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Code Examples

Annotated examples

{{#if raspberry-pi }}

Here you will find a bunch of examples to get you started using your Raspberry Pi with Particle!


Here you will find a bunch of examples to get you started with your new Particle device! {{#unless electron}}The diagrams here show the Photon, but these examples will work with either the Photon or the Core.{{/unless}}

These examples are also listed in the online IDE in the Code menu.

{{/if}} {{!-- raspberry-pi --}}

To complete all the examples, you will need the following materials:


  • Hardware {{#if raspberry-pi }}
    • Your Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 {{else}}
    • Your Particle device {{/if}}
    • USB to micro USB cable {{#if photon}}(included with Photon Kit and Maker Kit){{/if}}{{#if electron}}(included with the Electron){{/if}}
    • Power source for USB cable (such as your computer, USB battery, or power brick)
    • (2) Resistors between 220 Ohms and 1000 Ohms {{#if photon}}(220 Ohm Resistors included with Photon Kit and Maker Kit){{/if}}{{#if electron}}(included with the Electron){{/if}}
    • (1) LED, any color {{#if photon}}(Red LED included with Photon Kit and Maker Kit){{/if}}{{#if electron}}(included with the Electron){{/if}}
    • (1) Photoresistor {{#if photon}}(Included with Photon Kit and Maker Kit){{/if}}{{#if electron}}(included with the Electron){{/if}} {{#if electron}}
    • LiPo Battery (included with the Electron) {{/if}} {{#if raspberry-pi}}
    • (Optional) A break out board like the Adafruit Pi T-Cobbler {{/if}}

{{#if electron}}All of the example circuits are based on the reference card that came along with your Electron kit. If you have misplaced yours, download it here!{{/if}}

{{#if electron}}


Since Electron is a cellular device and OTA usage consumes data, it's important for us to think about conserving data. Every time you update your firmware over the air, push data to the device or remain connected to the network, you are consuming data. In the development phase of your project, it is suggested that you update firmware happen over USB, instead of the cellular network. You'll first need to install the Particle Command Line Interface on your computer.

{{/if}} {{!-- electron --}}

Blink an LED


Blinking an LED is the "Hello World" example of the microcontroller universe. It's a nice way to warm up and start your journey into the land of embedded hardware.


Connect everything together as shown in the image below. The negative (shorter) pin of the LED is connected to ground via a resistor and the positive (longer) pin is connected to {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}.{{#if raspberry-pi}} If you have a Pi break out board, you can use it instead of connecting components directly to the GPIO pins.{{/if}}

{{#if raspberry-pi}} Feel free to continue without connecting the external LED if that's too much trouble since the Raspberry Pi has a green LED on board that we'll use in the blink example. {{/if}}

{{#if raspberry-pi}} One LED illustration {{else}} {{#if electron}} One LED illustration {{else}} One LED illustration {{/if}} {{/if}}

Next, we're going to load code onto your device. Copy and paste this code into a new application on or on Particle Dev. We've heavily commented this code so that you can see what is going on in each line.

Go ahead and save this application, then flash it to your {{device}}. You should be able to see that LED blinking away!

(In case you wonder how the pretty wiring diagram above was made, check out Fritzing and the Particle Fritzing parts library)


// ------------
// Blink an LED
// ------------


We've heavily commented this code for you. If you're a pro, feel free to ignore it.

Comments start with two slashes or are blocked off by a slash and a star.
You can read them, but your device can't.
It's like a secret message just for you.

Every program based on Wiring (programming language used by Arduino, and Particle devices) has two essential parts:
setup - runs once at the beginning of your program
loop - runs continuously over and over

You'll see how we use these in a second.

This program will blink an led on and off every second.
It blinks the D7 LED on your Particle device. If you have an LED wired to {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}, it will blink that LED as well.


// First, we're going to make some variables.
// This is our "shorthand" that we'll use throughout the program:

int led1 = {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}; // Instead of writing {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}} over and over again, we'll write led1
// You'll need to wire an LED to this one to see it blink.

int led2 = D7; // Instead of writing D7 over and over again, we'll write led2
{{#if raspberry-pi}}
// This one is the little green LED next to micro-USB connector
// This one is the little blue LED on your board. On the Photon it is next to D7, and on the Core it is next to the USB jack.

// Having declared these variables, let's move on to the setup function.
// The setup function is a standard part of any microcontroller program.
// It runs only once when the device boots up or is reset.

void setup() {

  // We are going to tell our device that {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}} and D7 (which we named led1 and led2 respectively) are going to be output
  // (That means that we will be sending voltage to them, rather than monitoring voltage that comes from them)

  // It's important you do this here, inside the setup() function rather than outside it or in the loop function.

  pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);


// Next we have the loop function, the other essential part of a microcontroller program.
// This routine gets repeated over and over, as quickly as possible and as many times as possible, after the setup function is called.
// Note: Code that blocks for too long (like more than 5 seconds), can make weird things happen (like dropping the network connection).  The built-in delay function shown below safely interleaves required background activity, so arbitrarily long delays can safely be done if you need them.

void loop() {
  // To blink the LED, first we'll turn it on...
  digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);

  // We'll leave it on for 1 second...

  // Then we'll turn it off...
  digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2, LOW);

  // Wait 1 second...

  // And repeat!

Control LEDs over the 'net


Now that we know how to blink an LED, how about we control it over the Internet? This is where the fun begins.

We've heavily commented the code below so that you can see what's going on. Basically, we are going to:

  • Set up the pins as outputs that have LEDs connected to them
  • Create and register a Particle function (this gets called automagically when you make an API request to it)
  • Parse the incoming command and take appropriate actions


As in the previous example, connect everything together as shown in the image below. The negative (shorter) pin of the LED is connected to ground via a resistor and the positive (longer) pin is connected to {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}.

{{#if raspberry-pi}} One LED illustration {{else}} {{#if electron}} One LED illustration {{else}} One LED illustration {{/if}} {{/if}}


// -----------------------------------
// Controlling LEDs over the Internet
// -----------------------------------

/* First, let's create our "shorthand" for the pins
Same as in the Blink an LED example:
led1 is {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}, led2 is D7 */

int led1 = {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}};
int led2 = D7;

// Last time, we only needed to declare pins in the setup function.
// This time, we are also going to register our Particle function

void setup()

   // Here's the pin configuration, same as last time
   pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);

   // We are also going to declare a Particle.function so that we can turn the LED on and off from the cloud.
   // This is saying that when we ask the cloud for the function "led", it will employ the function ledToggle() from this app.

   // For good measure, let's also make sure both LEDs are off when we start:
   digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
   digitalWrite(led2, LOW);


/* Last time, we wanted to continously blink the LED on and off
Since we're waiting for input through the cloud this time,
we don't actually need to put anything in the loop */

void loop()
   // Nothing to do here

// We're going to have a super cool function now that gets called when a matching API request is sent
// This is the ledToggle function we registered to the "led" Particle.function earlier.

int ledToggle(String command) {
    /* Particle.functions always take a string as an argument and return an integer.
    Since we can pass a string, it means that we can give the program commands on how the function should be used.
    In this case, telling the function "on" will turn the LED on and telling it "off" will turn the LED off.
    Then, the function returns a value to us to let us know what happened.
    In this case, it will return 1 for the LEDs turning on, 0 for the LEDs turning off,
    and -1 if we received a totally bogus command that didn't do anything to the LEDs.

    if (command=="on") {
        return 1;
    else if (command=="off") {
        return 0;
    else {
        return -1;


When we register a function or variable, we're basically making a space for it on the internet, similar to the way there's a space for a website you'd navigate to with your browser. Thanks to the REST API, there's a specific address that identifies you and your device. You can send requests, like GET and POST requests, to this URL just like you would with any webpage in a browser.

Remember the last time you submitted a form online? You may not have known it, but the website probably sent a POST request with the info you put in the form over to another URL that would store your data. We can do the same thing to send information to your device, telling it to turn the LED on and off.

Use the following to view your page:

/* Paste the code between the dashes below into a .txt file and save it as an .html file. Replace your-device-ID-goes-here with your actual device ID and your-access-token-goes-here with your actual access token.

<!-- Replace your-device-ID-goes-here with your actual device ID
and replace your-access-token-goes-here with your actual access token-->
  <form action="" method="POST">
    Tell your device what to do!<br>
    <input type="radio" name="arg" value="on">Turn the LED on.
    <input type="radio" name="arg" value="off">Turn the LED off.
    <input type="submit" value="Do it!">

Edit the code in your text file so that "your-device-ID-goes-here" is your actual device ID, and "your-access-token-goes-here" is your actual access token. These things are accessible through your IDE at Your device ID can be found in your Devices drawer (the crosshairs) when you click on the device you want to use, and your access token can be found in settings (the cogwheel).

Open that .html file in a browser. You'll see a very simple HTML form that allows you to select whether you'd like to turn the LED on or off.

When you click "Do it!" you are posting information to the URL The information you give is the args, or argument value, of on or off. This hooks up to your Particle.function that we registered with the cloud in our firmware, which in turn sends info to your device to turn the LED on or off.

You'll get some info back after you submit the page that gives the status of your device and lets you know that it was indeed able to post to the URL. If you want to go back, just click "back" on your browser.

If you are using the command line, you can also turn the LED on and off by typing:

particle call device_name led on


particle call device_name led off

Remember to replace device_name with either your device ID or the nickname you made for your device when you set it up.

This does the same thing as our HTML page, but with a more slick interface.

The API request will look something like this:

POST /v1/devices/{DEVICE_ID}/led

# Core ID is 0123456789abcdef
# Your access token is 123412341234
curl \
  -d access_token=123412341234 \
  -d arg=on

Note that the API endpoint is 'led', not 'ledToggle'. This is because the endpoint is defined by the first argument of Particle.function(), which is a string of characters, rather than the second argument, which is a function.

To better understand the concept of making API calls to your device over the cloud checkout the Cloud API reference.

{{#if raspberry-pi}}

Script Execution, Publish and the Console


One of the most common use cases for IoT is to bring valuable sensor data online to make it accessible from anywhere and to inform intelligent reactions. Is the room temperature in your den climbing too high? Time to lower the shades. Are your plants overwatered from summer storms? Best not turn on the sprinklers.

In this example, we'll show you how to collect sensor data from your Raspberry Pi (the internal temperature of your Pi's processor) and post that data to the Particle Console.

The program to access the temperature sensor is vcgencmd measure_temp. It returns a string like temp=43.5'C.

After flashing the code below to your Raspberry Pi, you can check out the results on your console at When the CPU is very busy the temperature will go up.

You can also hook up publishes to IFTTT! More info here.


For this example, we'll use the internal CPU temperature sensor in the Raspberry Pi so just power it up.


// -----------------------------------------
// Execute a script and publish the result
// -----------------------------------------
void setup() {
  // Nothing to set up here

void loop() {
  // Measure the CPU temperature by running the vcgencmd program
  Process proc = Process::run("vcgencmd measure_temp");
  // Wait for vcgencmd to finish

  // The output is temp=43.5'C so fast-forward until the the character = is found
  // Convert the string to a number
  float cpuTemp = proc.out().parseFloat();

  // Publish the event to the Particle cloud. It will be visible in the Console.
  Particle.publish("cpu_temp", String(cpuTemp), PRIVATE);

  // Repeat after a 1 second pause

{{/if}} {{!-- raspberry-pi --}}

{{#unless raspberry-pi}}

Read your Photoresistor: Function and Variable

{{#if electron}}


There is a known issue with the first revision of the product card included with your Electron. The holes marked "A5" and "A0" are misaligned with the headers of the Electron, and actually align with pins "A4" and "B5", respectively. This issue will be corrected in later revisions of the project card. In the meantime, please ensure that the resistor and photoresistor included with your kit are connected to the correct pins (A5 and A0, not A4 and B5).

{{/if}} {{!-- electron --}}


This example uses the same setup as the LED control example to make a Particle.function. This time, though, we're going to add a sensor.

We will get a value from a photoresistor and store it in the cloud.

Paste the following code into your IDE, or just access the examples on the left hand menu bar in the online IDE.


Set up your breadboard as shown in the image below: {{#if electron}} Electron Diagram {{else}} Fritzing Diagram {{/if}}

Make sure that the short leg of the LED is plugged into GND. The other orientations do not matter.

Bend the LED and the Photoresistor so that they are pointing at each other. (You want the LED, when turned on, to shine its beam of light directly at the photoresistor.)


Copy and paste the following code into your online IDE or Particle Dev environment.

// -----------------------------------------
// Function and Variable with Photoresistors
// -----------------------------------------
// In this example, we're going to register a Particle.variable() with the cloud so that we can read brightness levels from the photoresistor.
// We'll also register a Particle.function so that we can turn the LED on and off remotely.

// We're going to start by declaring which pins everything is plugged into.

int led = {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}; // This is where your LED is plugged in. The other side goes to a resistor connected to GND.

int photoresistor = A0; // This is where your photoresistor is plugged in. The other side goes to the "power" pin (below).

int power = A5; // This is the other end of your photoresistor. The other side is plugged into the "photoresistor" pin (above).
// The reason we have plugged one side into an analog pin instead of to "power" is because we want a very steady voltage to be sent to the photoresistor.
// That way, when we read the value from the other side of the photoresistor, we can accurately calculate a voltage drop.

int analogvalue; // Here we are declaring the integer variable analogvalue, which we will use later to store the value of the photoresistor.

// Next we go into the setup function.

void setup() {

    // First, declare all of our pins. This lets our device know which ones will be used for outputting voltage, and which ones will read incoming voltage.
    pinMode(led,OUTPUT); // Our LED pin is output (lighting up the LED)
    pinMode(photoresistor,INPUT);  // Our photoresistor pin is input (reading the photoresistor)
    pinMode(power,OUTPUT); // The pin powering the photoresistor is output (sending out consistent power)

    // Next, write one pin of the photoresistor to be the maximum possible, so that we can use this for power.

    // We are going to declare a Particle.variable() here so that we can access the value of the photoresistor from the cloud.
    Particle.variable("analogvalue", &analogvalue, INT);
    // This is saying that when we ask the cloud for "analogvalue", this will reference the variable analogvalue in this app, which is an integer variable.

    // We are also going to declare a Particle.function so that we can turn the LED on and off from the cloud.
    // This is saying that when we ask the cloud for the function "led", it will employ the function ledToggle() from this app.


// Next is the loop function...

void loop() {

    // check to see what the value of the photoresistor is and store it in the int variable analogvalue
    analogvalue = analogRead(photoresistor);


// Finally, we will write out our ledToggle function, which is referenced by the Particle.function() called "led"

int ledToggle(String command) {

    if (command=="on") {
        return 1;
    else if (command=="off") {
        return 0;
    else {
        return -1;



Just like with our earlier example, we can toggle our LED on and off by creating an HTML page:

/* Paste the code between the dashes below into a .txt file and save it as an .html file. Replace your-device-ID-goes-here with your actual device ID and your-access-token-goes-here with your actual access token.

<!-- Replace your-device-ID-goes-here with your actual device ID
and replace your-access-token-goes-here with your actual access token-->
  <form action="" method="POST">
    Tell your device what to do!<br>
    <input type="radio" name="args" value="on">Turn the LED on.
    <input type="radio" name="args" value="off">Turn the LED off.
    <input type="submit" value="Do it!">

Or we can use the Particle CLI with the command:

particle call device_name led on


particle call device_name led off

where device_name is your device ID or device name.

As for your Particle.variable, the API request will look something like this:

GET /v1/devices/{DEVICE_ID}/analogvalue

# Core ID is 0123456789abcdef
# Your access token is 123412341234
curl -G \
  -d access_token=123412341234

You can see a JSON output of your Particle.variable() call by going to:

(Be sure to replace your-device-ID-goes-here with your actual device ID and your-access-token-goes-here with your actual access token!)

You can also check out this value by using the command line. Type:

particle variable get device_name analogvalue

and make sure you replace device_name with either your device ID or the casual nickname you made for your device when you set it up.

Now you can turn your LED on and off and see the values at A0 change based on the photoresistor!

Make a Motion Detector: Publish and the Console


What if we simply want to know that something has happened, without all the information of a variable or all the action of a fuction? We might have a security system that tells us, "motion was detected!" or a smart washing machine that tells us "your laundry is done!" In that case, we might want to use Particle.publish.

Particle.publish sends a message to the cloud saying that some event has occured. We're allowed to name that event, set the privacy of that event, and add a little bit of info to go along with the event.

In this example, we've created a system where you turn your LED and photoresistor to face each other, making a beam of light that can be broken by the motion of your finger. Every time the beam is broken or reconnected, your device will send a Particle.publish to the cloud letting it know the state of the beam. Basically, a tripwire!

For your convenience, we've set up a little calibrate function so that your device will work no matter how bright your LED is, or how bright the ambient light may be. Put your finger in the beam when the D7 LED goes on, and hold it in the beam until you see two flashes from the D7 LED. Then take your finger out of the beam. If you mess up, don't worry-- you can just hit "reset" on your device and do it again!

You can check out the results on your console at As you put your finger in front of the beam, you'll see an event appear that says the beam was broken. When you remove your finger, the event says that the beam is now intact.

You can also hook up publishes to IFTTT! More info here.


The setup is the same as in the last example. Set up your breadboard as follows:

{{#if electron}} Electron Diagram {{else}} Fritzing Diagram {{/if}}

Ensure that the short end of the LED is plugged into GND and that the LED and Photoresistor are bent to face each other. (You want the LED, when turned on, to shine its beam of light directly at the photoresistor.) Try to leave enough space between the LED and the Photoresistor for your finger or a piece of paper.


// -----------------------------------------
// Publish and Console with Photoresistors
// -----------------------------------------
// This app will publish an event when the beam of light between the LED and the photoresistor is broken.
// It will publish a different event when the light is intact again.

// Just like before, we're going to start by declaring which pins everything is plugged into.

int led = {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}}; // This is where your LED is plugged in. The other side goes to a resistor connected to GND.
int boardLed = D7; // This is the LED that is already on your device.
// On the Core, it's the LED in the upper right hand corner.
// On the Photon, it's next to the D7 pin.

int photoresistor = A0; // This is where your photoresistor is plugged in. The other side goes to the "power" pin (below).

int power = A5; // This is the other end of your photoresistor. The other side is plugged into the "photoresistor" pin (above).

// The following values get set up when your device boots up and calibrates:
int intactValue; // This is the average value that the photoresistor reads when the beam is intact.
int brokenValue; // This is the average value that the photoresistor reads when the beam is broken.
int beamThreshold; // This is a value halfway between ledOnValue and ledOffValue, above which we will assume the led is on and below which we will assume it is off.

bool beamBroken = false; // This flag will be used to mark if we have a new status or not. We will use it in the loop.

// We start with the setup function.

void setup() {
  // This part is mostly the same:
  pinMode(led,OUTPUT); // Our LED pin is output (lighting up the LED)
  pinMode(boardLed,OUTPUT); // Our on-board LED is output as well
  pinMode(photoresistor,INPUT);  // Our photoresistor pin is input (reading the photoresistor)
  pinMode(power,OUTPUT); // The pin powering the photoresistor is output (sending out consistent power)

  // Next, write the power of the photoresistor to be the maximum possible, which is 4095 in analog.

  // Since everyone sets up their leds differently, we are also going to start by calibrating our photoresistor.
  // This one is going to require some input from the user!

  // First, the D7 LED will go on to tell you to put your hand in front of the beam.

  // Then, the D7 LED will go off and the LED will turn on.

  // Now we'll take some readings...
  int on_1 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(200); // wait 200 milliseconds
  int on_2 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(300); // wait 300 milliseconds

  // Now flash to let us know that you've taken the readings...

  // Now the D7 LED will go on to tell you to remove your hand...

  // The D7 LED will turn off...

  // ...And we will take two more readings.
  int off_1 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(200); // wait 200 milliseconds
  int off_2 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(1000); // wait 1 second

  // Now flash the D7 LED on and off three times to let us know that we're ready to go!

  // Now we average the "on" and "off" values to get an idea of what the resistance will be when the LED is on and off
  intactValue = (on_1+on_2)/2;
  brokenValue = (off_1+off_2)/2;

  // Let's also calculate the value between ledOn and ledOff, above which we will assume the led is on and below which we assume the led is off.
  beamThreshold = (intactValue+brokenValue)/2;


// Now for the loop.

void loop() {
  /* In this loop function, we're going to check to see if the beam has been broken.
  When the status of the beam changes, we'll send a Particle.publish() to the cloud
  so that if we want to, we can check from other devices when the LED is on or off.

  We'll also turn the D7 LED on when the Photoresistor detects a beam breakage.

  if (analogRead(photoresistor)>beamThreshold) {

    /* If you are above the threshold, we'll assume the beam is intact.
    If the beam was intact before, though, we don't need to change anything.
    We'll use the beamBroken flag to help us find this out.
    This flag monitors the current status of the beam.
    After the beam is broken, it is set TRUE
    and when the beam reconnects it is set to FALSE.

    if (beamBroken==true) {
        // If the beam was broken before, then this is a new status.
        // We will send a publish to the cloud and turn the LED on.

        // Send a publish to your devices...
        // And flash the on-board LED on and off.

        // Finally, set the flag to reflect the current status of the beam.
    else {
        // Otherwise, this isn't a new status, and we don't have to do anything.

  else {
      // If you are below the threshold, the beam is probably broken.
      if (beamBroken==false) {

        // Send a publish...
        // And flash the on-board LED on and off.

        // Finally, set the flag to reflect the current status of the beam.
      else {
          // Otherwise, this isn't a new status, and we don't have to do anything.


The Buddy System: Publish and Subscribe


In the previous example, we sent a private publish. This publish went to you alone; it was just for you and your own apps, programs, integrations, and devices. We can also send a public publish, though, which allows anyone anywhere to see and subscribe to our event in the cloud. All they need is our event name.

Go find a buddy who has a Core, Photon, or Electron. Your buddy does not have to be next to you--she or he can be across the world if you like! All you need is a connection.

Connect your device and copy the firmware on the right into a new app. Pick a weird name for your event. {{#unless electron}}If your device were named starfish for example, you could make your event name something like starfish_special_event_20150515. Have your buddy pick a name for their event as well. No more than 63 ASCII characters, and no spaces!{{/unless}}{{#if electron}}Keep it short for data efficiency, but unique so no one else will be using it.{{/if}}

Now replace your_unique_event_name with your actual event name and buddy_unique_event_name with your buddy's unique event name.

Have your buddy do the same thing, only with their event name and yours (swap 'em).

Flash the firmware to your devices. Calibrate your device when it comes online (same as in the previous example).

When the beam is broken on your device, the D7 LED on your buddy's device will light up! Now you can send little messages to each other in morse code... though if one of you is using an Electron, you should be restrained.


The setup is the same as in the last example. Set up your breadboard as follows:

{{#if electron}} Electron Diagram {{else}} Fritzing Diagram {{/if}}

Ensure that the short end of the LED is plugged into GND and that the LED and Photoresistor are bent to face each other. (You want the LED, when turned on, to shine its beam of light directly at the photoresistor.) Try to leave enough space between the LED and the Photoresistor for your finger or a piece of paper.


// -----------------------------------------
// Publish and Subscribe with Photoresistors
/* -----------------------------------------

Go find a buddy who also has a Particle device.
Each of you will pick a unique event name
   (make it weird so that no one else will have it)
   (no more that 63 ASCII characters, and no spaces)

In the following code, replace "your_unique_event_name" with your chosen name.
Replace "buddy_unique_event_name" with your buddy's chosen name.

Have your buddy do the same on his or her IDE.

Then, each of you should flash the code to your device.

Breaking the beam on one device will turn on the D7 LED on the second device.

But how does this magic work? Through the miracle of publish and subscribe.

We are going to Particle.publish a public event to the cloud.
That means that everyone can see you event and anyone can subscribe to it.
You and your buddy will both publish an event, and listen for each others events.


int led = {{#if electron}}D6{{else}}D0{{/if}};
int boardLed = D7;
int photoresistor = A0;
int power = A5;

int intactValue;
int brokenValue;
int beamThreshold;

bool beamBroken = false;

// We start with the setup function.

void setup() {
  // This part is mostly the same:
  pinMode(led,OUTPUT); // Our LED pin is output (lighting up the LED)
  pinMode(boardLed,OUTPUT); // Our on-board LED is output as well
  pinMode(photoresistor,INPUT);  // Our photoresistor pin is input (reading the photoresistor)
  pinMode(power,OUTPUT); // The pin powering the photoresistor is output (sending out consistent power)

  // Here we are going to subscribe to your buddy's event using Particle.subscribe
  Particle.subscribe("buddy_unique_event_name", myHandler);
  // Subscribe will listen for the event buddy_unique_event_name and, when it finds it, will run the function myHandler()
  // (Remember to replace buddy_unique_event_name with your buddy's actual unique event name that they have in their firmware.)
  // myHandler() is declared later in this app.

  // Next, deliver power to the photoresistor

  // Since everyone sets up their LEDs differently, we are also going to start by calibrating our photoresistor.
  // This one is going to require some input from the user!

  // Calibrate:
  // First, the D7 LED will go on to tell you to put your hand in front of the beam.

  // Then, the D7 LED will go off and the LED will turn on.

  // Now we'll take some readings...
  int off_1 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(200); // wait 200 milliseconds
  int off_2 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(1000); // wait 1 second

  // Now flash to let us know that you've taken the readings...

  // Now the D7 LED will go on to tell you to remove your hand...

  // The D7 LED will turn off...

  // ...And we will take two more readings.
  int on_1 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(200); // wait 200 milliseconds
  int on_2 = analogRead(photoresistor); // read photoresistor
  delay(300); // wait 300 milliseconds

  // Now flash the D7 LED on and off three times to let us know that we're ready to go!

  intactValue = (on_1+on_2)/2;
  brokenValue = (off_1+off_2)/2;
  beamThreshold = (intactValue+brokenValue)/2;


void loop() {
  // This loop sends a publish when the beam is broken.
  if (analogRead(photoresistor)>beamThreshold) {
    if (beamBroken==true) {
        // publish this public event
        // rename your_unique_event_name with your actual unique event name. No spaces, 63 ASCII characters.
        // give your event name to your buddy and have them put it in their app.

        // Set the flag to reflect the current status of the beam.

  else {
      if (beamBroken==false) {
        // Same deal as before...

// Now for the myHandler function, which is called when the cloud tells us that our buddy's event is published.
void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
  /* Particle.subscribe handlers are void functions, which means they don't return anything.
  They take two variables-- the name of your event, and any data that goes along with your event.
  In this case, the event will be "buddy_unique_event_name" and the data will be "intact" or "broken"

  Since the input here is a char, we can't do

  chars just don't play that way. Instead we're going to strcmp(), which compares two chars.
  If they are the same, strcmp will return 0.

  if (strcmp(data,"intact")==0) {
    // if your buddy's beam is intact, then turn your board LED off
  else if (strcmp(data,"broken")==0) {
    // if your buddy's beam is broken, turn your board LED on
  else {
    // if the data is something else, don't do anything.
    // Really the data shouldn't be anything but those two listed above.

{{/unless}} {{!-- raspberry-pi --}}

{{#if electron}}

Electron Combined Publish


Every message the Electron sends to or from the Cloud has a certain fixed overhead, so we try to minimize the number of messages that are sent. You can do some optimization in your code, too. If you combine many data points in a single publish message, you'll use less data. We combine the data points into a single string, with commas in between them for easy parsing later.


You can use the previous circuit, with the photoresistor connected to A0.


// --------------------------------------------
// Combining many data points into one Publish
/* --------------------------------------------

This short bit of code samples an analog sensor connected to A0
every 10 minutes (600,000 milliseconds) and publishes 5 readings
at a time to the cloud. Combining what could be several publishes
into a single publish message saves lots of data, and this example
can easily be modified to send more data points at once, change the
sampling rate, or read a different sensor.


// Create an array with 5 locations to store values in
int light[5];

// The variable we'll use to keep track of where we are in the array
int i = 0;

// This is where we'll store the last time a measurement was taken
long lastMeasurement = 0;

void setup() {


void loop() {

    /* This statement is incredibly useful.
    millis() tells us what the current time is in milliseconds
    lastMeasurement will be when we recorded last; it starts out as 0 because we've never measured
    If the difference in milliseconds between the current time and the last time we've measured
    is more than 600,000 milliseconds (ten minutes) then... do all the things!
    if(millis()-lastMeasurement > 600000){
        // Measure the value on the photoresistor, and put it into the array
        light[i] = analogRead(A0);

        // Keep track of when last measurement was taken
        lastMeasurement = millis();

        // If we've taken 5 measurements (0-4, inclusive) then we should send that data
        if(i == 4){
            /* We're using a short event name "T" to reduce data transmitted
            String::format will create a single string for us out of many data points
            Each %d means to put an integer there. %s is used for strings.
            To learn more, read
            Since this will only happen every 5 measurements, we can assume these publishes will be 50 minutes apart*/
            Particle.publish("L", String::format("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", light[0],light[1],light[2],light[3],light[4]));
            // Reset index to beginning
            i = 0;
        else {
            // If it wasn't the 5th measurement, increase the index by 1

If you want to subscribe to these publishes from another Particle device, you can create a handler that splits the data on receipt:

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Parsing publishes that contain multiple data points
/* ---------------------------------------------------

Subscribing the the example above, this example will listen for data from
the "L" event, split it up, and put it into the subscribeData array.


// Create an array with 5 locations to store values from the subscribe
int subscribeData[5];

void setup() {

    // if you are subscribing to a private event published with the syntax
    //    Particle.publish("event-name", event-data,time-to-live,PRIVATE);
    // you should use:

    // Otherwise, for a public event published with the syntax
    //    Particle.publish("event-name", event-data);
    // you should use:
    // Note that this will subscribe to all public events with the name "L".


void loop() {
    // nothing here...

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data) {
    if (data) {
        char input[64];
        char *p;
        p = strtok(input,",");
        p = strtok(NULL,",");
        p = strtok(NULL,",");
        p = strtok(NULL,",");
        p = strtok(NULL,",");
        Serial.print("Got data: ");

{{/if}} {{!-- electron --}}


Remember back when we were blinking lights and reading sensors with Tinker on the mobile app?

When you tap a pin on the mobile app, it sends a message up to the cloud. Your device is always listening to the cloud and waiting for instructions-- like "write D7 HIGH" or "read the voltage at A0".

Your device already knew how to communicate with the mobile app because of the firmware loaded onto your device as a default. We call this the Tinker firmware. It's just like the user firmware you've been loading onto your device in these examples. It's just that with the Tinker firmware, we've specified special Particle.functions that the mobile app knows and understands.

If your device is new, it already has the Tinker firmware on it. It's the default firmware stored on your device right from the factory. When you put your own user firmware on your device, you'll rewrite the Tinker firmware. (That means that your device will no longer understand commands from the Particle mobile app.) However, you can always get the Tinker firmware back on your device {{#if raspberry-pi}}by running particle-agen setup.{{else}}{{#unless electron}}by putting it in factory reset mode, or {{/unless}}by re-flashing your device with Tinker in the Particle app.{{/if}}

{{#unless raspberry-pi}} To reflash Tinker from within the app:

  • iOS Users: Tap the list button at the top left. Then tap the arrow next to your desired device and tap the "Re-flash Tinker" button in the pop out menu.
  • Android Users: With your desired device selected, tap the options button in the upper right and tap the "Reflash Tinker" option in the drop down menu. {{/unless}} {{!-- raspberry-pi --}}

The Tinker app is a great example of how to build a very powerful application with not all that much code. If you're a technical person, you can have a look at the latest release here.

I know what you're thinking: this is amazing, but I really want to use Tinker while my code is running so I can see what's happening! Now you can.

Combine your code with this framework, flash it to your device, and Tinker away. You can also access Tinker code by clicking on the last example in the online IDE's code menu.

/* Function prototypes -------------------------------------------------------*/
int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin);
int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command);
int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin);
int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command);


/* This function is called once at start up ----------------------------------*/
void setup()
    //Setup the Tinker application here

    //Register all the Tinker functions
    Particle.function("digitalread", tinkerDigitalRead);
    Particle.function("digitalwrite", tinkerDigitalWrite);

    Particle.function("analogread", tinkerAnalogRead);
    Particle.function("analogwrite", tinkerAnalogWrite);

/* This function loops forever --------------------------------------------*/
void loop()
    //This will run in a loop

 * Function Name  : tinkerDigitalRead
 * Description    : Reads the digital value of a given pin
 * Input          : Pin
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : Value of the pin (0 or 1) in INT type
                    Returns a negative number on failure
int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin)
    //convert ASCII to integer
    int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
    if (pinNumber < 0 || pinNumber > 7) return -1;

        pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber);
    else if (pin.startsWith("A"))
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber+10);
#if Wiring_Cellular
    else if (pin.startsWith("B"))
        if (pinNumber > 5) return -3;
        pinMode(pinNumber+24, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber+24);
    else if (pin.startsWith("C"))
        if (pinNumber > 5) return -4;
        pinMode(pinNumber+30, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber+30);
    return -2;

 * Function Name  : tinkerDigitalWrite
 * Description    : Sets the specified pin HIGH or LOW
 * Input          : Pin and value
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : 1 on success and a negative number on failure
int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command)
    bool value = 0;
    //convert ASCII to integer
    int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
    if (pinNumber < 0 || pinNumber > 7) return -1;

    if(command.substring(3,7) == "HIGH") value = 1;
    else if(command.substring(3,6) == "LOW") value = 0;
    else return -2;

        pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber, value);
        return 1;
    else if(command.startsWith("A"))
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber+10, value);
        return 1;
#if Wiring_Cellular
    else if(command.startsWith("B"))
        if (pinNumber > 5) return -4;
        pinMode(pinNumber+24, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber+24, value);
        return 1;
    else if(command.startsWith("C"))
        if (pinNumber > 5) return -5;
        pinMode(pinNumber+30, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber+30, value);
        return 1;
    else return -3;

 * Function Name  : tinkerAnalogRead
 * Description    : Reads the analog value of a pin
 * Input          : Pin
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : Returns the analog value in INT type (0 to 4095)
                    Returns a negative number on failure
int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin)
    //convert ASCII to integer
    int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
    if (pinNumber < 0 || pinNumber > 7) return -1;

        return -3;
    else if (pin.startsWith("A"))
        return analogRead(pinNumber+10);
#if Wiring_Cellular
    else if (pin.startsWith("B"))
        if (pinNumber < 2 || pinNumber > 5) return -3;
        return analogRead(pinNumber+24);
    return -2;

 * Function Name  : tinkerAnalogWrite
 * Description    : Writes an analog value (PWM) to the specified pin
 * Input          : Pin and Value (0 to 255)
 * Output         : None.
 * Return         : 1 on success and a negative number on failure
int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command)
    String value = command.substring(3);

    if(command.substring(0,2) == "TX")
        pinMode(TX, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(TX, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else if(command.substring(0,2) == "RX")
        pinMode(RX, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(RX, value.toInt());
        return 1;

    //convert ASCII to integer
    int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits

    if (pinNumber < 0 || pinNumber > 7) return -1;

        pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else if(command.startsWith("A"))
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber+10, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else if(command.substring(0,2) == "TX")
        pinMode(TX, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(TX, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else if(command.substring(0,2) == "RX")
        pinMode(RX, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(RX, value.toInt());
        return 1;
#if Wiring_Cellular
    else if (command.startsWith("B"))
        if (pinNumber > 3) return -3;
        pinMode(pinNumber+24, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber+24, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else if (command.startsWith("C"))
        if (pinNumber < 4 || pinNumber > 5) return -4;
        pinMode(pinNumber+30, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber+30, value.toInt());
        return 1;
    else return -2;

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