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Ed Baskerville
Frédéric Labbé

Var gene evolution model(s), implemented in Julia. Based on previous C++ implementations (varmodel and varmodel2 by Ed Baskerville and Qixin He. This code implements a model of malaria var gene evolution within an individual-based disease transmission model. Malaria strains are represented as unordered sets of var genes, which are in turn composed of abstract loci. A number of alleles can appear at each locus, and the allelic composition of a gene across loci governs immune dynamics in the host. Individual hosts are infected by strains, and infections can be transmitted between hosts. Each infection expresses a single var gene at a time, and the sequence of expressions is explicitly represented in the simulation. The simulation also includes immigration of new strains into the population, recombination during transmission and during an infection, and mutation. The simulation is modeled as a sequence of discrete events (state changes) that happen in continuous time. Model details are described inline in comments in the code; see Code Organization below to get oriented.




Before doing anything, run the following command line to install the packages required by this code:


Single runs

  • A single ad-hoc run of the model, directly in Julia and without an external parameters file, is convenient for testing. Instead of using the standard run.jl, which loads parameters from JSON, you generate parameters inside Julia and run the model code directly with them. To do a single ad-hoc run of the model, do the following:

    1. Copy the script examples/julia/run.jl into a new directory,
    2. Modify the relative paths to preamble.jl and model.jl,
    3. Modify the parameter values,
    4. Run the script: julia run.jl, or directly as a shell script, ./run.jl.
  • To perform a run with an existing parameters file in JSON format, copy the parameters file into a new experiment directory, and use the script varmodel3/run.jl as described in the comment string. To see how to generate parameters from JSON, see the code embedded in the example for parameter sweeps (examples/sweep/generate-sweep.jl).

Parameter sweeps

To do a parameter sweep, copy the examples/sweep directory, and modify/run as described in the comment string in generate-sweep.jl. This script loops through parameter combinations, and replicates with different random seeds, and generates files necessary to perform runs on a local machine or on a SLURM cluster. It also divides runs into jobs suitable for execution on a single cluster node or local machine. The runs are specified as lines in the job's runs.txt file, and the job is specified in a job.sbatch file, which can be run directly as a shell script or submitted to a SLURM cluster. Each job uses the script varmodel3/runmany.jl to run a single-node, multi-core queue of runs, with one run running on each core at any time. This script also generates a script, which submits every job to SLURM at once. Runs are divided into at most N_JOBS_MAX jobs that make use of at most N_CORES_PER_JOB_MAX for the cluster node's local queue. This allows you to work within limits set by your cluster administrator. If you have no limits, you should set N_JOBS_MAX to a very large number, and set N_CORES_PER_JOB_MAX = 1, so that the cluster can dynamically balance runs across cluster nodes as the experiment runs. To modify configuration settings for SLURM jobs, edit the template string in the generate_jobs() function.

Model overview

In this model, hosts carry infections of different strains of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Each parasite genome consists of a specific combination (i.e., repertoire) of n_genes_per_strain var genes. Strain identity is defined by this repertoire independent of order. Although unlikely, the same var gene may occur multiple times in a strain. Each var gene itself is represented as a linear combination of n_loci epitopes, i.e., parts of the molecule that act as antigens and are targeted by the immune system. At the outset, each locus i has one of n_alleles_per_locus_initial[i] possible values, indexed from 0 to n_alleles_per_locus_initial[i] - 1. Mutation events create new alleles, so the number of distinct alleles at each locus can increase over time. At any time, hosts may be infected multiple times by the same or different strains. The var genes in a repertoire are expressed sequentially and the infection ends when the whole repertoire is depleted. The order of expression is randomized distinctly for each infection. The duration of the active period of a var gene, and thus of the infection, is determined by the number of unseen epitopes. When a var gene is deactivated, the host adds the deactivated var gene epitopes to its immunity memory. Specific immunity toward a given epitope experiences a loss rate from host immunity memory, and re-exposure is therefore required to maintain it. The local population is open to immigration from the regional pool.

History of changes

This code is a new implementation in Julia of the malaria var gene evolution model which is based on previous C++ implementations (i.e., varmodel and varmodel2). The main changes from the previous implementation are as follows:

  • While the previous implementations of the stochastic agent-based model (ABM) were adapted from the next-reaction method which optimizes the Gillespie first-reaction method, this implementation uses a simpler Gillespie algorithm.
  • Our model extension allows us to keep track of the neutral part of each migrant parasite genome assembled by sampling one of the two possible alleles at each of a defined number of neutral bi-allelic SNPs.
  • While the extended model can generate homogeneous initial SNP allele frequencies by sampling the migrant alleles with an identical probability from the regional pool (i.e., 0.5), it can also generate distinct initial SNP allele frequencies by sampling the migrant alleles from the regional pool with distinct probabilities that sum up to one (e.g., 0.2 and 0.8) and are randomly picked from a defined range (e.g., [0.1-0.9]).
  • Moreover, to generate the neutral part of a recombinant parasite and mimic meiotic recombination, which happens within the mosquito during the sexual reproduction stage of the parasite, a random allele is sampled for each bi-allelic SNP.
  • Finally, to allow for linkage disequilibrium (LD) across the neutral part of the genome, neutral bi-allelic SNPs can be non-randomly associated and co-segregate as defined in a matrix of LD coefficients indicating the probability that pairs of linked SNPs will co-segregate during the meiotic recombination.


The parameter names should match the variables defined in src/parameters.jl, and the values should match the appropriate type.

Name Type Description
biting_rate Array{Float64} Transmission rate for each day of the year
coinfection_reduces_transmission Bool Whether or not transmissibility is reduced with coinfection
distinct_initial_snp_allele_frequencies Bool Whether the initial allele frequencies of the SNPs are distinct
ectopic_recombination_generates_new_alleles Bool Whether or not ectopic recombination generates new alleles
ectopic_recombination_rate Float64 Ectopic recombination rate parameter
gene_strain_count_period Int How often to output the number of circulating genes and strains
host_sample_size Int Number of hosts to sample at each sampling period
host_sampling_period Int How often to sample host output
immigration_rate_fraction Float64 Immigration rate, as a fraction of the non-immigration biting rate
immunity_level_max Int16 Maximum immunity level
immunity_loss_rate Float64 Rate at which immunity is lost, per host, per gene
initial_snp_allele_frequency Array{Float32} Range of the possible initial frequencies for one of the two SNP alleles
max_host_lifetime Float32 Maximum host lifetime
mean_host_lifetime Float32 Mean of exponential distribution used to draw host lifetime
mean_n_mutations_per_epitope Float64 Mean number of mutations per epitope for similarity calculation
migrants_match_local_prevalence Bool Whether the immigration rate needs to time the local infection rate
migration_rate_update_period Int How often to update migration rate based on local prevalence
mutation_rate Float64 Rate of mutation, per active infection
n_alleles_per_locus_initial Int Initial number of alleles for each epitope locus
n_genes_initial Int Number of genes in the initial gene pool
n_genes_per_strain Int Number of genes in strain
n_hosts Int Number of hosts
n_infections_active_max Int Maximum number of simultaneous active infections
n_infections_liver_max Int Maximum number of simultaneous infections in the liver stage
n_initial_infections Int Number of initial infections
n_loci Int Number of epitope loci in each gene
n_snps_per_strain Int Number of biallelic neutral single nucleotide polymorphims (SNPs) in strain
p_ectopic_recombination_is_conversion Float64 Probability that an ectopic recombination is a conversion
rho_recombination_tolerance Float64 Recombination tolerance, rho, Drummond et al
rng_seed Int Seed for random number generator
sample_infection_duration_every Int Sample an infection duration every sample_infection_duration_every clearances
snp_linkage_disequilibrium Bool Whether the SNPs (or some SNPs) are in linkage disequilibrium (LD)
snp_pairwise_ld Array{Float32, 2} Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) matrix
summary_period Int How often to write summary output
switching_rate Float64 Switching rate for genes the host is not immune to
transmissibility Float64 Baseline transmissibility of infections
t_liver_stage Float64 Duration of the liver stage
t_burnin Int Burn-in time
t_end Int Simulation end time
t_year Int Number of time units in a year
upper_bound_recomputation_period Int How often to recompute upper bounds for rejection sampling
verification_period Int How often to verify consistency of simulation state
whole_gene_immune Bool Whether a host gains immunity towards a gene if the host has seen all the alleles

Output database

The output database is in SQLite3 format, which can be easily accessed from R using the RSQLite library, from Python using the built-in sqlite3 library, or from Matlab using the mksqlite package. We also recommend using VisiData or the graphical SQLite browser, especially while testing.

Current database tables include:

Name Description
gene_strain_counts Number of circulating strains and var genes in all sampled hosts at different sampling times
initial_snp_allele_frequencies Initial allele frequencies of each SNP locus
meta Information related to the run (e.g., elapsed time)
sampled_duration Information related to the infection durations in all sampled hosts (e.g., infection time)
sampled_host Information related to the sampled hosts at different sampling times (e.g., birth and death times)
sampled_immunity Immunity level of all sampled hosts at different sampling times
sampled_infection_genes Information related to the var genes involved in the infections of the sampled hosts (e.g., allele ID)
sampled_infection_snps Information related to the SNP loci involved in the infections of the sampled hosts (e.g., allele ID)
sampled_infections Information related to the infections of the sampled hosts at different sampling times (e.g., infection ID)
summary Summary at different sampling times (e.g., number of infections, bites, and infected hosts)


Please cite this when using the model: Labbé, F., He, Q., Zhan, Q., Tiedje, K.E., Argyropoulos, D.C., Tan, M.H., Ghansah, A., Day, K.P., Pascual, M., 2023. Neutral vs. non-neutral genetic footprints of Plasmodium falciparum multiclonal infections. PLOS Computational Biology 19, e1010816.