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Pascal Zarrad edited this page Oct 18, 2019 · 4 revisions

psh is not a shell nor any plugin for zsh - it is a tool that is used to simplify the installation of zsh and customize it as easy as possible. To reach that goal, psh brings many open source projects together.

Framework and package management:


  • auto-suggestions
  • history-substring-search
  • syntax-highlight
  • zsh-completions
  • alias-finder
  • ant
  • aws
  • bgnotify
  • catimg
  • command-not-found
  • common-aliases
  • composer
  • copydir
  • docker-compose, docker-machine, docker, ctop
  • encode64
  • extract
  • git, gitignore
  • golang
  • gradle
  • gulp
  • jsontools
  • mvn
  • n98-magerun
  • ng
  • node, npm, bower, grunt, bundler
  • phpcs, phpunit
  • python, pip, virtualenv
  • redis-cli
  • rsync
  • symfony
  • ubuntu
  • yarn, yarn-autocompletions


  • Agnoster
  • Bira (Fallback for Windows Subsystem for Linux)

When a plugin or theme does not have a link, it is being shipped with oh-my-zsh.

Thanks to all people of the open source community that make this project possible! ❤️

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