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RiskIQ Illuminate

Reputation Scoring

The RiskIQ Illuminate platform provides dynamic reputation scoring on IPs and hostnames based on real-world activity, indicators, and behaviors.

This library provides access to reptuation scores through the object analyzer (recommended), the command line interface, or the low-level request wrappers.

Review the :doc:`getting-started` guide for details on setting up your credentials and development environment.

Hostname and IP Reputation Analysis

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> reputation = analyzer.Hostname('').reputation
>>> print(reputation)
>>> print(analyzer.IPAddress('').reputation.score)
>>> analyzer.IPAddress('').reputation.rules
[{'name': 'Third Party Blocklist (vo)',
  'description': 'Threat Type: SERVICE SCANNER',
  'severity': 5,
  'link': None},
 {'name': 'Open ports observed',
  'description': 'The number of open ports may indicate maliciousness',
  'severity': 3,
 'link': None}]

The Hostname and IPAddress analyzer objects provide a reputation property that returns an instance of a ReputationScore object. That object can be treated directly like a string or an integer, or you can access the properties directly.

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.hostname.Hostname
    :members: reputation

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.ip.IPAddress
    :members: reputation

Reputation Score CLI

The pt-client command line script provides quick access to reputation profiles on one or more hosts in several formats. To get started, view the help for the illuminate command:

(venv) % pt-client illuminate --help
usage: passivetotal illuminate [-h] [--reputation] [--format {json,csv,text}] [--brief] query [query ...]

positional arguments:
query                 One or more hostnames or IPs

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--reputation          Get hostname or IP reputation from RiskIQ Illuminate.
--format {json,csv,text}
                        Format of the output from the query
--brief               Create a brief output; for reputation, prints score and classification only

Use --reputation and pass a space-separated list of hostnames or IPs as the query parameter.

The default format is "json" - for interactive use, try --format=text:

(venv) % pt-client illuminate --reputation --format=text  72 (SUSPICIOUS)
   Registrant email provider (severity 3)
      Domain is registered with an email provider that is
      more likely to register malicious domains
   Registrar (severity 3)
      Domains registered with this registrar are more likely
      to be malicious

The --brief option produces a more compact output with one result per line, which is also useful with the --format=csv parameter to prepare a compact dataset for import into another product.

Pass multiple hostnames or IPs at the end of the command (separated by spaces) to analyze multiple hosts at one time.

Reputation Request Wrapper

Use the low-level Illuminate request wrapper for direct queries to the API.

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.libs.illuminate.IlluminateRequest
    :members: get_reputation

Reputation Score Reference

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.ReputationScore

Attack Surface Intelligence

RiskIQ Illuminate offers Attack Surface Intelligence (ASI) that delivers prioritized insights on an organization's attack surface, including impact assets (observations).

ASI is available to licensed users of the RiskIQ Illuminate API.

The analyzer module provides an easy-to-use overlay to interact with the Attack Surface API endpoints and quickly obtain a list of impacted hosts.

Review the :doc:`getting-started` guide for details on setting up your credentials and development environment.

Your Attack Surface

An essential use case for the RiskIQ Illuminate ASI API is to understand your own organization's attack surface.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> my_asi = analyzer.AttackSurface()
>>> my_asi
<AttackSurface #99901 "RiskIQ, Inc.">
'RiskIQ, Inc.'
>>> my_asi.high_priority_observation_count

For a complete reference of the properties available in an AttackSurface object, see :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurface`

Attack Surfaces contain a list of insights organized by priority. Insights are included in the response even if there are no impacted assets, but it is easy to filter the list to focus on only the insights with "observations".

>>> for insight in my_asi.medium_priority_insights:
        print(, insight.observation_count)
ASI: CVE-2021-123 Potential vulnerability 0
ASI: Multiple vulnerabilities in System X 1
>>> for insight in my_asi.medium_priority_insights.only_active_insights:
ASI: Multiple vulnerabilities in System Q

Insight lists are of type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceInsights` and contain a list of :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceInsight` objects. Each of these objects provide properties to filter, sort, and render a list of insights. See the API reference below or click the class references here to see other options.

You can obtain the entire list of insights across all three priority levels (high, medium, and low) at once. Use the :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurface.all_insights` or :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurface.all_active_insights` properties to get the complete list.

Attack Surface Observations

Attack Surface Observations are assets related to a given insight within the context of a specific Attack Surface. Assets typically include IPs and hostnames, and include the "first seen" and "last seen" dates that describe when RiskIQ detected an indication the asset was potentially impacted.

Observations are available in the observations property of an AttackSurfaceInsight.

>>> insights = my_asi.medium_priority_insights.only_active_insights
>>> first_insight = insights[0]
>>> for observation in first_insight.observations:

Notice we filtered the list to only include active insights. If you skip this step, be prepared to catch AnalyzerAPIError exceptions thrown by the API when there are no observations available for a given insight.

The list of observations is returned as a :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceObservations` object that includes a list of :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceObservation` objects. Like nearly all analyzer objects, these objects can be easily rendered as a Python dictionary for integration with other systems using the as_dict property.

>>> insights = my_asi.medium_priority_insights.only_active_insights
>>> first_insight = insights[0]
>>> observations = first_insight.observations.as_dict
>>> observations
{'records': [{'type': 'HOST', 'name': '', 'firstseen': '2021-02-03 04:05:06', 'lastseen': '2021-06-07 08:09:10'}]}

Third-Party Attack Surfaces

The Third-Party ASI module of Illuminate provides access to the Attack Surfaces of other organizations (aka "vendors"). Your API credentials must be specifically licensed to access third-party Attack Surfaces.

To obtain a list of Attack Surfaces, use the load() method of the :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaces` class.

>>> vendor_attack_surfaces = analyzer.illuminate.AttackSurfaces.load()
>>> for vendor_asi in vendor_attack_surfaces:
        print(, vendor_asi.high_priority_observation_count)
Example Vendor, Inc 13
SaaS Provider 0
Solutions Systems 9

Or, if you already know the RiskIQ ID of the third-party vendor you want to load, pass it as a parameter to the top-level analyzer.AttackSurface() method we used to load our own attack surface.

>>> vendor_asi = analyzer.AttackSurface('12345') # load by ID
>>> print(
Example Vendor, Inc.

You can also load an attack surface by name, if you use a string that is precise enough to find exactly one vendor.

>>> vendor_asi = analyzer.AttackSurface('ample') # load by name match
>>> print(
Example Vendor, Inc.

This will load the entire list of attack surfaces before searching - use it sparingly and primarily in interactive use. Automated processes should load vendor attack surfaces by ID whenever possible.

The :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurface` objects returned in this list provide the same functionality as the objects described above that represent your own attack surface. Use the same techniques to enumerate the insights and observations (assets) for a vendor ASI.

>>> vendor_attack_surfaces = analyzer.illuminate.AttackSurfaces.load()
>>> for vendor_asi in vendor_attack_surfaces:
        if vendor_asi.high_priority_observation_count > 0:
            for insight in vendor_asi.high_priority_insights.only_active_insights:
                print('--- {}'.format(insight))
Example Vendor, Inc
--- ASI: CVE 123
--- ASI: CVE 445
SaaS Provider
--- [Potential] Expired items
Solutions Systems
--- Deprecated Technologies

Examples & Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook

ASI Reference

.. autosummary::


.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaces

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurface

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceInsights

    .. automethod:: __init__
    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceInsight

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceObservations

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.asi.AttackSurfaceObservation

    .. autoclasstoc::

Intelligence Profiles (CTI)

The RiskIQ Illuminate platform offers a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) module that delivers insights into adversary threat infrastructure organized around a set of purpose-built intelligence profiles, each with a curated set of indicators.

The analyzer module provides the optimal interface to query the CTI dataset, but low-level request wrappers are also available. See below for the API reference docs.

Review the :doc:`getting-started` guide for details on setting up your credentials and development environment.

Important: this module must be specifically enabled for your API credentials.

Intel Profiles

For most use cases, start with the list of RiskIQ Illuminate intel profiles. These are returned as a :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfiles` type that can be iterated and filtered like a regular list.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> intel_profiles = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfiles.load()
>>> for profile in intel_profiles:
...     print(, profile.title, profile.indicatorcount_riskiq)

Each record in the list is of type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfile`

Intel Profiles are identified with a unique string in the id parameter. Once you know the profile you want to focus on, you can instantiate it directly using that id.

>>> profile = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfile('apt33')
>>> print(profile.pretty)
{ 'id': 'apt33',
  'indicatorcount_osint': 33333,
  'indicatorcount_riskiq': 55555,
  'tags_raw': [ {'countryCode': None, 'label': 'Malicious'},
                {'countryCode': 'us', 'label': 'Target: USA'}],
  'title': 'APT33'}

Indicator Lists

The RiskIQ research team curates lists of indicators associated with each intel profile, some sourced from open-source intelligence, and others surfaced directly from RiskIQ proprietary datasets.

There are several ways to obtain the list of indicators associated with a specific intel profile. Each method will return an object of type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfileIndicator` that can be iterated like a standard list and also offers several built-in methods and properties to filter, sort, and render the list.

Obtain the list of indicators directly as a property of an :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfile`:

>>> profile = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfile('apt33')
>>> for indicator in profile.indicators:
...    print(indicator.pretty)

Each indicator is of type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfileIndicator`

For more granular control, call the get_indicators() method and set additional parameters supported by the API to narrow the list:

>>> profile = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfile('apt33')
>>> indicators = profile.get_indicators(sources='riskiq')
>>> len(indicators)

Or, skip the intel profile entirely and go straight to the indicator list.

>>> ioc_list = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfileIndicatorList('apt33')
>>> ioc_list.load_all_pages()
>>> len(ioc_list)

The underlying API calls require pagination, but the analyzer module handles that automatically when you access either the indicators property or call get_indicators() directly on the profile objects. Here, we are using the load_all_pages() method to populate the list directly.

If you only need the values of the indicators, you can quickly access them as a plain Python list with the values property:

>>> profile = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfile('apt33')
>>> indicators = profile.get_indicators(sources='riskiq')
>>> indicators.values
>>> indicators.only_riskiq.values
>>> indicators.filter_in(type='domain,ip').values

Search By Indicator

The CTI API provides a mechanism to search for intel profiles by the value of an indicator. You can query the API directly for any of the indicator types stored in the RiskIQ dataset, or you can access the list as a property of analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress objects.

To search the API directly, use the :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfiles.find_by_indicator()` static method:

>>> results = analyzer.illuminate.IntelProfiles.find_by_indicator('')
>>> len(results)
>>> print(results[0].title)
>>> for ioc in results[0].indicators:
...    print(ioc)

Or, if you are working with a hostname or IP address, access the intel_profiles property to obtain the profile list. Be sure to test the length of the list before accessing properties to avoid runtime exceptions.

>>> if len(analyzer.IPAddress('').intel_profiles) > 0:
...     print(intel_profiles.pretty)

Examples & Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook

CTI Reference

.. autosummary::


.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfiles

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfile
    :inherited-members: tuple

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfileIndicatorList

    .. automethod:: __init__
    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfileIndicator

    .. autoclasstoc::

Vulnerability Intelligence

RiskIQ's Vulnerability Intelligence (Vuln Intel) provides a practical picture of vulnerability risk, focused on a specific Attack Surface (your own or a third-party vendor). It returns a list of "CVEs" (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) each identified by a name and offering a list of assets known to be vulnerable to the exploits or weaknesses described in the vuln report.

CVEs for your Attack Surface

In the analyzer module, Vuln Intel is offered primarily through the cves property of an Attack Surface.

>>> cves = analyzer.AttackSurface().cves
>>> for cve in cves:
...    print(cve)

Each record can be printed as a string, but like other analyzer objects, it offers a rich set of properties to display and iterate through the list of CVEs. See the reference for the :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVEs` object that represents the list of CVEs, and reference the :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVE` object for details on each CVE.

CVEs for Third Parties

Use the same cves property of a third-party vendor attack surface to discover which CVEs they may be vulnerable to. In this example, we load an attack surface for vendr ID "12345".

>>> cves = analyzer.AttackSurface(12345).cves
>>> for cve in cves:
...    print(cve)

CVE Observations (Assets)

Each AttackSurfaceCVE object offers an observations property that delivers a list of assets (typically IPs or hosts) within a given attack surface that are known to be impacted by the CVE. The list is returned as type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceObservations` and contains a list of :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceObservation` objects.

>>> cves = analyzer.AttackSurface(12345).cves
>>> scored_cves = cves.filter_fn(lambda c: c.score > 80).sorted_by('score',True)
>>> highest_scored_cve = scored_cves[0]
>>> for observation in highest_scored_cve.observations:
...    print(observation)

In this example, we used the filter_fn method available on most list-like analyzer objects to apply a function similar to the Python filter() method. This helps us find one CVE to focus on, which will then give us a list of observations.

Vulnerability Articles

If you already know the identifier for a CVE article, you can access the complete details of the article, including the description, date published, other scores, and a top-level assessment of how exposed your attack surface is to the CVE.

Each article is of type :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illumiante.vuln.VulnArticle`

>>> vuln_article = analyzer.illuminate.VulnArticle.load('CVE-2021-23017')
>>> print(vuln_article.description)
...    'This is a known weakness in...'
>>> print(vuln_article.observation_count)
>>> for observation in vuln_article.observations:
...    print(, observation.firstseen, observation.lastseen)

Here, the observation_count property gives us the number of assets in the primary attack surface associated with our API key that are known to be impacted by this vulnerability. We use the observation property to obtain the list, which contains a list of :class:`passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVEObservation` objects.

For third-parties, use the impacts property to see how many of your third-party vendors' attack surfaces are impacted by the vulnerability. Each impacted attack surface provides an observations property to obtain the list of impacted assets.

>>> vuln_article = analyzer.illuminate.VulnArticle.load('CVE-2021-23017')
>>> for vendor in vuln_article.attack_surfaces:
...    print(vendor)
>>> impacted_vendor = focus_article.attack_surfaces.filter_substring(vendor_name='union')[0]
>>> for observation in impacted_vendor.observations:
...    print(, observation.firstseen, observation.lastseen)

Examples & Notebooks

The example Jupyter Notebook for Attack Surface Intelligence includes a section on how to access CVEs, observations and articles on the primary attack surface and third-party attack surfaces.

Vuln Reference

.. autosummary::


.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVEs

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVE

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVEObservations

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceCVEObservation

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceComponents

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.AttackSurfaceComponent

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.VulnArticle

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.VulnArticleImpacts

    .. autoclasstoc::

.. autoclass:: passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.vuln.VulnArticleImpact

    .. autoclasstoc::