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This repository contains my dotfiles for my Arch Linux system, which I use as a Computer Science undergraduate. This repository serves both as a backup for my configuration files and as a guide for others who wish to replicate my setup.


This repository is a work in progress, and I will be updating it as I make changes to my system.

Details about my workflow :

  • Linux Distribution : Arch Linux
  • Window Manager : i3wm
  • Bar : Polybar
  • Terminal Emulator : Alacritty
  • launcher : Rofi
  • Another Terminal Emulator : Kitty
  • Shell : Zsh
  • Compositor : Picom
  • File Manager : Thunar
  • CLI System Monitor : Neofetch

VSCode Configuration (NeoVim)

  • Uses VSCode Neovim extension
  • Removed UI elements with apc Customize UI ++




Settings applied by this repository are personal, and definitely not suite everyones needs. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

Arch Linux

Install tpm for tmux plugins from here Install nerd fonts (Firacode,Jetbrains Mono, Meslo) Install zimfw

sudo pacman -S stow eza zsh neovim tmux picom neofetch

To other distros, install stow using your package manager.


Clone the repository to your home directory.

Use stow to symlink the configuration files to the respective folders.

stow <respective-config-folder-name>

Simple :)


Copyright © 2024 Parazeeknova