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Installation and Usage

Cristian Buse edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 6 revisions


The quickest way to get the functionality of TopoXL available in Microsoft Excel is to download the macro-enabled file which contains all the embedded macros programmed in Visual Basic for Application as well as demo sheets with examples for every function in the library.

Also, the file has functionality implemented which will automatically initialize the in memory centerline collection (CL Coll) variable by using the getUserCLs method. When a centerline table (tblCL...) is added/edited/removed, the refreshCLs procedure stored in the XL must be manually called to reflect the changes in the CL Coll variable for the current session. However, there is no need to call refreshCLs if the file is closed and saved after adding/editing/removing a centerline table because changes will be initialized automatically when the file is re-opened.

Alternatively, for advanced users, files from the src folder can be downloaded and imported in an existing macro-enabled Excel file. In this scenario you'll need to ensure that for a specific file all dependencies are downloaded.

NB: The file names prefixed with Test are not relevant for any functionality as they store code for unit testing only.


In the scenarios where an increased usability of the TopoXL functionality is required, the .xlsm file can be converted to .xlam and referenced in an Excel template file (.xltx). By doing so, the functionality will be available straight away in each workbook created based on this template.

Also, the functionality can be extended by either creating your own functions on top of the TopoXL framework or by referencing other available UDFs. One particular UDF library which we found very useful during the usage of TopoXL is related to data manipulation, mainly Arrays and Collections. Its repository can be found here

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