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ayardley committed May 23, 2012
1 parent 0d41939 commit 93841d7
Showing 1 changed file with 245 additions and 0 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions t/codingstd/240_files_without_DESCRIPTION.log
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
# Ran via 'prove -v t/codingstd/pod_description.t'[*]

[X] DONORS.pod
[ ] README_cygwin.pod
[ ] compilers/data_json/JSON_README.pod
[ ] compilers/data_json/data_json.pir
[ ] compilers/imcc/imcc.y
[ ] compilers/imcc/imcparser.c
[ ] compilers/pct/README.pod
[ ] compilers/pge/PGE.pir
[ ] compilers/pge/PGE/Exp.pir
[ ] compilers/pge/PGE/OPTable.pir
[ ] compilers/pge/PGE/Perl6Regex.pir
[ ] compilers/pge/README.pod
[ ] compilers/tge/TGE/Compiler.pir
[ ] compilers/tge/TGE/Grammar.pir
[ ] compilers/tge/tgc.pir
[ ] config/auto/llvm/hello.c
[ ] docs/binaries/ops2c.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/parrot-nqp.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/parrot-prove.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/parrot_nci_thunk_gen.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/parrotbug.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/pbc_to_exe.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/plumage.pod
[ ] docs/binaries/winxed.pod
[ ] docs/compiler_faq.pod
[ ] docs/debug.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations_2_6.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations_2_9.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations_3_0.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations_3_3.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/deprecations_3_6.pod
[ ] docs/deprecations/how_to_deprecate.pod
[ ] docs/dev/byteorder.pod
[ ] docs/dev/c_functions.pod
[ ] docs/dev/coverage.pod
[ ] docs/dev/debugging_with_msvc.pod
[ ] docs/dev/headerizer.pod
[ ] docs/dev/infant.pod
[ ] docs/dev/longopt.pod
[ ] docs/dev/parrot_api.pod
[ ] docs/dev/pcc_methods.pod
[ ] docs/dev/pcc_state.pod
[ ] docs/dev/pmc_freeze.pod
[ ] docs/dev/pmc_obj_design_meeting_notes.pod
[ ] docs/extend.pod
[ ] docs/faq.pod
[ ] docs/gettingstarted.pod
[ ] docs/glossary.pod
[ ] docs/imcc/imcfaq.pod
[ ] docs/intro.pod
[ ] docs/memory_internals.pod
[ ] docs/overview.pod
[ ] docs/parrot.pod
[ ] docs/parrotbyte.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd01_overview.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd05_opfunc.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd06_pasm.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd08_keys.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd11_extending.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd13_bytecode.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd14_numbers.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd16_native_call.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/draft/pdd29_compiler_tools.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd00_pdd.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd03_calling_conventions.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd07_codingstd.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd09_gc.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd10_embedding.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd15_objects.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd17_pmc.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd18_security.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd19_pir.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd20_lexical_vars.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd21_namespaces.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd22_io.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd23_exceptions.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd24_events.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd25_concurrency.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd26_ast.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd27_multiple_dispatch.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd28_strings.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd30_install.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd31_hll.pod
[ ] docs/pdds/pdd_template.pod
[ ] docs/pmc.pod
[ ] docs/pmc/array.pod
[ ] docs/pmc/documentation.pod
[ ] docs/pmc2c.pod
[ ] docs/porting_intro.pod
[ ] docs/project/cage_cleaners_guide.pod
[ ] docs/project/committer_guide.pod
[ ] docs/project/core_inclusion.pod
[ ] docs/project/debian_packaging_guide.pod
[ ] docs/project/metacommitter_guide.pod
[ ] docs/project/release_manager_guide.pod
[ ] docs/project/roles_responsibilities.pod
[ ] docs/project/support_policy.pod
[ ] docs/project/ubuntu_packaging_guide.pod
[ ] docs/req/model_users.pod
[ ] docs/running.pod
[ ] docs/submissions.pod
[ ] docs/tests.pod
[ ] docs/user/pir/exceptions.pod
[ ] docs/user/pir/intro.pod
[ ] docs/user/pir/objects.pod
[ ] docs/user/pir/pmcs.pod
[ ] docs/vtables.pod
[ ] editor/README.pod
[ ] examples/languages/abc/abc.pir
[ ] examples/languages/abc/src/builtins/all.pir
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_1.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_2.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_3.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_4.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_5.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_6.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_7.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_8.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/doc/tutorial_episode_9.pod
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/squaak.pir
[ ] examples/languages/squaak/src/squaak.pir
[ ] examples/mops/mops.p6
[ ] examples/mops/mops.rb
[ ] examples/nci/Xlib.pir
[ ] examples/nci/Xlibconstants.pir
[ ] examples/nci/xlibtest.nqp
[ ] examples/nci/xlibtest.p6
[ ] examples/nci/xlibtest.pir
[ ] examples/past/01-sub.pir
[ ] examples/past/four_plus_one.pir
[ ] examples/pir/coop_threads.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/anim_image.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/anim_image_dblbuf.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/blue_font.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/blue_rect.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/
[ ] examples/sdl/bounce_parrot_logo.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/mandel.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/minesweeper/eventhandler.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/minesweeper/mines.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/move_parrot_logo.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/raw_pixels.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/app.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/block.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/blockdata.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/blocks.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/board.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/boarddata.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/eventhandler.pir
[ ] examples/sdl/tetris/tetris.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Bytes.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Combiner.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Coroutine.pir
[ ] examples/streams/FileLines.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Filter.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Include.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Lines.pir
[ ] examples/streams/ParrotIO.pir
[ ] examples/streams/SubCounter.pir
[ ] examples/streams/SubHello.pir
[ ] examples/streams/Writer.pir
[ ] examples/tge/branch/lib/Branch.pir
[ ] examples/tge/branch/lib/Leaf.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/00_README.pod
[ ] examples/tutorial/01_temp_var.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/02_local_var.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/03_temp_var_basic_pmcs.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/04_pod_comments.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/10_math_ops.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/11_math_ops_self_mod.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/12_math_ops_pasm.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/13_logical_ops.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/20_string_ops.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/21_string_ops_repeat.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/22_string_ops_length.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/23_string_ops_substr.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/24_string_ops_clone.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/30_arrays_basic.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/31_array_ops_split.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/32_array_ops_sprintf.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/33_hashes.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/34_multikey.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/40_file_ops.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/50_goto.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/51_if_unless.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/52_if_compare.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/53_loop.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/55_iterator.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/56_defined.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/57_exists.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/60_subroutines.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/61_namespaces.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/62_namespaces.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/70_class_object.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/81_continuation.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/82_coroutine.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/83_external_libraries.pir
[ ] examples/tutorial/90_writing_tests.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/include/green_threads.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/include/hllmacros.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/include/test_more.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/languages/parrot/parrot.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/CGI/QueryHash.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/Config/JSON.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/HTTP/Daemon.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/HTTP/Message.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/JSON.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/LWP/Protocol.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/LWP/UserAgent.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Dumper.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/Range.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Writer.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/String/Utils.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/TAP/Formatter.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/TAP/Harness.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/TAP/Parser.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/Test.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/URI.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/distutils.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/dumper.pir
[ ] runtime/parrot/library/parrotlib.pir
[ ] src/alarm.c
[ ] src/dynpmc/README.pod
[ ] src/gc/gc_ms2.c
[ ] src/platform/generic/socket.c
[ ] src/pmc/callback.pmc
[ ] src/pointer_array.c
[ ] src/runcore/subprof.c
[ ] t/TESTS_STATUS.pod
[ ] t/codingstd/pccmethod_deps.t
[ ] t/dynoplibs/time.t
[ ] t/harness
[ ] t/op/time.t
[ ] t/pmc/opcode.t
[ ] t/pmc/oplib.t
[ ] t/pmc/task_primes.t
[ ] tools/dev/
[ ] tools/release/'

[*] An '[X]' denotes a corrected file. That is, a file which, now, contains
a DESCRIPTION element.

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