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Your Particle Dashboard


Everything up to this point in the product creator guide has asked you to think about how you will scale your Internet of Things product from a single prototype to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of units.

It's an exciting time: your idea is now coming to life at scale! However, you may quickly realize that managing a "fleet" of devices brings a new set of challenges to the table requiring specialized tooling to help you provide the best possible experience for end-users of your product.

Fear not! By setting up a dashboard for your organization, you will be equipped with everything you need to effectively oversee your fleet of devices and corresponding customers that makeup your IoT product.

![Particle Dashboard](/assets/images/dashboard-teaser.png)

The Particle Dashboard has a suite of tools to make your life as a product creator easier

Introducing your dashboard

When you begin the process of manufacturing and distributing your product in large quantities, you will likely start to ask questions like:

  • How many of my devices are online right now?
  • Who of my customers are using their devices, and who isn't?
  • How are my customers using their devices?
  • Which firmware version is running on each device?
  • What errors and exceptions are the devices generating?

Without the right tools to answer these questions quickly and accurately, the health of your product and the relationship you have with your customers will be put at risk.

Luckily, the Particle dashboard is designed to give you full visibility into the state of your fleet, and provide a centralized control panel to change how devices are functioning.

The first step to get started is understanding the differences between your individual developer dashboard and the Fleet Management Dashboard.

Organizations vs. Individuals

Up until now, you've been an individual user of Particle. Your devices belong to you, and you can only act upon one device at a time.

The Fleet Management Dashboard presents a new architecture designed to empower product creators, specifically by introducing organizations, products, devices, and customers.

Organization architecture

In words, you set up an organization, the overarching group responsible for the development of your Internet of Things products.

Your organization can have multiple products. Defining a product is what unifies a group of devices together, and can be configured to function exactly how you envision.

Each product has its own fleet of associated devices. Either a P0, P1, Photon, or eventually, an Electron, can be used inside of each device.

Customers own a device, and have permissions to control their device. The extent of their access to the device is defined by you when configuring your product.

Your organization has team members with access to the dashboard.

It is important to note that team members and customers have different levels of access. For instance, only team members will typically be able to send an over-the-air firmware update, while customers may have the ability to control the product. These access levels will be controlled through the dashboard.

Setting up an organization

Currently the Fleet Management dashboard is in private beta. If you are interested in gaining access, please contact The dashboard will be available to everyone in Fall 2015.

Once you have access to create an organization from the Particle team, log into your dashboard at and click on the "New Organization" button that appears in the navigation:

Create a New Organization

Click the new organization button to start the process of setting up your organization

If you have been granted access into the private beta, you should see a modal appear asking you to give us some basic information about your organization. You'll notice that this modal includes fields for adding a credit card. Don't worry! Your card will not be charged. Members of the private beta will have a 2 month trial period to use your organization dashboard. When your trial is up, we will begin charging $49 per team member per month.

Create Organization Modal

Setting up your organization. Your credit card won't be charged until the end of your free trial

Fill out all fields in the modal, and click CREATE. Congratulations! You now are the proud owner of a shiny new organization on Particle!

Adding team members

Now that you have created an organization successfully, it's time to add your team members that are collaborating with you on your IoT product. Adding a team member will give them full access to your organization's dashboard.

To do this, click on the team icon () on the sidebar of your organization's dashboard. This will direct you to the team page, where you can view and manage team members of your organizaiton. Right now, your username should be the only one listed as a member of the organization. To add a new team member, just click the Invite team member button pictured below:

Team page

Clicking this button will open up a modal where you can invite a team member by email address. Before inviting a new team member, make sure that they already have a Particle account with the email address you will be using to invite them to the organization. Also, at this time, you are only allowed to belong to one organization. As such, the person you are trying to invite should not already belong to another organization.

Invite team member

The invite team member modal

Once your team member is successfully invited, they will receive an email notifying them of their invitation. The next time they log into their dashboard, they will have the option of accepting or declining the invitation. Remember that after your free trial, Particle will begin charging $49 per team member per month.

Nice! Now you have an organization with a team.

Defining a product

Our cloud platform thinks that all devices are Photons or Cores — unless it's told otherwise. Now's the time to define your own product within the platform and tell us a bit about how that product should behave.

Photons are development kits. They're designed to be easy to reprogram and run a variety of software applications that you, our users, develop.

Your product is (probably) not a development kit. While some of the characteristics of the development kits will carry over, you're going to want to make a bunch of changes to how your product works. These include:

  • Limiting access (e.g. only certain people can reprogram them)
  • Collecting bulk data, events, errors, and logs from all of your devices
  • Distributing firmware updates in a controlled fashion

Once you have an organization set up in the dashboard, you will be able to add a product and you will be walked through these decisions.

To create a product, return to your organization's products page and click on the New Product button.

Your organization's product page

This will open up a modal where you can add basic details about your product:

A new product

You now have your very first Particle product! Woot!

After successfully creating your product, you will be directed to your product's configuration page.

Configuring Your Product

Your Product ID

When you created your product, a unique numeric ID was assigned to it. This small piece of information is very, very important to you as a product creator, and it will be used countless times during the development and manufacturing process for your product. You will be able to find your product's ID at any time in the navigation bar when viewing information about your product:

A new product

Your product ID is marked with a key icon

This ID will be used by the Particle cloud to identify which devices belong to your product, and subsequently it is what empowers you to manage firmware running on those devices en masse.

When working with devices that belong to your product, it is important to note that this product ID must be compiled into the firmware that is running on each device. The product ID that the device reports to the cloud from its firmware is considered the source of truth as to how the device should be treated. This will be covered more in-depth in the rollout firmware section below.

Adding Devices

Now that you have both your organization and your product, it's time to import devices. Importing devices will assign them to your product, and allow you to start viewing and managing these devices within your product dashboard.

For any product you may be developing, you likely have one or more Particle development kits (i.e. a Photon) that you have been using internally for prototyping purposes. We strongly recommend importing these devices into your product, and using them as your test group.

Your test group will serve as the guinea pigs for new versions of product firmware. You should get into the habit of uploading a new version of firmware to your product, and flashing it to your test group to ensure your code is working as expected. This too will be covered more in-depth in the rollout firmware section below.

To import devices, click on the Devices icon in your product sidebar, then click on the "Import" button.

Your product's devices

To allow you to import devices in bulk, we allow you to upload a file containing multiple device IDs. Create a .txt file that contains all of the IDs of devices that you would like to import into your product, one on each line. Not sure what your device ID is?. All devices included in this list must be owned by a team member of your organization. The file should look something like this:


Where each line is one Device ID. Once you have your file ready, drop it onto the file selector in the import devices modal. Before clicking import, note the checkbox that says Force imported devices to switch to this product.

Import devices modal

Checking this checkbox will signal to the Particle cloud that regardless of which product ID is reported by the device's firmware when it comes online next, it should be treated as your product. Your test devices are likely photons that do not have your new product ID compiled into its firmware. If this is the case, go ahead and check this box.

When you do a real manufacturing run and import those devices into the dashboard, you will not need to check this box. This is because your devices will receive firmware with your product ID directly on the manufacturing line.

Rollout Firmware

One of the most significant benefits of your fleet management dashboard is being able to rollout firmware to groups of devices, all from one place. This opens up tremendous possibilities for your IoT product: you now have the power to continuously improve how a customer's device operates after purchase. In addition, over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates can provide you additional flexibility in the manufacturing process. Specifically, you may continue to develop firmware between the time of manufacturing and shipping your product to customers, and send the latest firmware to your customers on setup of their device.

Click the Firmware icon in the left sidebar to get started. This will direct you to your product's firmware page, your centralized hub for viewing and managing firmware for your product's devices. If you haven't yet uploaded any firmware for this product, your page will look like this:

Firmware page

If you have been using the Web IDE or Particle Build to develop firmware, you are used to the process of writing, compiling, and then flashing firmware. You will follow the same high-level process here, but altered slightly to work with a group of devices. The first thing you'll need to do is compile a firmware binary that you will upload to your dashboard.

Unlike compiling a binary for a single device, it is critical that the product ID and a firmware version are included in the compiled binary. Specifically, you must add PRODUCT_ID([your product ID]) and PRODUCT VERSION([version]) into the application code of your firmware. This is documented fully here.

You can add these two macros anywhere in your application code, but it's likely easiest to add them to the top of your main .ino file. Remember that your product ID can be found in the navigation of your dashboard. The firmware version must be an integer that increments each time a new binary is uploaded to the dashboard. This allows the Particle cloud to determine which devices should be running which firmwares.

Here is an example of Blinky with the correct product and version details:


int led = D0;  // You'll need to wire an LED to this one to see it blink.

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);   // Turn ON the LED pins
  delay(300);               // Wait for 1000mS = 1 second
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);    // Turn OFF the LED pins
  delay(300);               // Wait for 1 second in off mode

If you are in the Web IDE, you can click on the download icon () next to your application name to compile and download your current binary. In Particle Dev, clicking on the compile icon () will automatically add a .bin file to your current working directory if the compilation is a success.

Now that you have a binary in-hand, it's now time to upload it to the dashboard. Back on the firmware page, click on the Upload button in the top-right corner of the page. This will launch the upload firmware modal:

Upload firmware

A few things to keep in mind here:

  • The firmware version that you enter into this screen must match what you just compiled into your binary. Madness will ensue otherwise!
  • You should give your firmware a distict title that concisely describes how it differs from other versions of firmware. This name will be important in how firmware is rolled out to devices
  • Attach your newly compiled .bin file in the gray box

Click upload. Congrats! You've uploaded your first version of product firmware! You should now see it appear in your list of firmware versions.

Product firmware version

Your firmware version now appears in your list of available binaries

Time to flash that shiny new binary to some devices! Notice that when you hover over a version of firmware, you have the ability to Release firmware (). Releasing firmware sets that binary as the preferred firmware version for all devices reporting as your product. Unless set individually, any device that does not report this released version of firmware will automatically download and run it next time it comes online.

Releasing firmware is the mechanism by which any number of devices can receive a single version of firmware without being individually targeted. This is incredibly valuable: imagine identifying a bug in your firmware and pushing out a fix to thousands of devices that are out in the field. Or, consider the possibility of continuing to build new features that can be introduced to customers, even after they have purchased your product and are acively using it. Amazing! This is the power of the Internet of Things.

However, releasing firmware also presents tremendous risk. The last thing you would want as a product creator is to break existing functionality for your customers, detracting from their experience with your product. Fear not! Specific safeguards are in place to help you avoid unintended regressions in firmware quality. Namely, a firmware version must be successfully running on at least one device before it can be released to all devices.

Unable to release firmware

Releasing a firmware version is diabled until it is running on at least one device

To get the firmware running on a device, head to your devices page by clicking on the devices icon in the sidebar ().

Managing Customers

Once you have set up an organization, your customers will be able to create accounts on the Particle platform that are registered to your organization. When properly implemented, your customers will have no idea that Particle is behind the scenes; they will feel like they are creating an account with ACME, Inc..

There are four ways you can authenticate your customers:

  • Simple authentication. Your customers will create an account with Particle that is registered to your organization. You will be able to see each of these customers in your dashboard. You do not need to set up your own authentication system.
  • Self-managed authentication. Your customers will create an account on your servers using your own authentication system. Your web servers will have a single set of credentials that control all of your products, and you will be responsible for mapping access between customers and devices.
  • Two-legged authentication. Your customers will create an account on your servers using your own authentication system, and your web servers will create an account with Particle for each customer that is paired to that customer.
  • Login with Particle. Your customers will create a Particle account and a separate account on your website, and link the two together using OAuth 2.0. Unlike the other authentication options, this option must showcase Particle branding. This is most useful when the customer is aware of Particle and may be using Particle's development tools with the product.

When you create your product in the dashboard, you will be asked which authentication method you want to use. Implementation of these authentication protocols will be covered later in this tutorial.

Monitoring Product Logs