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Some experiments with dependent types in Haskell.

This includes trying to write in Haskell some of the examples and exercices in the Idris book.

Remark: this is a very ongoing work. The current entry point is Sandboxes.RAE1.



To make experiments we use different sandboxes based on different approaches.

  • HI is H. Ishii line of work

    based on [R-S2]

  • RAEx is R. Eisenberg line of work

    • RAE1 based on [R-O2, R-O3, L1] ← current work, see Sandboxes.RAE1
    • RAE2 based on [V1]
    • RAE3 based on [R-A1] (inconclusive, to be read again after RAE1-RAE2)








Notes on GHC Extensions

This information is mostly taken from GHC 8.4.3 language features plus some things from other references of from experiments.

  • ConstrainedClassMethods

    • more constraints on class methods
  • ConstraintKinds

    • types of kinds Constraint can be used in contexts
    • Constraint can be imported from GHC.Exts or Data.Kind
    • allows type constraint synonyms
    • in case of exotic constraints, use with UndecidableInstances
  • DataKinds

    • promotion of data types at the kind level
    • useful for advanced type system features such as TypeFamilies and GADTs
    • example, the following datatype:
       data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
      will yield a new Nat kind and two new type constructors, 'Zero and 'Succ:
       data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
       Nat :: *
       'Zero :: Nat
       'Succ :: Nat -> Nat
    • there are restrictions on things being promoted (see doc) but TypeInType relaxes some of these restrictions
    • quote marks can be removed when non ambiguous (not recommended)
    • -Wunticked-promoted-constructors to signal forgotten quote marks
  • ExplicitForAll

    • explicit universal quantification
    • may bring type variables into scope
    • -Wunused-foralls to warn about unused variables
  • ExplicitNamespaces

    • explicit namespaces in module import/export lists
       import M ((+))                -- function
       import M (type (+))           -- type constructor
       module M ((+)) where ...      -- function
       module M (type (+)) where ... -- type
  • FlexibleInstances (⇒ TypeSynonymInstances)

    • type class instances with arbitrary nested types in instance head
  • GADTs (⇒ GADTSyntax, MonoLocalBinds)

    • generalise ordinary algebraic data types (constructors with richer return types)
    • pattern matching cause type refinement
    • refinement done based on user-supplied type annotations
    • DataKinds is useful with GADTs
  • GADTSyntax

    • GADT syntax in data type definitions (not only GADTs)

      What makes a type a GADT is not the syntax but data constructors whose result type is not just T a b

    • generalise existential types

    • constructor with type-class context → context available by pattern matching

    • independent constructor type signatures

    • variables in first line

      • no scope

      • * or Type (with Data.Kinds) can be used

      • explicit kinds can be used

        data Set a where ...
        data Set :: * -> * where ...
        data Set :: Type -> Type where ...
        data Set a (b :: * -> *) where ...
    • strictness annotations can be used

    • deriving clauses are possible for regular type (not for GADTs)

    • possible type class constraints for constructors (possibly all different)

    • ... and much more things

  • KindSignatures

    • explicit kind signatures on type variables
    • use spacing to avoid parse errors (e.g., not ::*->* but :: * -> *)
  • MonoLocalBinds

    • related to type inference predictability
    • infer less polymorphic types for local bindings
  • MultiParamTypeClasses (⇒ ConstrainedClassMethods)

    • type classes with multiple parameters
  • NoImplicitPrelude

    • no Prelude import by default
    • enables to use personal preludes (that should not be named Prelude)
  • PolyKinds (⇒ KindSignatures)

    • kind polymorphic types
    • infer most general kinds for declarations
    • precision using user-given kind signatures (KindSignatures), typically interesting for families (TypeFamilies)
       type family F1 a                -- F1 :: * -> *
       type family F2 (a :: k)         -- F2 :: forall k. k -> *
       type family F3 a :: k           -- F3 :: forall k. * -> k
       type family F4 (a :: k1) :: k2  -- F4 :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2
       -- from
    • use -fprint-explicit-kinds (and possibly other pretty-printing options) for clearer error outputs
    • TypeInType can be seen as an extension of PolyKinds (indeed TypeInTypePolyKinds), both co-exist but in case TypeInType is used consider using -dcore-lint too.
  • RankNTypes (⇒ ExplicitForall)

    • higher rank types
    • foralls can be nested arbitrarily deep in function arrows
    • type signatures (but not only) can help in making type inference possible for arbitrary-rank types
  • ScopedTypeVariables (⇒ ExplicitForAll)

    • lexical scoping of type variables explicitely introduced with forall
  • StandaloneDeriving

    • stand-alone deriving declarations
    • can be in other modules
    • with FlexibleInstances, instance can be more specific than datatype
    • can be used to derive instances to exotic types (e.g., GADTs)
    • errors can come from generated code
  • TypeFamilies (⇒ ExplicitNamespaces, KindSignatures, MonoLocalBinds)

    • data families and indexed types
    • facilitate type-level programming
    • alternative to functional dependencies (more functional style vs more relational style)
    • type families are type constructors that represent sets of types
    • two sorts: data families and synonym families, that are the indexed variant of algebraic data types and type synonyms.
    • data families can appear at top level (more general) or in type classes (better structuring, warnings if missing instances)
    • synonym families can appear at the top level (more general) as open families or closed families (having a where clause), or in type classes called associated type synonyms (better structuring, warnings if missing instances)
    • type families are concerned by compatibility rules
    • data instances are instances of data families
    • type instances are instances of synonym families
    • instances can have deriving clauses
    • -Wunused-type-patterns to signal variables in left hand side patterns not used in right hand side
    • DataKinds and UndecidableInstances are useful with TypeFamilies
    • a lot more things ...
  • TypeInType (⇒ DataKinds, KindSignatures, PolyKinds)

    • see PolyKinds
    • TypeInType can be seen as an extension of PolyKinds (indeed TypeInTypePolyKinds), both co-exist but in case TypeInType is used consider using -dcore-lint too.
    • kinds can be as intricate as types: explicit quantification over kind variables, higher-rank kinds, type synonyms and families in kinds, among other features
  • TypeSynonymInstances

    • type class instances for type synonyms
  • TypeOperators (⇒ ExplicitNamespaces)

    • definition and use of types with operator names
    • possibly ambiguity in module import/export lists resolved using ExplicitNamespaces (see the corresponding entry)
  • UndecidableInstances

    • definition of instances which may lead to type-checker non-termination


  • I typed this (from [R2]) in to learn:

       data Nat = Z
                | S Nat
                    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
       (+) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
       Z + n = n
       S m + n = S (m + n)
       (*) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
       Z * n = Z
       S m * n = n * m + m
       min :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
       min Z Z         = Z
       min Z (S _)     = Z
       min (S _) Z     = Z
       min (S m) (S n) = S (min m n)

    but are Nat, Z, S, +, *, min etc already defined somewhere (possibly with useful properties / proofs)?

    → yes, for example in Data.Type.Natural in package type-natural.

  • we define Vec(t(or)) purely for learning fun (you should certainly prefer using the packages given below), but are there already packages for such kinds of structures?

    → yes, for example in package sized-vector (deprecated) and in package sized(replacement)

    → but there are several others too, possibly not relying on the singletons package and possibly with less dependencies or Haskell extensions required, e.g., package vec or package vector-sized.

  • there seem to have a difference in doing Vect a n vs Vect n a?



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