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@zaSmilingIdiot zaSmilingIdiot released this 29 Sep 12:00
· 6 commits to 3.0 since this release

Particl Desktop v3.0.0

NB!! The source code linked to here is not the actual tagged release source code. Please contact Particl for source code information. The actual source code will be uploaded and made available after an appropriate interval of time has passed.


3.0.0 mainnet 0.3.3 1.5.0

This is the next major revision of the Particl Desktop application!!

The changes are too vast and plentiful to enumerate, so instead of listing them all individually (which wouldn't make much sense anyway), below instead are the highlights. The application has undergone a significant re-write, which marks the beginning of the journey to becoming a hub for Particl related privacy-focused apps and uses. And this is just the beginning :)

Please note that there are many smaller changes, updates and features to be found than just those mentioned below... for more information, tutorials, and Particl related material, please visit the Particl Academy or browse the website.
Here are the larger change details:

Separation of functionality into different modules

Related functionality is now grouped together to form a standalone set of related work. In other words, all the wallet specific functionality is now in a wallet app, and the marketplace specific functionality is now in a market module. This is the 1st step towards independent installable modules that can be added or removed as needed.

A huge consequence of this set up, which should be noticeable immediately, is that the marketplace is no longer hidden behind the creation of a specific-named wallet.

Marketplace caters to custom markets (including general markets and storefronts)

While it was technically possible to run a custom market in the v2 releases, it involved editing config files and was somewhat flaky to get correct (also only allowing for connecting to a single market at a time).
The marketplace service has undergone a major overhaul to allow for the creation and management of user-defined marketplaces: both general, open markets (those in which anyone can buy and sell) and storefront markets (where anyone can buy but only the seller, or those that the seller provides a publish key to, can sell items). This involves changing most things from publishing listings (to be able to select a market to publish to), as well as the purchasing of items.

Further, the contents of each market is encrypted, and only those users that have the relevant access keys can view the contents of a market. To assist with market discovery for markets that wish to be found, a market can be 'marketed' and the access keys can be made known, in an in-built market browser. This allows potential buyers to discover such "promoted" markets and join them as they so wish.
For more exclusive markets, how the access keys are distributed to potential buyers is at the discretion of the market creator.

Updates to marketplace interaction

Based on feedback from usage of v2, there has been a number of improvements to various marketplace activities. From being able to create listings from anon balances, to having a place to modify shipping addresses (without needing to first proceed through the cart checkout process), through to changing the market overview page to make it more intuitive as to which amounts are used for different purposes, these improvements should contribute towards a better experience whether buying or selling or both.

Wallet improvement updates

While perhaps not as significant as the marketplace changes, updates to the wallet have also been made. These include the addition of configurable options when 'zapping' cold staking funds, the inclusion of a basic coin control selection when sending funds, as well as the ability to split the sent funds into multiple outputs in a transaction.

UI Updates

The UI has undergone a facelift, and while the general look and feel of the v2 application is still somewhat present, its had multiple coats of polish and is now looking and feeling sleeker (and cleaner) than ever!
To compliment the UI and visual tweaks and updates, the code has been de-cluttered and the application as a whole runs smoother and faster. In addition, a focus on pushing notifications for updates (eg: utilizing ZMQ for particl-core updates) means that the UI now provides feedback from various events quicker and faster, with no more waiting for updates and indications of activity sometimes long after they have occurred (ie: no more long-polling to obtain updated information).


  • A working instance of particl-core is required: there will be an automatic download of particl-core when starting the application, if no previous install of particl-core is found.
  • If using an encrypted marketplace wallet, the wallet needs to be unlocked in order to process buy and sell orders on the open marketplace. It is not necessary to unlock the wallet to browse listed items.
  • The marketplace is still in on-going development, and thus is considered to be a Beta release.
  • NB!! The source code linked to here is not the actual tagged release source code. Please contact Particl for source code information. The actual source code will be uploaded and made available after an appropriate interval of time has passed.


  • Anti-virus on Windows may incorrectly identify the particl-core binary that gets downloaded after installation as malware. This is a false positive, and relevant exceptions should be added.
  • Still with Windows, the initial syncing of the Particl blockchain that occurs may take longer than expected. Once the more obvious reasons (such as network connection and speed) have been eliminated, this might be related to, once again, anti-virus software scanning. Its possible to add scanning exceptions into the antivirus software that should then allow for a faster initial sync: the exact steps to achieve this will vary based on what anti-virus software is being used and so are not described here. But for further information please refer to the Particl Academy website.


0c3ab4ffbb6caf37b32737351b09775c2ea3b044a3e0ef69a987c70300a262ff  particl-desktop-3.0.0-linux-amd64.deb
0c54007139e3c7d167a902dcecb8de96f80a664fc29ef9c6cd1b3dcbc81d7d83  particl-desktop-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage
62056a4dc32d788de6bc0400b1f71032e092944e9db0b4fd30127f39f03122cc  particl-desktop-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.rpm

25f58af01f53e653d50bde94a802022f136837c167eb36683332ede2df21e80f  particl-desktop-3.0.0-win-ia32.exe
d56392de613d636bbbc84dc87d7f087b3ff13687905175de9af1b2861135e362  particl-desktop-3.0.0-win-x64.exe
f9ce50e2104c89699420b1229bbdac2d71b05f323cba0706bf83c9cf60db32fb  particl-desktop-3.0.0-win.exe

Any version, including 10.15 (Catalina) or greater
89200fd8ed82a2f9502ba82ed048f10ec192825bbaabf3dc2150fee6cb70edae  particl-desktop-3.0.0-mac.dmg

Can only be used on 10.14 (Mojave) or earlier