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File metadata and controls

1246 lines (1029 loc) · 62 KB
title taxonomy

We fancy the fact that we made appserver highly configurable. We've provided a centralized configuration file located at /opt/appserver/etc/appserver/appserver.xml.

This file contains the complete architecture as an XML structure.

To change used components, introduce new services or scale the system by adding additional servers, you can do so with some lines of XML.

Basic Architecture

In this example, we use a shortened piece of the appserver.xml file to understand how the architecture is driven by configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appserver xmlns="">

  <!-- define user, group and default umask applied when creating directories and files -->
    <param name="user" type="string">_www</param>
    <param name="group" type="string">staff</param>
    <param name="umask" type="string">0002</param>


    <!-- by default we combine all servers in one container -->
    <container name="combined-appserver" type="AppserverIo\Core\GenericContainer">
          This is an example of a webserver container
          that handles http requests in common way
      <deployment type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\GenericDeployment" />
        serverSoftware="appserver/ (darwin) PHP/5.5.21" />


          <!-- this is the default configuration for the HTTP server -->

            <!-- define the parameters to configure the server instance -->
              <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
              <param name="software" type="string">
                appserver/ (darwin) PHP/5.5.21
                <param name="transport" type="string">tcp</param>
                <param name="address" type="string"></param>
                <param name="port" type="integer">9080</param>
                <param name="workerNumber" type="integer">64</param>
                <param name="workerAcceptMin" type="integer">3</param>
                <param name="workerAcceptMax" type="integer">8</param>
                <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps</param>
                <param name="directoryIndex" type="string">
           index.php index.html index.htm
                <param name="keepAliveMax" type="integer">64</param>
                <param name="keepAliveTimeout" type="integer">5</param>
                <param name="errorsPageTemplatePath" type="string">

            <!-- define the environment variables -->
                condition="" definition="LOGGER_ACCESS=Access" />

            <!-- define the connection handler(s) -->
                type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\ConnectionHandlers\HttpConnectionHandler" />

            <!-- define authentication basic/digest -->
              <authentication uri="^\/admin.*">
                  <param name="type" type="string">
                  <param name="realm" type="string">
           Basic Authentication System
                  <param name="hash" type="string">

            <!-- allow access to everything -->
              <access type="allow">
                  <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">.*</param>

            <!-- define a virtual host -->
              <virtualHost name="example.local">
                  <param name="admin" type="string">
                  <param name="documentRoot" type="string">

            <!-- the webserver modules we want to load -->
              <!-- REQUEST_POST hook -->
                type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\EnvironmentVariableModule" />
                type="\AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\ServletEngine" />
              <!-- RESPONSE_PRE hook -->
              <!-- RESPONSE_POST hook -->

            <!-- bound the file extensions to the responsible module -->
              <fileHandler name="servlet" extension=".do" />
              <fileHandler name="fastcgi" extension=".php">
                  <param name="host" type="string"></param>
                  <param name="port" type="integer">9010</param>


        <!-- Here, additional servers might be added -->


In the above example, you can see three important components of the appserver architecture in use. The container, server and some modules. We are basically building up a container, which holds a server that uses different modules to process incoming HTTP (have a look at the connectionHandler) requests.

When looking at the configuration file of a current installation, it will become visible that certain structures are handled differently on a live system. The most obvious is the usage of the separation of different aspects of the configuration.

The appserver.xml configuration supports the XInclude mechanism to allow for re-usability. The following example (which is actually used) shows how the virtual host configuration is separated into an extra file.

<!-- include of virtual host configurations -->
<xi:include href="conf.d/virtual-hosts.xml"/>

This makes virtual hosts re-usable within several servers with just one line within the XML configuration.

Container Configuration

A container is created by using the container element within the containers collection of the appserver document element. Two things make this element into a specific container being built up by the system on startup:

  • The type attribute states a class extending our AbstractContainerThread which makes a container into a certain kind of container.

  • The deployment element states a class containing preparations for starting up the container. It can be considered a hook which will be invoked before the container will be available.

That is basically everything to create a new container. To make use of it, it has to contain at least one server within its servers collection.

Server Configuration

The servers contained by our container can also be loosely drafted by the XML configuration and will be instantiated on container boot-up. To enable a server you have to mention three basic attributes of the element:

  • The type specifies a class implementing the ServerInterface which implements the basic behavior of the server on receiving a connection and how it will handle it.
  • The socket attribute specifies the type of socket the server should open. E.g. a stream or asynchronous socket
  • The serverContext specifies the server's source of configuration and container for runtime information e.g. ServerVariables like DOCUMENT_ROOT

So we have the specific server, which will open a certain port and operate in a defined context. But, to make the server handle a certain type of requests, it needs to know which protocol to speak.

This can be done using the connectionHandler element. Certain server wrappers can handle certain protocols. Therefore, we can use the protocols, which a server wrapper, e.g. WebServer supports in form of connection handlers. WebServer offers an HttpConnectionHandler class. By using it, the server is able to understand the HTTP protocol.

The server configuration makes heavy use of the param element, which is used to apply some of the most important configuration values to a server instance. An example of the params a server can take can be found in the example below.

    <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
    <param name="software" type="string">
        appserver/1.0.0 (darwin) PHP/5.5.21
    <param name="transport" type="string">tcp</param>
    <param name="address" type="string"></param>
    <param name="port" type="integer">9080</param>
    <param name="workerNumber" type="integer">64</param>
    <param name="workerAcceptMin" type="integer">3</param>
    <param name="workerAcceptMax" type="integer">8</param>
    <!-- ... -->

Some of these params do speak for themselves, but others don't. You can find a complete list of their meaning below:

Param name Type Description
admin string The email address of the administrator who is responsible for the server.
software string The software signature, as shown in the response header for example.
transport string The transport layer. In ssl mode ssl will be used instead of plain tcp.
address string The address the server-socket should bind and listen to. If you want to allow only connection on local loopback define as in the example above shown. This will be good enough for local development and testing purpose. If you want to allow connections to your external ethernet interfaces, just define or if you want to allow connection only on a specific interface, just define the ip of your interface
port integer The port for the server-socket to accept connections to. This can be any common port number. Make sure there is no other server installed blocking the default ports.
workerNumber integer Defines the number of worker-queues to be started waiting for requests to process.
workerAcceptMin integer Describes the minimum number of requests for the worker to be accepted to randomize its lifetime.
workerAcceptMax integer Describes the maximum number of requests for the worker to be accepted tor randomize its lifetime.

All params listed above are common to servers using the HttpConnectionHandler.

The param composition may vary depending on the server implementation.

System CRON

Since version 1.1 also provides a real CRON implementation that can replace your system's CRON daemon. The jobs can be configured in a separate XML configuration file, located under etc/appserver/conf.d/cron.xml.

The following example shows the configuration for a simple CRON job that writes the application servers PHP version to the var/log/php_errors.log file every minute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cron xmlns="">
        <job name="test-02">
            <schedule>0 * * * * *</schedule>
            <execute directory="/opt/appserver" script="bin/php">
                    <arg type="string">-v</arg>

The configuration of a job will need the name attribute.

  • The name attribute has to contain a unique job name, as well as <schedule/> and <execute/> subnodes

The <schedule/> node's value must be a valid CRON expression, whereas the <execute/> node has the two attributes directory and script.

  • directory has to contain the working directory the job will be executed in
  • script the name of the script or binary that has to be executed

Both values can contain an absolute or a relativ path. If the path is relative, the CRON job assumes that the root is the application server's base directory. Optionally, the <execute/> node can have a subnode <args/> that can have numerous <arg/> nodes containing the parameters that has to be passed to the script, when it'll be executed.

Application Configuration

In addition to the Container and Server configurations, it is also possible to configure the applications. Each application can have its own autoloaders and managers. By default, each application found in the application server's webapp directory /opt/appserver/webapps will be initialized with the defaults, defined in /opt/appserver/etc/appserver/conf.d/context.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <!-- necessary to load files from the vendor directory of your application -->

    <!-- necessary to load files from WEB-INF/classes and META-INF/classes, also -->
    <!-- provides the functionality for Design-by-Contract and AOP               -->
        <param name="environment" type="string">production</param>
        <param name="enforcementLevel" type="integer">7</param>
        <param name="typeSafety" type="boolean">1</param>
        <param name="processing" type="string">logging</param>
        <directory enforced="true">/common/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/META-INF/classes</directory>


    <!-- provides services necessary for DI -->

    <!-- provides the services necessary to handle Session- and MessageBeans -->
      <!-- params>
        <param name="lifetime" type="integer">1440</param>
        <param name="garbageCollectionProbability" type="float">0.1</param>
      </params -->

    <!-- provides the functionality to define and run a Queue -->

    <!-- provides the functionality to define Servlets handling HTTP request -->
        <directory enforced="true">/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/vendor/appserver-io/routlt/src</directory>

    <!-- provides functionality to handle HTTP sessions -->

    <!-- provides functionality to handle Timers -->

    <!-- provides functionality to handle HTTP basic/digest authentication -->

    <!-- provides functionality to preload Advices found in WEB-INF/classes or META-INF/classes -->



If your application does not use any of the defined class loaders or managers, or you want to implement your own managers, you can define them in a context.xml file, that you have to deliver with your application. Your own, customized file has to be stored in META-INF/context.xml. When the application server starts, this file will be parsed and your application will be initialized with the defined class loaders and managers.

Please be aware, that the default class loaders and managers provide most of the functionality described above. If you remove them from the context.xml you have to anticipate unexpected behavior.


As you might need an environment switch for your application, to handle things differently e.g. turn of authentication in development mode or use different database connections, you can specify as many environments as you like by following this naming convention:

META-INF/context.production.xml or META-INF/context.development.xml would cause your application to have 2 different environments production and development which you can use to switch configurations as you wish.

In your application code you can check which environment is currently active by injecting the application and checking its environment:

 * @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Application\Application
 * @Resource(name="ApplicationInterface")
protected $application;

public function doSomething()
    if ($this->application->getEnvironmentName() === 'production') {
        // do something different

To specify the variable, set it in a file which resides in your application's root directory:

appserver.webapp.environment = development

This will result in a preference for all XML configuration containing the .development.xml suffix over their non-suffixed counterpart. If no suffixed file exists, the default file will be loaded instead.

The META-INF and WEB-INF Directories

The application itself allows many configuration options. To make things more comfortable, we provide a default configuration, that should fit most of the common requirements. These default options can be overwritten, but NOT removed, in the application specific configuration files that resides in the META-INF and WEB-INF directories. These directories are intended to be the default directories for the application specific configuration and it's classes.

Configuration Variables

To make the application configuration as generic as possible, it is possible to use variables, that will be populated with the real values at runtime. This will help, to write an application specific configuration, that'll work system independent in nearly every installation.

Available Variables

The following variables are available and can be used in most of the application specific configuration files

Variable name Type Description
base.dir string The installation directory, /opt/appserver on Linux and Mac OS X.
var.log.dir string The directory containing the log files, defaults to /opt/appserver/var/log.
etc.dir string The configuration base directory, defaults to /opt/appserver/etc.
etc.appserver.dir string The directory that contains the main configuration file, defaults to /opt/appserver/etc.
etc.appserver.confd.dir string Directory that contains additional specific configuration files, defaults to /opt/appserver/etc/appserver/conf.d.
tmp.dir string The temporary directory used by PHP and is configured in php.ini and php-fpm-fcgi.ini as upload_tmp_dir.
webapps.dir string Contains the absolute path to the container specific directory with the deployed web applications, defaults to /opt/appserver/webapps.
host.appBase.dir string Contains the path, relative to base.dir with the container specific directory with the deployed web applications, defaults to webapps.
host.tmpBase.dir string Contains the path, relative to base.dir with the container specific directory temporary directory, defaults to webapps.
host.deployBase.dir string Contains the path, relative to base.dir with the container specific deploy with the PHAR archives to be deployed, defaults to webapps. string The name of the container the application has been deployed in, defaults to combined-appserver. string The name of the deployed web application, defaults to the application directory, e. g. example for the example application

As it some of the configuration are, by definition, system independent the variables can be used in the following configuration files

Configuration filename Type Description
META-INF/cron.xml string The application specific CRON configuration.
META-INF/*-ds.xml string One or more datasources that will be part of an application.
META-INF/context.xml string The application's main configuration file.
META-INF/provision.xml string Provisioning configuration for the application.
META-INF/containers.xml string Override, extend or replace's container and/or server configuration.
META-INF/persistence.xml string Configuration of the application's Doctrine entity manager(s).
META-INF/message-queues.xml string The application's message queue configuration.

You can't use it in

Configuration filename Type Description
META-INF/epb.xml string The application's session and message bean configuration.
META-INF/pointcuts.xml string The AOP configuration of the application's session and message beans.
WEB-INF/web.xml string The main web application configuration.
WEB-INF/pointcuts.xml string The AOP configuration of the web appliation.

as these configuration files, are by definitiion, system independent and there is no need to use variables.

Using Variables

The variables can be referenced with the default properties file notation ${VARIABLE-NAME}. A independend virtual host configuration META-INF/containers.xml for your web application, that makes heavy usage of variables, would look like the following example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<containers xmlns="">
  <container name="${}">
      <server name="http*">
          <virtualHost name="${}.dev www.${}.dev">
              <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
              <param name="documentRoot" type="string">${host.appBase.dir}/${}</param>

This example also uses the wildcard pattern http* for the server name, that will be described in chapter Create/Override/Extends Server Configuration later on.

System Properties

Additional to the hard coded configuration variables, that can be used in the system configuration, it is possible to declare additions system properties that can also be used in the same way as variables in the system configuration.

For example, if an environment variable MY_DOMAIN, passed by Docker to the OS, should be used as domain for a virtual host, it can be declared as system property with

  <systemProperty name="my.domain" type="string" env="true">MY_DOMAIN</systemProperty>

Then it is possible to use the system property my.domain in the etc/appserver/conf.d/virtual-hosts.xml like

<virtualHosts xmlns="">
    <virtualHost name="${my.domain}">
            <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
            <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps</param>

This allows a very generic system configuration, especially when using with Docker or similar technologies.


Each application can have its own classloaders, loggers and managers. As mentioned before, each application, found a the container's webapp directory will be initialized with the defaults, defined in etc/appserver/conf.d/context.xml. This files has the following content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <param name="environment" type="string">production</param>
        <param name="enforcementLevel" type="integer">7</param>
        <param name="typeSafety" type="boolean">1</param>
        <param name="processing" type="string">logging</param>
        <directory enforced="true">/common/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
        <directory enforced="true">/META-INF/classes</directory>

    <logger channelName="system" name="System" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
        <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
          <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter"/>
            <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/${}-errors.log</param>
            <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>
    <logger channelName="access" name="Access" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
        <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
          <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter">
              <param name="format" type="string">%4$s</param>
            <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/${}-access.log</param>
            <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>

    <manager name="ObjectManagerInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\DependencyInjectionContainer\ObjectManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\DependencyInjectionContainer\ObjectManagerFactory">
    <manager name="ProviderInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\DependencyInjectionContainer\Provider" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\DependencyInjectionContainer\ProviderFactory"/>
    <manager name="PersistenceContextInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\PersistenceManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\PersistenceManagerFactory"/>
    <manager name="BeanContextInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\BeanManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\BeanManagerFactory">
    <manager name="QueueContextInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\MessageQueue\QueueManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\MessageQueue\QueueManagerFactory">
        <param name="maximumJobsToProcess" type="integer">200</param>
    <manager name="ServletContextInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\ServletManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\ServletManagerFactory">
    <manager name="SessionManagerInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\StandardSessionManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\StandardSessionManagerFactory">
        <sessionHandler name="filesystem" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Session\FilesystemSessionHandler" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Session\SessionHandlerFactory"/>
    <manager name="TimerServiceContextInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\TimerServiceRegistry" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\TimerServiceRegistryFactory"/>
    <manager name="AuthenticationManagerInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Security\StandardAuthenticationManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Security\StandardAuthenticationManagerFactory">
        <authenticator name="Form" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Authenticator\FormAuthenticator" />
        <authenticator name="Basic" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Authenticator\BasicAuthenticator" />
        <authenticator name="Digest" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Authenticator\DigestAuthenticator" />
    <manager name="AspectManagerInterface" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\AspectContainer\AspectManager" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\AspectContainer\AspectManagerFactory"/>

    <provisioner name="standard" factory="AppserverIo\Appserver\Provisioning\StandardProvisionerFactory" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Provisioning\StandardProvisioner" />


If the application does not make use of any of the defined classloaders, loggers or managers, or addtional managers are necessary, it is possible to define them in an application specific file, that has to be delivered with the application itself. This customized file has to be stored in META-INF/context.xml. When the application server starts, it will be parsed and the application will be initialized with the defined classloaders, loggers and managers.

Please be aware, that the default classloaders, loggers and managers provides most of the functionality a web applications makes use of. They can NOT simply be removed by commenting them in the application's META-INF/context.xml, because the values in the template will be used instead. To remove them completely, they've also be commented in the template etc/appserver/conf.d/context.xml, which may, with a high probability, result in an unexpected behavior.


The default application configuration above defines two application sepcific classloaders. The first classloader is responsible to load the classes of the composer libraries, delivered in the application's vendor directory. The second one is responsible for the application specific classes that resides below the common/classes, META-INF/classes and WEB-IN/classes directories. These higher priorized classloader, namely AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\DgClassLoader provides additional functionality, like generating the class stubs, that are necessary for the AOP and Design-by-Contract functionality. So these classloader MUST NOT be removed or replaced.


By default, an application comes with two registered loggers, an access and a system logger. The access logger can be used to have a separate access log for an application, the system logger to have an application specific log file for debugging purposes. The access logger is not used by default. To activate it, an environment variable has to be set in the application's virtual host configuration, which can be done in the META-INF/containers.xml, and will be described in the next chapter. The application's system logger can be used wherever an application instance is available or by loading it from the Naming Directory. For example in a servlet, the application's system logger can be accessed by


namespace AppserverIo\Example\Servlets;

use AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServlet;
use AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface;
use AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletResponseInterface;

 * This is the famous 'Hello World' as servlet implementation.
 * @Route(name="helloWorld",
 *        urlPattern={"/", "/*"})
class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet

   * The application instance that provides the entity manager.
   * @var \AppserverIo\Psr\Application\ApplicationInterface
   * @Resource(name="ApplicationInterface")
  protected $application;

   * Handles a HTTP GET request.
   * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletRequestInterface  $servletRequest
   *   The request instance
   * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse
   *   The response instance
   * @return void
   * @see \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Http\HttpServlet::doGet()
  public function doGet(
    HttpServletRequestInterface $servletRequest,
    HttpServletResponseInterface $servletResponse)
    // first log 'Hello World!' to the application's system logger
    $this->application->getLogger()->info($message = 'Hello World!');
    // then append it to the response body


A big part of the application server core functionality is capsuled in Manager implementations.

As this is a large topic, we've separated the Managers documentation to a new page, which contains all the necessary information you need to understand which managers are available, how they can be configured and how a new Manager can be implemented.


An application can have it's own provisioning implementation. The provisioning can be configured in a configuration file META-INF/provision.xml and allows the definition of steps. Each step can define a type, which reflects a class name, that will be instanciated and executed during the application server's startup. Beside the steps, the configuration allows the specification of a datasource, which can be used within a step , e. g. to access the data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provision xmlns="">
  <datasource name=""/>
      <step type="AppserverIo\Apps\Example\Provisioning\PrepareDatabaseStep" />

The provisioning process itself and each step will be executed in a separate thread, in a sychronous manner. The step AppserverIo\Apps\Example\Provisioning\PrepareDatabaseStep, which is part of our example application uses a Stateless Session Bean to create an empty database as well as default credentials and products.

Actual, the provisioning process has no mechanism to query whether or not the application state, e. g. if this is the first installation or an update. This functionality can depend for each application and therefore has to be implemented by application vendor itself.

Create, Override, Extend Server Configuration

Since version 1.1 you have the possiblity to create a new server as well as override or extend parts of the existing server configuration, assumed you have activated that functionality. This functionality will be activated by default. If not, you can set the param with the name allowApplicationConfiguration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appserver xmlns=""  xmlns:xi="">
    <param name="user" type="string">_www</param>
    <param name="group" type="string">staff</param>
    <param name="umask" type="string">0002</param>
    <param name="allowApplicationConfiguration" type="boolean">true</param>

in etc/appserver/appserver.xml to true.

If that flag is activated, you can deliver a completely separate container configuration with servers, virtual hosts and all allowed configuration parameters. The configuration file has to be located in the META-INF directory of your application and named containers.xml.

For example, if you want to deliver your own virtual host configuration with your application, your configuration file would look like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<containers xmlns="">
  <container name="${}">
      <server name="http*">
          <virtualHost name="${}.dev www.${}.dev">
              <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
              <param name="documentRoot" type="string">${host.appBase.dir}/${}</param>
              <rewrite condition="-d{OR}-f{OR}-l" target="" flag="L" />
              <access type="allow">
                  <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">^.*</param>
              <environmentVariable condition="" definition="LOGGER_ACCESS=${}/${}/Access" />

The example above also defines an environment variable, that activates an access log for the application. This results in a separate access log file that can be configured in the logger configuration of the application's META-INF/context.xml file. As the access logger will be looked up by using the Naming Directory, the name specified in the LOGGER_ACCESS environment variable has to be prefixed with the container and the web application name.

To avoid writing virtual host configurations twice, one for the http and one for the https server, also wildcards can be used. Instead of using http or https as server name, http* can be specified. When the configuration file will be parsed on the application server's startup, the PHP fnmatch() method will be used to resolve the matching servers and apply the virtual host configuration to them.

In order to extend or override an existing configuration, it is necessary either to use the same names of the container or server you wish to extend, variables or wildcards (for container/server names only). If you do not use the same or matching names, you will end up creating a NEW container or server, which is probably not the outcome you expected. To find the container or server names, please refer to the application server's default configuration in etc/appserver/appserver.xml.

Application Specific CRON

Beside an application specific container and server configuration, it is also possible to deliver an application specific CRON configuration. The application specific CRON configuration has the same file structure as the global one and has to be located in META-INF/cron.xml. As well as in the other application specific configuration files, the usage of variables is supported and strongly recommended to make the configuration system independent.

The following example shows a valid Magento 2 CRON configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cron xmlns="">
    <job name="${}-default-cron">
      <schedule>* * * * * *</schedule>
      <execute directory="${webapp.dir}" script="${base.dir}/bin/php">
          <arg type="string">bin/magento</arg>
          <arg type="string">cron:run</arg>
    <job name="${}-setup-cron">
      <schedule>* * * * * *</schedule>
      <execute directory="${webapp.dir}" script="${base.dir}/bin/php">
          <arg type="string">bin/magento</arg>
          <arg type="string">setup:cron:run</arg>

For more information about the CRON configuration options, have a look at the System CRON chapter above.

Module Configuration

The web server comes with a package of default modules. The functionality that allows you to configure a virtual host or environment variables, for example, is also provided by two of, probably the most, important modules.

Rewrite Module

This module can be used according to the \AppserverIo\WebServer\Interfaces\HttpModuleInterface interface. It needs an initial call of the init method and will process any request offered to the process method. The module is best used within the webserver project, as it offers all needed infrastructure.


One of the most important parts of the module is the way it can perform rewrites. All rewrites are based on rewrite rules, which consist of three important parts:

  • condition string : Conditions to be met in order for the rule to take effect. See more down here

  • target string : The target to rewrite the requested URI to. Within this string, you can use backreferences similar to the Apache mod_rewrite module with the difference that you have to use the $ syntax (instead of the $/%/%{} syntax of Apache).

    Matching rule conditions via regex are also part of available backreferences, as well as server and environment variables.

    Simple example : A condition like (.+)@$X_REQUEST_URI would produce a back reference $1 with the value /index for a requested URI /index. The target string $1/welcome.html would, therefore, result in a rewrite to /index/welcome.html

  • flag string : Use flags, similar to mod_rewrite, to make rules, which react in a certain way or influence further processing. Learn more about flags below.

Condition Syntax

The Syntax of conditions is roughly based on the combination of Apache's RewriteCondition and RewriteRule syntax.

To make use of such a combination, you can chain conditions together using the {OR} symbol for OR-combined and the {AND} symbol for AND-combined conditions.

Please be aware that AND takes precedence over OR! Conditions can either be PCRE regex or certain fixed expressions. So a condition string of ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+){AND}-f would match only real files (through -f), which either begins with numbers or end with capital letters and the extension .txt.

As you might have noticed: Backslashes do not have to be escaped.

You might also be curious about the -f condition. This is a direct copy of Apaches -f RewriteCondition. We also support several other expressions of regex based conditions which are:

  • <<COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically preceding <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • ><COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically following <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • =<COMPARE_STRING> : Is the operand lexically equal to <COMPARE_STRING>?
  • -d : Is the operand a directory?
  • -f : Is the operand a real file?
  • -s : Is the operand a real file of a size greater than 0?
  • -l : Is the operand a symbolic link?
  • -x : Is the operand an executable file?

If you are wondering what the operand might be: it is whatever you want it to be! You can specify any operand you'd like using the @ symbol. All conditions of a rule will use the next operand to their right, and if no operand is given, the module will simply use the requested URI. For example:

  • ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+) Will take the requested URI for both conditions (note the {OR} symbol)
  • ([A-Z]+\.txt){OR}^/([0-9]+)@$DOCUMENT_ROOT Will test both conditions against the document root
  • ([A-Z]+\.txt)@$DOCUMENT_ROOT{OR}^/([0-9]+) Will only test the first one against the document root and the second against the requested URI

You might have noted the $ symbol before DOCUMENT_ROOT and remembered it from the backreference syntax. That is because all Apache common server vars can be explicitly used as backreferences too!

This doesn't work for you? Need the exact opposite? No problem!

All conditions, regex or expression based, can be negated using the ! symbol in front of them! So !^([0-9]+) would match all strings which do NOT begin with a number and !-d would match all non-directories.


Flags are used to further influence processing. You can specify as many flags per rewrite as you'd like, but be aware of their impact! Syntax for several flags is simple: just separate them with a , symbol. Flags, which might accept a parameter, can be assigned one by using the = symbol. Currently supported flags are:

  • L : As rules are normally processed one after the other, the L flag will make the flagged rule the last one processed, if matched.

  • R : If this flag is set, we will redirect the client to the URL specified in the target string. If this is just a URI, we will redirect to the same host. You might also specify a custom status code between 300 and 399, to indicate the reason for or the kind of the redirect. Default is 301 aka permanent

  • M : Stands for map. Using this flag you can specify an external source (have a look at the Injector classes of the WebServer project) of a target map. With M=<MY_BACKREFERENCE> you can specify what the map's index has to match. This matching is done only if the rewrite condition matches and will behave as another condition.

Virtual-Host Module

This module can be used according to the \AppserverIo\WebServer\Interfaces\HttpModuleInterface interface. It needs an initial call of the init method and will process any request offered to the process method. The module is best used within the webserver project, as it offers all the needed infrastructure.

If you need to configure a virtual host, it should look like the following example, which would enable a Magento installation under

  <virtualHost name="">
      <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
      <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps/magento</param>
      <rewrite condition="-d{OR}-f{OR}-l" target="" flag="L" />
      <rewrite condition="(.*)" target="index.php/$1" flag="L" />
      <access type="allow">
          <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">

Configuration Defaults

You might be curious about the different ports we use. Per default the appserver will open several ports where its services are available. As we do not want to block (or be blocked by) other services we use ports of a higher range.

As a default we use the following ports:

  • WebContainer

    • HTTP Server: 9080
    • HTTPS Server: 9443
  • Persistence-MQ-Container

    • Persistence-Container: 8585
    • Message-Queue: 8587

You can change this default port mapping by using the server configuration.

Optional Configuration

Simplicity has always been in our main focus. Therefore we do provide several configuration defaults, which are not even shown in the configuration file, as their default setup works very well out of the box. You might change these values and we do not want to stand in your way. So following are some configurable components, which are already configured implicitly, but can be explicitly set up in the configuration files.


Extractors are used to process any form of archive in an ETL like manner. The example shown below is used to un-pack webapps, which are provided as phar archives upon deployment.

  <extractor name="phar" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Extractors\PharExtractor" createBackups="false" restoreBackups="false" />

Initial Context

The initial context is the configurational heart of the running appserver instance and manages instance creation at a low level. If really needed for any custom core functionality, you are able to change its composition here.

<initialContext type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\InitialContext">
  <description><![CDATA[The initial context configuration.]]></description>
  <classLoader name="default" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\SplClassLoader" />
  <storage type="AppserverIo\Storage\StackableStorage" />


Loggers can be used to log specific types of messages in a specific way. This is highly configurable and by default there are three loggers:

  • system logger -> appserver-errors.log
  • access logger -> appserver-access.log
  • error logger -> php_errors.log

Loggers are configured within the appserver node:

    <logger channelName="system" name="System" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter"/>
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-errors.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>
    <logger channelName="access" name="Access" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                <formatter type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Formatters\StandardFormatter">
                        <param name="format" type="string">%4$s</param>
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-access.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">info</param>
    <logger channelName="profile" name="Profile" type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Logger">
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\MemoryProcessor"/>
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\SysloadProcessor"/>
            <processor type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Processors\ThreadContextProcessor"/>
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\LogstashHandler">
                    <param name="host" type="string"></param>
                    <param name="port" type="integer">9514</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">debug</param>
            <handler type="\AppserverIo\Logger\Handlers\CustomFileHandler">
                    <param name="logFile" type="string">var/log/appserver-profile.log</param>
                    <param name="logLevel" type="string">debug</param>


Provisioners can be used to automatically setup webapps upon their deployment. You might integrate your own, using provided steps, or completely code new ones. The shown example creates data sources configured within the application.

  <provisioner name="datasource" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\DatasourceProvisioner" />
  <provisioner name="standard" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\StandardProvisioner" />


Scanners are classes reacting to file system changes and can be configured within the appserver node. You might want to use this feature to tightly integrate a deployment scanner, like used in the appserver-watcher process using the first example configuration below, or add a scanner to restart the appserver upon changes to your webapp's code, as in the second example. Implementing your own scanners is possible as well.

  <scanner name="deployment" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\DeploymentScanner">
      <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
      <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">dodeploy, deployed</param>
  <scanner name="webapps" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\RecursiveDirectoryScanner">
       <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
       <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">php</param>
  <scanner name="logrotate" type="AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Scanner\LogrotateScanner">
      <param name="interval" type="integer">1</param>
      <param name="extensionsToWatch" type="string">log</param>
      <param name="maxFiles" type="integer">10</param>
      <param name="maxSize" type="integer">1048576</param>

Persistence-Container (Remote)

The Persistence-Container can also be used remotely. This allows you to distribute the components of your application across a network. Therefore, you need to configure a dedicated server thread for the Persistence-Container, which allows it connect over a streaming socket.


    <param name="admin" type="string"></param>
    <param name="transport" type="string">tcp</param>
    <param name="address" type="string"></param>
    <param name="port" type="integer">8585</param>
    <param name="workerNumber" type="integer">8</param>
    <param name="workerAcceptMin" type="integer">3</param>
    <param name="workerAcceptMax" type="integer">8</param>
    <param name="documentRoot" type="string">webapps</param>
    <param name="directoryIndex" type="string">index.pc</param>
    <param name="keepAliveMax" type="integer">64</param>
    <param name="keepAliveTimeout" type="integer">5</param>
    <param name="errorsPageTemplatePath" type="string">var/www/errors/error.phtml</param>

    <environmentVariable condition="" definition="LOGGER_ACCESS=Access" />

    <connectionHandler type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\ConnectionHandlers\HttpConnectionHandler" />

    <!-- per default allow everything -->
    <access type="allow">
        <param name="X_REQUEST_URI" type="string">.*</param>

  <!-- include of virtual host configurations -->
  <xi:include href="conf.d/virtual-hosts.xml"/>

    <!-- REQUEST_POST hook -->
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\AuthenticationModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\VirtualHostModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\EnvironmentVariableModule" />
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\RewriteModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\DirectoryModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\AccessModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\CoreModule"/>
    <module type="\AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer\PersistenceContainerModule" />
    <!-- RESPONSE_PRE hook -->
    <module type="\AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\DeflateModule"/>
    <!-- RESPONSE_POST hook -->
    <module type="\AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Modules\ProfileModule"/>

    <fileHandler name="persistence-container" extension=".pc" />
