing your proposed fix.

### Feature Requests

If you have an idea for a new feature you would like to see added to the package, you may create an issue on Github with `[Request]` in the title. The feature request will then be reviewed.

## Coding Guidelines

We follow the [PSR-0]( autoloading standard and take heavily from the [PSR-1]( coding standards. In addition to these standards, below is a list of other coding standards that should be followed:

- Class opening `{` should be on the same line as the class name.
- Function and control structure opening `{` should be on a separate line.
- Interface names are suffixed with `Interface` (`FooInterface`)
62 changes: 40 additions & 22 deletions
@@ -1,38 +1,56 @@
PHP Html Parser

Version 1.5

Adaptation for Composer and PSR-0 of:

A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way!
Require PHP 5+.
Supports invalid HTML.
Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.
Extract contents from HTML in a single line.
Version 1.6.0

PHPHtmlParser is a simple, flexible, html parser which allows you to select tags using any css selector, like jQuery. The goal is to assiste in the development of tools which require a quick, easy way to scrap html, whether it's valid or not! This project was original supported by [sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser]( but the support seems to have stopped so this project is my adaptation of his previous work.


composer.phar require
- package name: "sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser": "dev-master"

This package can be found on [packagist]( and is best loaded using [composer]( It does require php 5.4 or higher, so keep that in consideration.


You can find many examples of how to use the dom parser and any of its parts (which you will most likely never touch) in the tests directory. The tests are done using PHPUnit and are very small, a few lines each, and are a great place to start. Given that, I'll still be showing a few examples of how the package should be used. The following example is a very simplistic usage of the package.

use Sunra\PhpSimple\HtmlDomParser;
use PHPHtmlParser\Dom;

$dom = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html( $str );
$dom = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html( $file_name );
$dom = new Dom;
$dom->load('<div class="all"><p>Hey bro, <a href="">click here</a><br /> :)</p></div>');
$a = $dom->find('a')[0];
echo $a->text; // "click here"

The above will output "click here". Simple no? There are many ways to get the same result from the dome, such as $dom->getElementsbyTag('a')[0] or $dom->find('a', 0) which can all be found in the tests or in the code itself.

Example With Files

$elems = $dom->find($elem_name);
You may also seamlessly load a file into the dom instead of a string, which is much more convinient and is how I except most developers will be loading the html. The following example is taken from our test and uses the "big.html" file found there.

use PHPHtmlParser\Dom;

$dom = new Dom;
$contents = $dom->find('.content-border');
echo count($contents); // 10

foreach ($contents as $content)
// get the class attr
$class = $content->getAttribute('class');

// do something with the html
$html = $content->innerHtml;

// or refine the find some more
$child = $content->firstChild();
$sibling = $child->nextSibling();

This example loads the html from big.html, a real page found online, and gets all the content-border classes to process. It also shows a few things you can do with a node but it is not an exhaustive list of methods that a node has avaiable.

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