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0.7.0-rc.3 Prerelease (Core/Photon/P1/Electron)

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@technobly technobly released this 15 Aug 22:21

Firmware 0.7.0-rc.3 Pre-release is out on the Web IDE for Core/Photon/P1/Electron

released on production servers August 15th, 2017

πŸ“ Please read all notes in the Notes Festival πŸŽ‰ below

Note: This is a pre-release and is not intended for production yet. We've tested this pre-release to the best of our ability and we want to know what you think now! Please understand that some care and attention is necessary when testing this pre-release, and be sure to upgrade to the final release when it's available. It will not be available by default. To use you must select the version dropdown from the devices drawer. Downgrading back to the current release info is at the bottom of this post.

Note: You must update your Electron to v0.5.3 first before attempting to use OTA or YModem transfer to update to >= v0.6.0. If you use DFU over USB, you can update to >= v0.6.0 directly, but make sure you have installed >= v1.21.0 of the CLI first.

Note about Downgrading [Photon/P1] OTA or YModem transfer: First downgrade system-part2 back to 0.6.2. Any attempts to write to the DCT while the device is in DFU mode will fail now. At this point, attempting to downgrade system-part1 will fail silently, since the new bootloader (v100) cannot access DCT and read module update info, thus, in order to downgrade from 0.7.0-rc.3 to 0.6.2, photon/p1 firmware modules should be flashed in the following order with 0.6.2 system binaries: system-part2 -> bootloader (v0.6.2) -> system-part1.

Note about Downgrading [Electron] OTA or YModem transfer: Downgrade in normal order with 0.6.2 system binaries: system-part3 -> system-part2 -> system-part1 -> bootloader (v0.6.2).

✏️ 0.6.2 bootloader binaries have been added to this release below (on github) for convenience.

✏️ You can only flash the bootloader OTA or YModem over USB. DFU mode over USB will fail because it uses the bootloader itself for that mode of operation.
YModem e.g. particle flash --serial bootloader-0.6.2-photon.bin


0.7.0-rc.3 Changelog


[PR #1365] Beginning with 0.8.0 release, Particle.publish() and Particle.subscribe() methods will require event scope to be specified explicitly. Please update your apps now to include the event scope to avoid compilation errors in >=0.8.0.


[PR #1362] [Fixes #1360] Fixed SoftAP HTTP usage hard faulting in 0.7.0-rc.1 and 0.7.0-rc.2

System Binaries (all devices) & Device Upgrader (Photon & Electron)

located below

Programming and Debugging

You can view specific programming and debugging notes for this version of firmware here.