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SoftAP Setup v2.0

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@UnidentifiedContributor UnidentifiedContributor released this 15 Aug 10:36
· 68 commits to master since this release

tl;dr — HTTP-based SoftAPSetup! Browsers!

Version 2.0 of the SoftAP Setup JS library enables the use of HTTP as the protocol for the SoftAPSetup client, unlocking the potential for browser-based setup of Particle devices. The README has been updated to show an example of how to utilize HTTP as the protocol for your SoftAPSetup client.

HTTP support for SoftAP Setup is only available on device firmware version 0.4.2 or later.

Please take this into consideration and ensure that your device firmware is up-to-date, or use TCP if HTTP is not necessary. This release is in preparation for an upcoming firmware release which will include the necessary changes to enable fully browser-based wireless setup of Particle devices. There is currently a known bug in version 0.4.4 of the device firmware when using HTTP to issue the 'configure-ap' command. The Photon will blink red and reset without sending a response to the request, but will still connect with the AP credentials you provide. This will be fixed in an upcoming release, and your devices will auto-update to a firmware version that fully supports HTTP setup.