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ParticipAct is a project by University of Bologna aimed at studying the still under-explored potential of collaboration among people exploiting smartphones as interaction tool and interconnection medium.

We developed a smartphone application that allows users to easily do coordinated tasks (for example, to automatically collect data about network coverage or about audio pollution) and sends collected data to our platform that process, aggregates and analyzes the data, thus extracting information that could not be possibly be obtained by a single user.

Data gathered are already a lot. On this site are available some information on what we realized thanks to help of many students.

Developers Note

1. Tool Versions

  • Spring Tool Suite 3.7.3
  • Java 7
  • For Gradle, use the GRADLE WRAPPER

2. Deploy

  • Download and Install
  • Create a database and a user/password for ParticipAct back-end data
  • Download and Install
  • In Spring create new Apache Tomcat 7 Server setting the local folder of Tomcat Server installation
    • In the configuration page of the server > Server Location > Use Tomcat Installation
    • Right mouse button on Tomcat Server > Properties > Switch Location
  • Download and Install
ParticipAct Server
  • From the terminal execute gradle eclipse in the main folder of the project
  • In STS File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace and select the previous folder
  • Delete duplicates in Build Path configuration of the project
  • Set Apache Tomcat 7 as Targeted Runtime of the project
  • Add project to Tomcat Server
  • Change information about database in the class InfrastructureContextConfiguration according to your local data
  • For the first launch set property name="" value="create" in the file /src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml to let Hibernate creates the tables. For the next executions set the same value to update


When use this application in your publications, please cite:


If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact