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A repository provides functions for decorator generation, scp operations, wireshark analysis, ssh automation


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Python decorator package to run any command/process before and after the execution of your own function. It also provides functions to create ssh connections, scp operation, channel creation, tcpdump capture analysis.

Extended documentation:

Tested on linux/unix.


Version support

Python 3.6+ is supported.

All Platforms

Simply run the following to install the latest from pypi

pip install decolyzer

Or install from the git repository:

git clone
cd decolyzer
python install


  • decolyzer package has
  • has
    1. a class Ssh - to create ssh connections to linux/unix os or networking devices.
    2. a decorator decogoat - to run any command/processes (e.g. tcpdump/top) before and after your own function.
    3. channel_creation - to create ssh connection and run a command based on individual channel.
    4. scp_opration - this function mimics scp command present in unix/linux OS. Copy files between two different systems.
    5. analyze_capture - this function analyzes a tcpdump capture files.
from decolyzer.deco import Ssh, decogoat, channel_creation, scp_operation, analyze_capture

1) Ssh class: Ssh connection creation to an OS supporting ssh based connections:


linuxssh = Ssh('', port=22, username='root', password='PassWord')

2) decogoat function: The decorator function which allows to run any command/process before and after your own function execution. (e.g. helpful to run tcpdump capture or run top process pre/post your function execution).

usage (Example)

@decogoat('', port=29999, username='root',
    command='tcpdump -i eth0 -w /tmp/capt.pcap',
    change_file_permission=True, chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap',
    channel_creation_sleep=0, delete_file=True,
    delete_cmd='rm -rf /tmp/capt.pcap', terminate_cmd='killall -e tcpdump')
def create_netconf_session(username, password, *args):
    connectobj = Sessioncreation('', "CLI", username, password, "22")

Explanation of the above code: (goal is to run tcpdump process before/after the code execution from create_netconf_session function)

  1. delete_cmd - if delete_file is True, it will try to delete a file if present at the given location.
  2. command - command will be executed before create_netconf_session function is called.
  3. terminate_cmd - if terminate_process is True, command will be executed to kill the process if running already.
  4. change_file_permission - if True, change the file permission if required.
  5. chmod_cmd - command will be executed against the (e.g. tcpdump capture file) targeted file.

decogoat function arguments:

def decogoat(hostip, port=29999, username='root',
    password='password', command='tcpdump -i eth1 -w /tmp/capt.pcap',
    processname='tcpdump', change_file_permission=False,
    chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap', channel_creation_sleep=0,
    delete_file=False, delete_cmd='rm -rf /tmp/capt.pcap',
    terminate_process=True, terminate_cmd='killall -e tcpdump'):
    Function to start a process/script (e.g. tcpdump, top), run your function, end a process/script
    Make sure to manually connect to the targeted host with the intended username/password and execute
        a command to make sure that it does work and will not impact automation.
    :param hostip: ip address of a host machine
    :param port: default port is 29999 
        (connection to linux/unix OS to execute commands or processes e.g. top/tcpdump/ls/cat)
    :param username: username to connect with
    :param password: password fo the username
    :param command: comamnd to be executed before running your own function code, (e.g. tcpdump command)
    :param processname: name of the process to be invoked and if required to be terminated 
    :param change_file_permission: (default: False) 
           if file gets created and requires a permission change for remote copy
    :param chmod_cmd: command to change the permission on the file for remote copy
    :param channel_creation_sleep: (default: 0) sleep time pre/post channel creation and command execution
    :param delete_file: (default: False) if file is present, if required, delete it first
    :param delete_cmd: process/file deletion command
    :param terminate_process: (default: True) if true, process will be terminated
    :param terminate_cmd: command to terminate the targeted process
    :return: True if all steps passes Or False if failure is encountered
     @decogoat('', port=29999, username='root',
                    command='tcpdump -i eth0 -w /tmp/capt.pcap',
                    change_file_permission=True, chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap',
                    channel_creation_sleep=0, delete_file=True,
                    delete_cmd='rm -rf /tmp/capt.pcap', terminate_cmd='killall -e tcpdump')
     def create_netconf_session(username, password, *args):
         connectobj = Sessioncreation('', "CLI", username, password, "22")

3) channel_creation function: The function to create ssh channel for the lasting processes like (e.g. tcpdump/top etc.)

usage (Example)

channel_created, channel_session = channel_creation(linuxssh, chmod_cmd, channel_creation_sleep)
         if channel_created:
   "Channel to change permission on file is created successfully")
             channel_session.close()  ##  Observe that the session is getting closed outside of this function
   "Fail: Channel creation to change permission on file is failed")
             return False

channel_creation function arguments:

def channel_creation(ssh_object, cmd, channel_creation_sleep=0):
    function to create a channel and execut.e command on it
    :param paramiko_object: (ssh connection object) channel is created off of paramiko object
    :param cmd: command to be executed once channel is created
    :param channel_creation_sleep: sleep time post command execution before closing the channel
           For some linux commands, closing the channel right after command execution will fail the command execution.
    :return: [True, channel_session] or [False, channel_session]
     channel_created, channel_session = channel_creation(linuxssh, chmod_cmd, channel_creation_sleep)
         if channel_created:
   "Channel to change permission on file is created successfully")
             channel_session.close()  ##  Observe that the session is getting closed outside of this function
   "Fail: Channel creation to change permission on file is failed")
             return False

4) scp_operation function: The function to copy files between two hosts. This function mimics linux scp command.

usage (Example)

scp_operation('', username='root', password='PassWd', port=29999,
                             from_path='/tmp/capt.pcap', destination_path='/tmp/capt.pcap',
                             change_file_permission=True, chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap',

scp_operation function arguments:

def scp_operation(fromip, username='root', password='PassWord', port=29999,
                   from_path='/tmp/capt.pcap', destination_path='/tmp/',
                   change_file_permission=False, chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap',
                   channel_creation_sleep=0, get_present=1, put_present=0):
    Function to copy a file from remote shelf to local system
    to copy a file from local shelf to remote system
    :param fromip: remote host ip to fetch the file from
    :param username: username to log into remote host
    :param password: password to log into remote host
    :param port: remote host port to connect to (default is: 29999)
    :param from_path: file to be copied from remote host
    :param destination_path: file to be copied to this path
    :param change_file_permission: if file requires a permission change to copy it to local machine
    :param chmod_cmd: command to change the permission on the file to allow the copy to local machine
    :param channel_creation_sleep: sleep time post (channel creation and command execution)
           without this sleep, closing the channel too quick will not execute the chmod command successfully
    :param get_present: to get operation to obtain file from remote server  to local machine
    :param put_present: to put operation to copy file from local machine to remote server
    :return: True if copy operation is pass, Fail otherwise
    scp_operation('', username='root', password='PassWd', port=22,
                             from_path='/tmp/capt.pcap', destination_path='/tmp/capt.pcap',
                             change_file_permission=True, chmod_cmd='chmod 777 /tmp/capt.pcap',

4) analyze_capture function: The function to analyze the tcpdump/wireshark captures.

usage (Example)

# To see packets only with SSH protocol layer in it
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap", display_filter="ssh")
# To see only radius protocol packets analyzed (i.e. only radius traffic such as Access-request, Access-accept)
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap", display_filter="radius")
# To analyze all the protocols from a given capture
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap")

analyze_capture function arguments:

def analyze_capture(cap_path, display_filter='', keep_packets=True, only_summaries=False,
                    disable_protocol='', decryption_key='', encryption_type='WPA-PWK', tshark_path=''):
    Function to analyze the capture and return a dictionary
    :param cap_path: path to the capture file
    :param display_filter: apply filter to narrow down the protocol specific traffic i.e. ssh/dns/radius
    :param keep_packets: Whether to keep packets after reading them via next().
           Used to conserve memory when reading large caps.
    :param only_summaries: Only produce packet summaries, much faster but includes very little information
    :param disable_protocol: Disable detection of a protocol (tshark > version 2)
    :param decryption_key: Key used to encrypt and decrypt captured traffic.
    :param encryption_type: Standard of encryption used in captured traffic
           (must be either 'WEP', 'WPA-PWD', or 'WPA-PWK'. Defaults to WPA-PWK.
    :param tshark_path: Path of the tshark binary
    :return: False if failure is encountered. if success, returned e.g. [True, cap_obj, {"total_pkts:114}]
    # To see packets only with SSH protocol layer in it
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap", display_filter="ssh")
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap", display_filter="radius") # This will show access-request/accept only
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap")
    if cpt_ret[0]:"total packets returned:{}".format(cpt_ret[2]['total_pkts']))
        #cpt_ret[0] is True
        #cpt_ret[1] is to level capture object
        #  cpt_ret[1][0] first packet obj
        #  cpt_ret[1][1] second packet obj
        #  cpt_ret[1][total_packets-1] last packet obj
        #cpt_ret[2] is total packets captured
        capobj_first_pkt = cpt_ret[1][0]
    (Pdb) dir(capobj_first_pkt)
    ['DATA', '__bool__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__',
    '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__',
    '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
    '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
    '__weakref__', '_packet_string', 'captured_length', 'eth', 'frame_info', 'get_multiple_layers', 'get_raw_packet',
    'highest_layer', 'interface_captured', 'ip', 'layers', 'length', 'number', 'pretty_print', 'show', 'sniff_time',
    'sniff_timestamp', 'tcp', 'transport_layer']
    (Pdb) dir(capobj_first_pkt.ip)
    ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__',
    '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
    '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__',
    '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_all_fields', '_field_prefix', '_get_all_field_lines',
    '_get_all_fields_with_alternates', '_get_field_or_layer_repr', '_get_field_repr', '_layer_name',
    '_pretty_print_layer_fields', '_sanitize_field_name', 'addr', 'checksum', 'checksum_bad', 'checksum_good',
    'dsfield', 'dsfield_dscp', 'dsfield_ecn', 'dst', 'dst_host', 'field_names', 'flags', 'flags_df', 'flags_mf',
    'flags_rb', 'frag_offset', 'get', 'get_field', 'get_field_by_showname', 'get_field_value', 'has_field', 'hdr_len',
    'host', 'id', 'layer_name', 'len', 'pretty_print', 'proto', 'raw_mode', 'src', 'src_host', 'ttl', 'version']
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.ip.src_host)
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.ip.dst_host)
    (Pdb) dir(capobj_first_pkt.eth)
    ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__',
    '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__',
    '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
    '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_all_fields', '_field_prefix',
    '_get_all_field_lines', '_get_all_fields_with_alternates', '_get_field_or_layer_repr', '_get_field_repr',
    '_layer_name', '_pretty_print_layer_fields', '_sanitize_field_name', 'addr', 'dst', 'field_names',
    'get', 'get_field', 'get_field_by_showname', 'get_field_value', 'has_field', 'ig', 'layer_name', 'lg',
    'pretty_print', 'raw_mode', 'src', 'type']
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.eth.src)
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.eth.dst)
    (Pdb) dir(capobj_first_pkt.tcp)
    ['', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__',
    '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
    '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__',
    '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_all_fields', '_field_prefix', '_get_all_field_lines',
    '_get_all_fields_with_alternates', '_get_field_or_layer_repr', '_get_field_repr', '_layer_name',
    '_pretty_print_layer_fields', '_sanitize_field_name', 'ack', 'analysis', 'analysis_bytes_in_flight',
    'checksum', 'checksum_bad', 'checksum_good', 'dstport', 'field_names', 'flags', 'flags_ack', 'flags_cwr',
    'flags_ecn', 'flags_fin', 'flags_ns', 'flags_push', 'flags_res', 'flags_reset', 'flags_syn', 'flags_urg',
    'get', 'get_field', 'get_field_by_showname', 'get_field_value', 'has_field', 'hdr_len', 'layer_name', 'len',
    'nxtseq', 'option_kind', 'option_len', 'options', 'options_timestamp_tsecr', 'options_timestamp_tsval',
    'options_type', 'options_type_class', 'options_type_copy', 'options_type_number', 'port', 'pretty_print',
    'raw_mode', 'seq', 'srcport', 'stream', 'window_size', 'window_size_scalefactor', 'window_size_value']
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.tcp.srcport)
    (Pdb) print(capobj_first_pkt.tcp.dstport)

    Radius protocols:
    cpt_ret = analyze_capture("/tmp/capt.pcap", display_filter="radius")
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt = cpt_ret[1][0]
    (Pdb) dir(capobj_first_pkt.radius)
    ['', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_all_fields', '_field_prefix', '_get_all_field_lines', '_get_all_fields_with_alternates', '_get_field_or_layer_repr', '_get_field_repr', '_layer_name', '_pretty_print_layer_fields', '_sanitize_field_name', 'authenticator', 'calling_station_id', 'code', 'field_names', 'get', 'get_field', 'get_field_by_showname', 'get_field_value', 'has_field', 'id', 'layer_name', 'length', 'nas_identifier', 'nas_ip_address', 'nas_port', 'nas_port_type', 'pretty_print', 'raw_mode', 'req', 'service_type', 'user_name', 'user_password_encrypted']
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt.radius.nas_ip_address
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt.radius.nas_identifier
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt.radius.nas_port
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt.radius.pretty_print
    <bound method BaseLayer.pretty_print of <RADIUS Layer>>
    (Pdb) capobj_first_pkt.radius.pretty_print()
    Layer RADIUS
    :       Code: Access-Request (1)
            Packet identifier: 0x7c (124)
            Length: 122
            Authenticator: 3b1cab8e9f7b2688852204ebfe749aeb
            Attribute Value Pairs
            User-Name: su
            User-Password (encrypted): f106af72e91ad3c4ea17b864a1aceb1f
            NAS-Identifier: 6000-ABC-Switch
            NAS-Port: 1415531
            NAS-Port-Type: Virtual (5)
            Service-Type: Authenticate-Only (8)
            Calling-Station-Id: /ssh_shell_10.179.192.241:60826
            NAS-IP-Address: (
            AVP: l=4  t=User-Name(1): su
            AVP: l=18  t=User-Password(2): Encrypted
            AVP: l=23  t=NAS-Identifier(32): 6000-ABC-Switch
            AVP: l=6  t=NAS-Port(5): 1415531
            AVP: l=6  t=NAS-Port-Type(61): Virtual(5)
            AVP: l=6  t=Service-Type(6): Authenticate-Only(8)
            AVP: l=33  t=Calling-Station-Id(31): /ssh_shell_10.179.192.241:60826
            AVP: l=6  t=NAS-IP-Address(4):


This project is licensed under MIT. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license.


A repository provides functions for decorator generation, scp operations, wireshark analysis, ssh automation







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