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A client for interaction with the Tonio service. It allows vendors to provide live captions.

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Install with npm

npm install tonio-captions --save


The recommended way to use tonio-captions is to create Tonio client with base Tonio service url and initialize it before first usage. tonio-captions should be initialized only once:

const Tonio = require("tonio-captions");

//Provide base Tonio service url into constructor.
const tonio = new Tonio("");

//Tonio should be initialized only once before first usage.

You could check whether tonio-captions is initialized or not by using tonio.isInitialized property:

console.log(`Initialized: ${tonio.isInitialized}.`);

After finishing working with tonio-captions is is recommended to free up resources by using destroy method:



After creation of instance and initialization of tonio-captions you have to pass authentication. You could sign in to Tonio using your email and password via tonio.signIn method:

tonio.signIn("username", "password")
    .then(() => {
        console.log("Successfully signed in.");
    .catch(error => {

You could also subscribe to authentication state change by using tonio.onAuthStateChange method:

tonio.onAuthStateChange(isSignedIn => {
        console.log(`Signed in: ${isSignedIn}.`);

If you dont want to use authentication state change callback you could use tonio.isSignedIn property to find out if user is signed in or not:

console.log(`Signed in: ${tonio.isSignedIn}.`);

To sign out from Tonio just call tonio.signOut method:

    .then(() => {
        console.log("Successfully signed out.");
    .catch(error => {

Tonio API

When performance started you should call tonio.startPerformance method with performance id. It updates performance with the actual start time:

            .then(response => {
                console.log("Performance started successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("An error happened while starting performance.", error);

When performance ended you should call tonio.endPerformance method with performance id. It updates performance with the actual end time:

            .then(response => {
                console.log("Performance ended successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("An error happened while ending performance.", error);

When during the performance an interval occures you should call method tonio.startInterval with performance id to start the interval:

            .then(response => {
                console.log("Interval started successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("An error happened while starting interval.", error);

When started interval is ended you should call method tonio.endInterval with performance id to end the interval:

            .then(response => {
                console.log("Interval ended successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("An error happened while ending interval.", error);

When certain caption should be shown during the performance you should call tonio.sendCaption with performance id and caption id to send Tonio the caption:

tonio.sendCaption("sn7Q3mYJmup3SxUFeas66M", "-opceWusILY")
            .then(response => {
                console.log("Caption has been sent successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("An error happened while sending caption.", error);

Error Handling

If something is wrong during the Tonio methods invocation TonioError would be thrown. It has stack trace and additional errors array properties:

tonio.sendCaption("sn7Q3mYJmup3SxUFeas66M", "-opceWusILY")
            .then(response => {
                console.log("Caption has been sent successfully.", response);
            .catch(error => {
                console.log("Additional errors.", error.errors);

                console.log("Stack trace.", error.stackTrace);

You could also convert TonioError to JSON object:

    .catch(error => console.log("An error happened while ending interval.", error.toObject()));


By default Tonio uses winston library to log into file. Default log level is error and log directory is ./node_modules/tonio-captions/logs. Logs are rotated every week or by size, 20m is maximum size of log file.

You could change log level to info if you want to get more debug information:

tonio.logger.level = "info";

Or you could turn all logs off if you want to get rid of them:

tonio.logger = null;

Finally, you could replace the default logger with your own with tonio.logger property. Keep in mind that your logger should implement following methods:

const functions = require("firebase-functions");

tonio.logger = functions.logger;"Info log message.", { message: "Test info object." });

tonio.logger.warn("Warn log message.", { message: "Test warn object." });

tonio.logger.error("Error log message.", { message: "Test error object." });


tonio-captions depends on a native ES6 Promise implementation to be supported. If your environment doesn't support ES6 Promises, you can polyfill.




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