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modify smallfile/ to parse fs-drift *rspti…
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bengland2 committed Mar 3, 2019
1 parent 2f85eb2 commit 211e6a9
Showing 1 changed file with 323 additions and 0 deletions.
323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
# -- python program to reduce response time sample data from smallfile benchmark to
# statistics.
# in addition to stats for individual thread, it shows per-client and cluster-wide stats
# smallfile at present produces response time data in the /var/tmp/ directory
# within each workload generator
# it is the user's responsibility to copy the data back
# to a directory (on the test driver perhaps).
# this means that the files from each workload generator have to have
# the workload generator hostname embedded in them
# so that they can all be co-located in a single directory.
# since there is no standard method for this yet,
# this program has to be adjusted to parse the filenames
# and extract 2 fields, thread number and short hostname
import sys
from sys import argv
import os
import string
import re
import numpy
import scipy
import scipy.stats
from scipy.stats import tmean, tstd
import bisect

time_infinity = 1<<62

# edit this list if you want additional percentiles

percentiles = [ 50, 90, 95, 99 ]
min_rsptime_samples = 5

def usage( msg ):
print('ERROR: %s' % msg)
print('usage: python ')
print(' [ --common-hostname-suffix my.suffix ] ')
print(' [ --time-interval positive-integer-seconds ] ')
print(' directory' )

# parse files once, we assume here that we can hold them in RAM
# so we don't have to keep reading them
# by keeping them in RAM we allow binary search for starting
# time since we want to isolate set of samples in a time interval

def parse_rsptime_file( result_dir, csv_pathname ):
samples = []
with open(os.path.join(result_dir, csv_pathname), 'r') as f:
records = [ l.strip() for l in f.readlines() ]
for sample in records:
components = sample.split(',')
op = components[0]
at_time = float(components[1])
rsp_time = float(components[2])
samples.append( (op, at_time, rsp_time) )
return samples

# to be used for sorting based on tuple components

def get_at_time( rsptime_tuple ):
(_, at_time, _) = rsptime_tuple
return at_time

def get_rsp_time( rsptime_tuple ):
(_, _, rsp_time) = rsptime_tuple
return rsp_time

# this function avoids duplication of sorting

def do_sorting(sample_set, already_sorted=False):
if not already_sorted:
sorted_samples = sorted(sample_set, key=get_at_time)
sorted_samples = sample_set
sorted_keys = map(get_at_time, sorted_samples)
sorted_rsptimes = sorted(map(get_rsp_time, sample_set))
return (sorted_samples, sorted_keys, sorted_rsptimes)

# leverage python binary search module "bisect"
# obtained from

def find_le(a, x):
# find highest index with value < x
i = bisect.bisect_right(a, x)
return i

def find_gt(a, x):
# find lowest index with value >= x
i = bisect.bisect_left(a, x)
if i < len(a):
return i
return len(a)-1

# if you want this to calculate stats for a time_interval
# t specify from_time and to_time

def reduce_thread_set( sorted_samples_tuple, from_time=0, to_time=time_infinity ):
# FIXME: need binary search to
# efficiently find beginning of time interval
(sorted_samples, sorted_keys, sorted_times) = sorted_samples_tuple
if to_time < time_infinity:
start_index = find_le(sorted_keys, from_time)
end_index = find_gt(sorted_keys, to_time)
# replace sorted_times with just the response times in time interval
sorted_times = sorted(map(get_rsp_time, sorted_samples[start_index:end_index]))
sample_count = len(sorted_times)
if sample_count < min_rsptime_samples:
return None
mintime = sorted_times[0]
maxtime = sorted_times[-1]
mean = scipy.stats.tmean(sorted_times)
stdev = scipy.stats.tstd(sorted_times)
pctdev = 100.0*stdev/mean
pctiles = []
for p in percentiles:
pctiles.append(numpy.percentile(sorted_times, float(p), overwrite_input=True))
return (sample_count, mintime, maxtime, mean, pctdev, pctiles)

# format the stats for output to a csv file

def format_stats(all_stats):
if all_stats == None:
return ' 0,,,,,' + ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'[0:len(percentiles)-1]
(sample_count, mintime, maxtime, mean, pctdev, pctiles) = all_stats
partial_record = '%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, ' % (
sample_count, mintime, maxtime, mean, pctdev)
for p in pctiles:
partial_record += '%f, ' % p
return partial_record

#FIXME: convert to argparse module, more compact and standard
# define default parameter values

hosts = {}
suffix = ''
argindex = 1
argcount = len(argv)
time_interval = 10

# parse any optional parameters

while argindex < argcount:
pname = argv[argindex]
if not pname.startswith('--'):
if argindex == argcount - 1:
usage('every parameter consists of a --name and a value')
pval = argv[argindex + 1]
argindex += 2
pname = pname[2:]
if pname == 'common-hostname-suffix':
suffix = pval
if not suffix.startswith('.'):
suffix = '.' + pval
elif pname == 'time-interval':
time_interval = int(pval)
usage('--%s: no such optional parameter defined' % pname)

if suffix != '':
print('filtering out suffix %s from hostnames' % suffix)
print('time interval is %d seconds' % time_interval)

# this regex plucks out a tuple of 2 values:
## thread number
## hostname

regex = \

# filter out redundant suffix, if any, in hostname

new_regex = regex % suffix

# now parse hostnames and files

if argindex != argcount - 1:
usage('need directory where response time files are')

directory = argv[argindex]
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
usage('%s: directory containing result csv files was not provided' % directory)

# process the results
# we show individual threads, per-host groupings and all threads together

samples_by_thread = {}
hosts = {}
pathname_matcher = lambda path : path.startswith('host') and path.endswith('.csv')
pathnames = filter(pathname_matcher, os.listdir(directory))
max_thread = 0
for p in pathnames:
m = re.match(new_regex, p)
if not m:
sys.stderr.write("warning: pathname could not be matched by regex %s: %s\n" % (new_regex, p))
(host, threadstr) =,2)
thread = int(threadstr)
if max_thread < thread: max_thread = thread
perhost_dict = hosts[host]
except KeyError:
perhost_dict = {}
hosts[host] = perhost_dict
# load response times for this file into memory
# save what file it came from too
samples = parse_rsptime_file( directory, p )
perhost_dict[threadstr] = (p, samples)

hostcount = len(hosts.keys())
if hostcount == 0:
usage('%s: no .csv response time log files were found' % directory)

summary_pathname = os.path.join(directory, 'stats-rsptimes.csv')
header = 'host:thread, samples, min, max, mean, %dev, '
for p in percentiles:
header += '%d%%ile, ' % p

with open(summary_pathname, 'w') as outf:
outf.write(header + '\n')

# aggregate response times across all threads and whole test duration
# if there is only 1 host, no need for cluster-wide stats

cluster_sample_set = None
if len(hosts.keys()) > 1:
outf.write('cluster-wide stats:\n')
cluster_sample_set = []
for per_host_dict in hosts.values():
for (_, samples) in per_host_dict.values():
sorted_cluster_tuple = do_sorting(cluster_sample_set)
cluster_results = reduce_thread_set(sorted_cluster_tuple)
outf.write('all-hosts:all-thrd,' + format_stats(cluster_results) + '\n')

# show them if there is variation amongst clients (could be network)
# if there is only 1 thread per host, no need for per-host stats
# assumption: all hosts have 1 thread/host or all hosts have > 1 thread/host

first_host = hosts[hosts.keys()[0]]
if len(first_host.keys()) > 1:
outf.write('per-host stats:\n')
for h in sorted(hosts.keys()):
sample_set = []
for (_, samples) in hosts[h].values():
sorted_host_tuple = do_sorting(sample_set)
host_results = reduce_thread_set(sorted_host_tuple)
outf.write(h + ':' + 'all-thrd' + ',' + format_stats(host_results) + '\n')

# show per-thread results so we can see if client Cephfs mountpoint is fair

outf.write('per-thread stats:\n')
for h in sorted(hosts.keys()):
threadset = hosts[h]
for t in sorted(threadset.keys()):
(_, samples) = threadset[t]
sorted_thrd_tuple = do_sorting(samples, already_sorted = True)
thrd_results = reduce_thread_set(sorted_thrd_tuple)
outf.write(h + ':' + t + ',' + format_stats(thrd_results) + '\n')

# generate cluster-wide percentiles over time
# to show if latency spikes occur
# first get max end time of any request,
# round that down to quantized time interval

end_time = -1
for h in hosts.keys():
threadset = hosts[h]
for t in threadset.keys():
(_, samples) = threadset[t]
if len(samples) > 0:
(_, max_at_time,max_rsp_time) = samples[-1]
max_at_time = 0.0
max_rsp_time = 0.0
end_time = max(end_time, max_at_time + max_rsp_time)
quantized_end_time = (int(end_time) // time_interval) * time_interval

# if there is only 1 interval, cannot do percentiles vs time
# else for each time interval calculate percentiles of samples
# in that time interval

if quantized_end_time > 0:
outf.write('cluster-wide response time stats over time:\n')
outf.write('time-since-start(sec), ' + header + '\n')

# avoid re-sorting all response time samples
# if possible (and it often is)

if cluster_sample_set == None:
cluster_sample_set = []
for per_host_dict in hosts.values():
for (_, samples) in per_host_dict.values():
sorted_cluster_tuple = do_sorting(cluster_sample_set)
for from_t in range(0,quantized_end_time,time_interval):
to_t = from_t + time_interval
results_in_interval = reduce_thread_set(sorted_cluster_tuple,
outf.write('%-8d, all-hosts:all-thrd, ' % from_t)
outf.write(format_stats(results_in_interval) + '\n')

print('rsp. time result summary at: %s' % summary_pathname)

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