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Pastel Explorer API (Backend)

Website Language

This is a backend application that stores blockchain data into the sqlite database and serves block, transaction and address data via REST GET endpoints for visualization in the frontend.

It's designed to integrate with Pastel ( cryptocurrency but it should work for all Bitcoin-like currencies like Bitcoin, Zcash.

Available scripts

Script Description Note
build Builds app in prod mode
preinstall Checks is yarn was used package manager It runs automatically before every install
seedblockchain Runs a script to synchronize blockchain data with sqlite
start Starts app locally
lint Checks linter rules
type-check Checks TypeScript types
typeorm Helper to run migration commands

DB migrations

If you want to create a new Entity or add some fields to existing entities you need to create a migration file.

yarn typeorm migration:generate ./src/migration/NameOfMigration -d ./src/datasourcecon.ts

Run migrations:

yarn db:migrate

Useful docs



  • Node.js >= 20
  • Yarn >=1.22
  • pasteld node running and operational

Prepare dotenv

Create dotenv file from .env.example and fill the secrets.

cp .env.example .env

Run the app

# Install deps
# Run migrations
yarn db:migrate
# Start the app
yarn start

Production Deployment

  • Install node lts version via nvm, install yarn, pm2 globally.
  • Install and run pasteld node via pastel-utility.
  • Prepare deploy script:
# use the proper node version and project path
cd /home/ubuntu/pastel-explorer-backend
git pull
yarn install
NODE_ENV=production yarn build
pm2 delete explorer-api explorer-worker-update-blocks explorer-worker-update-data
yarn db:migrate
pm2 start pm2.yaml

Shell script

Update all data of blocks

# use to update all
yarn update-all

# use to update from block n to the last block
yarn update-all startAt [block_number]

# use to update a single block
yarn update-all [block_number]

Update blocks

# use to update all blocks
yarn update-blocks

# use to update from block n to the last block
yarn update-blocks startAt [block_number]

# use to update a single block
yarn update-blocks [block_number]

Update tickets

# use to update all tickets
yarn update-tickets

# use to update from block n to the last block
yarn update-tickets startAt [block_number]

# use to update a single ticket by Block Height
yarn update-tickets [block_number]

Update senses

# use to update all senses
yarn update-senses

# use to update a single sense by TXID
yarn update-senses [TXID]

# use to update a single sense by Block Height
yarn update-senses [block_number]

Update cascade

# use to update all cascade
yarn update-cascades

# use to update a single cascade by TXID
yarn update-cascades [TXID]

# use to update a single cascade by Block Height
yarn update-cascades [block_number]

Update nfts

# use to update all nfts
yarn update-nfts

# use to update a single nft by TXID
yarn update-nfts [TXID]

# use to update a single nft by Block Height
yarn update-nfts [block_number]

Update address

# use to update all address
yarn update-addresses

# use to update a single address
yarn update-addresses [address]