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paraseba committed May 4, 2011
1 parent 5102e5b commit 1deb681
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Showing 4 changed files with 222 additions and 131 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/tictactoe/ai.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"Implement AI to play a game. Generate a tree of candidate moves and decide
which one is the best for the computer to play")

; ---------------
; Tree Generation
; ---------------

(defn game-tree
"Generate a tree of posible next boards starting with a given board position.
Each node in the tree will have a board and a set of children representing
possible positions for the next move. The tree is genarated lazily.
make-move is a function that given a board returns all posible next boards"
[board make-move]
{:node board
:children (map #(game-tree % make-move)
(make-move board))})

; ---------------
; Tree Evaluation
; ---------------

(declare minimize)

(defn maximize [evaluator tree]
(if (seq (:children tree))
(apply max
(map #(minimize evaluator %)
(:children tree)))
(evaluator (:node tree))))

(defn minimize [evaluator tree]
(if (seq (:children tree))
(apply min
(map #(maximize evaluator %)
(:children tree)))
(evaluator (:node tree))))

(defn evaluator
"Dynamic evaluation of a game tree. Returns a number representing how good
the root position is. Uses minimax algorithm"
(fn [tree]
(minimize static-evaluator tree)))

(defn best-move
"Get the best computer move for the given game tree.
static-evaluator evaluates single positions, without looking at the tree, and
returning a number"
[tree static-evaluator]
(:node (apply max-key
(evaluator static-evaluator)
(:children tree))))

206 changes: 155 additions & 51 deletions src/tictactoe/core.clj
@@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
(ns tictactoe.core)

(defn make-board [x-cells o-cells]
(ns tictactoe.core
(:require [ :as ai]))

; -----------------
; Board abstraction
; -----------------
(defn make-board
"Main game board abstraction. Creates a board given x marked cells
and o marked cells. Cells will be identified by integers starting
with 0 at top lef and ending with 8 at bottom right.
The board is immutable"
[x-cells o-cells]
{:x (set x-cells) :o (set o-cells)})

(def x-cells :x)
(def o-cells :o)
(def ^{:doc "Get board cells marked with x"} x-cells :x)
(def ^{:doc "Get board cells marked with o"} o-cells :o)

(def all-cells (apply sorted-set (range 9)))
(def ^{:doc "Sorted set of all cell identifiers, ordered from top left to bottom right"}
(apply sorted-set (range 9)))

(defn empty-cells [board]
(defn empty-cells
"Given a board, return a set of all empty cells"
(clojure.set/difference all-cells (x-cells board) (o-cells board)))

(defn mark [board cell]
(defn mark
"Mark a cell in the board. Cell is marked according to the corresponding player turn.
Cell should be an integer 0 <= cell < 9. Returns a new board with the given cell marked"
[board cell]
(assert (contains? (empty-cells board) cell))
(let [turn (fn [board]
(if (> (count (x-cells board))
Expand All @@ -24,62 +40,150 @@
(conj (t board) cell))))

(def win-cells
(let [row1 #{0 1 2}
row2 #{3 4 5}
row3 #{6 7 8}
col1 #{0 3 6}
col2 #{1 4 7}
col3 #{2 5 8}
dia1 #{0 4 8}
dia2 #{2 4 6}]
; ----------
; Find winner
; ----------

(def ^{:doc "All sets of winning cells"}
(let [row1 #{0 1 2} row2 #{3 4 5} row3 #{6 7 8}
col1 #{0 3 6} col2 #{1 4 7} col3 #{2 5 8}
dia1 #{0 4 8} dia2 #{2 4 6}]
[row1 row2 row3 col1 col2 col3 dia1 dia2]))

(defn won? [cells]
(defn won?
"Return not nil if the sequence of marked cells represent a winner board"
(some #(every? cells %) win-cells))

(defn winner [board]
(defn winner
"Return a keyword (:x or :o) representing the winner or nil if nobody wins in the board"
(won? (:x board)) :x
(won? (:o board)) :o))

(defn plays [board]
(if (winner board)
(map (partial mark board) (empty-cells board))))

(defn prune [n {:keys [node children]}]
(if (= n 0)
{:node node :children []}
{:node node :children (map (partial prune (dec n)) children)}))

(defn game-tree [board generator]
{:node board
:children (map #(game-tree % generator) (generator board))})
; ---------
; Tic-tac-toe
; ---------

(defn evaluate-static-position [position]
(case (winner position)
(defn evaluate-static-position
"Trivial static evaluation of a board. Not really evaluating anything, it just
detects winners"
(case (winner board)
:x 1
:o -1

(declare minimize)

(defn maximize [tree]
(if (seq (:children tree))
(apply max (map minimize (:children tree)))
(evaluate-static-position (:node tree))))

(defn minimize [tree]
(if (seq (:children tree))
(apply min (map maximize (:children tree)))
(evaluate-static-position (:node tree))))
(defn plays
"Return a lazy seq of all posible boards obtained by making one move from the given
board. The move will be done by the player with the current turn"
(if (winner board)
(map (partial mark board) (empty-cells board))))

(defn evaluate [tree]
(minimize tree))
; --------------
; Board printing
; --------------

(defn best-play [position]
(let [tree (game-tree position plays)
children (:children tree)]
(:node (apply max-key evaluate children))))
(defn cell-string
"Print a given cell of the board, using the right player symbol"
[board cell]
(contains? (:x board) cell) " x "
(contains? (:o board) cell) " o "
:else " "))

(defn print-board
"Print the given board to stdout"
(let [cells (map #(cell-string board %) all-cells)
rows (partition 3 cells)
str-rows (map #(apply str (interpose "|" %)) rows)
row-sep "-----------"]
(doseq [row (interpose row-sep str-rows)]
(println row))))

; -------
; Helpers
; -------

(defmacro board
"Create a board by drawing it. Pass to the macro 9 arguments, each one being
one of the symbols x, o -
(board - x -
o - x
o - -)
It doesn't do any checks"
[& cells]
(let [marks (map vector cells all-cells)
x (map second (filter #(= 'x (first %)) marks))
o (map second (filter #(= 'o (first %)) marks))]
`(make-board (vector ~@x) (vector ~@o))))

(def symbol->cell
{'n 1 's 7 'e 5
'w 3 'c 4 'o 4
'ne 2 'nw 0 'se 8 'sw 6})

(defmacro mark#
"Mark a cell in a board with the current player turn.
sym could be any of
n s e w c o ne nw se sw
c and o represent the center cell, the rest are the corresponding cardinal positions"
[board sym]
`(mark ~board ~(symbol->cell sym)))

(def initial-board
(board - - -
- - -
- - -))

(defn best-tictactoe-move
"Find the best computer move for the given board position"
(ai/best-move (ai/game-tree board plays) evaluate-static-position))

; -------
; Game UI
; -------

(defn play
"Find best computer move and print it. Return new board"
(doto (best-tictactoe-move board)

(defn player-move
"Ask the player to move and return the new board"
(println "Your move: ")
(mark board (symbol->cell (read))))

(defn ended?
"True if there are no more empty cells in the board"
(empty? (empty-cells board)))

(defn driver
"Drive the UI asking the player and making the computer make moves"
(let [my-play (play board)]
(winner my-play) (println "I win")
(ended? my-play) (println "Draw")
:else (let [your-play (player-move my-play)]
(winner your-play) (println "You win")
(ended? your-play) (println "Draw")
:else (driver your-play))))))

(defn -main []
(driver initial-board))

66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions src/tictactoe/util.clj

This file was deleted.

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