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James Cuénod edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Endpoint: /api/v2/highlight


Parameter Description Explanation
t Search Terms (see the definition in TermSearch)
modules A case insensitive, comma separated list of module abbreviations. "Modules" are Bible versions, including original languages and modern translations. A list of valid module abbreviations may be found at the module endpoint.
corpusFilter A book + chapter/verse reference. Books currently only include the Protestant canon but Parabible aspires to handle additional literature (e.g., the Apostolic Fathers [now included!]).

Example: /api/v2/highlight?אֱלֹהִים&modules=ETCBC BHSA&corpusFilter=gen1


The data property contains an array in the form:

type WordToHighlight = {
    uid: string
    moduleId: number
    wid: number
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