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Packages async-profiler with binaries for all platforms in a single JAR


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Loader for AsyncProfiler

Maven Central GitHub

Packages async-profiler releases in a JAR with an AsyncProfilerLoader (version 3., 2. and 1.8.*) that loads the suitable native library for the current platform.

In 3. it also includes the latest jattach binary. This was previously part of async-profiler.*

This is usable as a Java agent (same arguments as the async-profiler agent) and as the basis for other libraries. The real rationale behind this library is that the async-profiler is a nice tool, but it cannot be easily integrated into other Java-based tools.

The AsyncProfilerLoader API integrates async-profiler and jattach with a user-friendly interface (see below).

The wrapper is tested against all relevant tests of the async-profiler tool, ensuring that it has the same behavior.

Take the all build and you have a JAR that provides the important features of async-profiler on all supported platforms.

A changelog can be found in the async-profiler repository, as this library should rarely change itself.

This project assumes that you used async-profiler before, if not, don't worry, you can still use this project, but be aware that its documentation refers you to the async-profiler documentation a lot.

fdtransfer is currently not supported, feel free to create an issue if you need it.

I wrote two blog posts about this project:

  1. AP-Loader: A new way to use and embed async-profiler
  2. Using Async-Profiler and Jattach Programmatically with AP-Loader


You can download the latest release from the latest release page. As a shortcut, the wrapper for all platforms can be found here.

It should be up-to-date with the latest async-profiler release, but if not, feel free to create an issue.

To use the library as a dependency, you can depend on me.bechberger.ap-loader-<variant>:<version>-<ap-loader-version> from maven central, e.g:


Others are of course available, see maven central.

You can also use JBang to simplify the usage of ap-loader. There are examples in documentation below.

Supported Platforms

  • Required Java version: 8 or higher
  • Supported OS: Linux and macOS (on all platforms the async-profiler has binaries for)


The JAR can be obtained in the following variants:

  • macos, linux-x64, ...: jattach, and for the given platform
  • all: all of the above

Regarding file sizes: The all variant are typically around 800KB and the individual variants around 200 to 400KB.


The following is a more in-depth description of the commands of java -jar ap-loader.jar.

To run with JBang you can do jbang ap-loader@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader or install it as an application:

jbang app install ap-loader@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader

and run it directly with ap-loader instead of java -jar ap-loader.jar.

If you want to install a specific ap-loader rather than latest you can use jbang app install me.bechberger:ap-loader-all:<version>.

Be aware that it is recommended to run the JVM with the -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints flags. This improves the accuracy of the profiler.

Overview of the commands:

Usage: java -jar ap-loader.jar <command> [args]
  help         show this help
  jattach      run the included jattach binary
  profiler     run the included script
  agentpath    prints the path of the extracted async-profiler agent
  jattachpath  prints the path of the extracted jattach binary
  supported    fails if this JAR does not include a profiler for the current OS and architecture
  converter    run the included converter
  version      version of the included async-profiler
  clear        clear the directory used for storing extracted files


java -jar ap-loader.jar jattach is equivalent to calling the suitable jattach binary from GitHub>:

# Load a native agent
java -jar ap-loader.jar jattach <pid> load <.so-path> { true | false, is path absolute? } [ options ]

# Load a java agent
java -jar ap-loader.jar jattach <pid> load instrument false "javaagent.jar=arguments"

# Running the help command for jcmd
java -jar ap-loader.jar jattach <pid> jcmd "help -all"

See the GitHub page of jattach for more details.


java -jar ap-loader.jar profiler is equivalent to calling the suitable

# Profile a process for `n` seconds
java -jar ap-loader.jar profiler -d <n> <pid>

# Profile a process for allocation, CPU and lock events and save the results to a JFR file
java -jar ap-loader.jar profiler -e alloc,cpu,lock -f <file.jfr> <pid>

See the GitHub page of async-profiler for more details.


Allows you to check whether your JAR includes a jattact, and for your current OS and architecture.


java -jar ap-loader.jar converter is equivalent to calling the included converters:

java -jar ap-loader.jar converter <Converter> [options] <input> <output>

# Convert a JFR file to flame graph
java -jar ap-loader.jar converter jfr2flame <input.jfr> <output.html>

The available converters depend on the included async-profiler version. Call java -jar ap-loader.jar converter to a list of available converters, see the source code on GitHub for more details.


Clear the application directory used for storing extracted files, like /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/me.bechberger.ap-loader-<version>/ to redo the extraction on the next run.

Running as an agent

java -javaagent:ap-loader.jar=<options> is equivalent to java<options> with a suitable library. This can be used to profile a Java process from the start.

# Profile the application and output a flame graph
java -javaagent:ap-loader.jar=start,event=cpu,file=profile.html <java arguments>

With JBang you can do:

jbang --javaagent:ap-loader@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader=start,event=cpu,file=profile.html <java arguments>

See the GitHub page of async-profiler for more details.

Usage in Java Code

Then you can use the AsyncProfilerLoader class to load the native library:

AsyncProfiler profiler = one.profiler.AsyncProfilerLoader.load();

AsyncProfiler is the main API class from the async-profiler.jar.

The API of the AsyncProfilerLoader can be used to execute all commands of the CLI programmatically.

The converters reside in the one.converter package.

Attaching a Custom Agent Programmatically

A notable part of the API are the jattach related methods that allow you to call jattach to attach your own native library to the currently running JVM:

// extract the agent first from the resources
Path p = one.profiler.AsyncProfilerLoader.extractCustomLibraryFromResources(....getClassLoader(), "library name");
// attach the agent to the current JVM
one.profiler.AsyncProfilerLoader.jattach(p, "optional arguments")
// -> returns true if jattach succeeded



The latest all version can be added via:


Build and test

The following describes how to build the different JARs and how to test them. It requires a platform supported by async-profiler and Python 3.6+.

Build the JARs using maven

# download the release sources and binaries
python3 ./bin/ download 3.0

# build the JAR for the release
# maven might throw warnings, related to the project version setting,
# but the alternative solutions don't work, so we ignore the warning for now
mvn -Dproject.vversion=3.0 -Dproject.subrelease=7 -Dproject.platform=macos package assembly:single
# use it
java -jar target/ap-loader-macos-3.0-8-full.jar ...
# build the all JAR
mvn -Dproject.vversion=3.0 -Dproject.subrelease=7 -Dproject.platform=all package assembly:single


This project is written in Java 8, to support all relevant platforms. The feature set should not increase beyond what is currently: Just build your library on top of it. But I'm of course happy for bug reports and fixes.

The code is formatted using google-java-format.


    python3 ./bin/ <command> ... <command> [release or current if not present]

 current_version   print the youngest released version of async-profiler
    versions          print all released versions of async-profiler (supported by this project)
    download          download and prepare the folders for the given release
    build             build the wrappers for the given release
    test              test the given release
    deploy_mvn        deploy the wrappers for the given release as a snapshot to maven
    deploy_gh         deploy the wrappers for the given release as a snapshot to GitHub
    deploy            deploy the wrappers for the given release as a snapshot
    deploy_release    deploy the wrappers for the given release
    clear             clear the ap-releases and target folders for a fresh start

Deploy the latest version via bin/ download build test deploy as a snapshot.

For a release use bin/ download build test deploy_release, but before make sure to do the following for a new sub release:

  • update the version number in the README
  • update the changelog in the README and bin/
  • and increment the SUB_VERSION variable in bin/ afterwards

And the following for a new async-profiler release:

  • update the version in the README



  • Fix FlameGraph converter #22


  • Support for async-profiler 3.0
  • Breaking changes with async-profiler 3.0:
    • async-profiler 3.0 changed the meaning of the --lib option from --lib path full path to in the container to -l, --lib prepend library names, so the AsyncProfilerLoader will throw an UnsupportedOperation exception when using the --lib option with a path argument and async-profiler 3.0 or higher


  • Drop dev.dirs:directories dependency #13 (thanks to @jsjant for spotting the potential licensing issue and fixing it in #14)


  • Fix Linux Arm64 release #12 (thanks to @dkrawiec-c for fixing this issue)


  • Add new jattach methods (AsyncProfilerLoader.jattach(Path agent, String args)) to make using it programmatically easier
  • Add new AsyncProfilerLoader.extractCustomLibraryFromResources(ClassLoader, String) method to extract a custom library from the resources
    • this also has a variant that looks in an alternative resource directory if the resource does not exist


  • AsyncProfiler.isSupported() now returns false if the OS is not supported by any async-profiler binary, fixes #5


  • Create specific artifacts for each platform fixing previous issues with maven version updates (issue #4, thanks @ginkel for reporting it)


  • Fixed the library version in the pom #3 again (thanks to @gavlyukovskiy, @dpsoft and @krzysztofslusarski for spotting the bug)


  • Fixed the library version in the pom #3 (thanks to @gavlyukovskiy for spotting the bug)


  • 11.11.2022: Improve Converter


Apache 2.0, Copyright 2023 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company, Johannes Bechberger and ap-loader contributors

This project is maintained by the SapMachine team at SAP SE