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Clustering is a common exercise to determine how closely samples are related to each other. This shows how samples can be clustered using a PCoA and PCA and visualizing using ggplot. Particularly, how to cluster RNA-seq samples.

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Clustering samples with a PCoA and PCA using edgeR, prcomp, and ggplot

Oftentimes, we'll need to create an aesthetically pleasing plot that will cluster samples based on a certain criteria (e.g. correlation).

This tutorial will explain how to take the values obtained from a PCoA (principal coordinate analysis) and PCA (principal component analysis) and plot in ggplot2. The PCoA is using the edgeR package (plotMDS function) and the PCA is using the prcomp function.

In other words, how to convert something like this:

plotMDS base image

to something like this:

final pcoa image

and this:

final pca image

with the PCA associated scree:

final pca image

Brief discussion of PCoA and PCA

A PCA is a subset of PCoA. Statquest has some good videos on PCoA and PCA that discuss differences if you have a few minutes.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be going over a PCoA that uses leading log fold change (as described in the edgeR documentation) to cluster as well as using the prcomp() function in R to derive the PCA values. One benefit of using a PCA is that it is familiar to many and displays the percent of variance on each axis (i.e. whether or not there is a substantial amount of variance being shown in the analysis). An advantage of using a leading log fold change PCoA is that it specifically uses a metric that has bearing on RNA-seq (i.e. log fold change) to cluster samples. You and your reviewers will need to determine which best suits your purposes.

Running from files in the repository

To run, download the clustering.r and the supporting.files folder.

Data source

Data is sourced from Touch et al., 2010. The original data, pone.0009317.s009.xls, has been modified with some columns deleted and headers modified into TableS1.txt. TableS1 will be taken through the RNA-seq steps stated in the user guide through normalization, then we will pick up with clustering samples.

The data used in the file has three paired replicates from normal and cancerous cells. Patients have numbers associated and cancer vs non-cancer are denoted as "N" or "T"

Loading libraries

We'll need the following libraries:


dplyr and tidyr will be used to wrangle and manipulate data. EdgeR and the will be used in the differential expression analysis. ggplot2 and ggrepel will be used in the plotting. And finally, factoextra is used to assist in plotting the scree plot associated with the PCA.

Extracting and preparing data

Download the modified text file TableS1.txt and run the following code as stated in the user guide:

rawdata <- read.delim("TableS1.txt", check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

y <- DGEList(counts=rawdata[,4:9], genes=rawdata[,1:3])

idfound <- y$genes$RefSeqID %in% mappedRkeys(org.Hs.egREFSEQ)
y <- y[idfound,]

egREFSEQ <- toTable(org.Hs.egREFSEQ)

m <- match(y$genes$RefSeqID, egREFSEQ$accession)
y$genes$EntrezGene <- egREFSEQ$gene_id[m]

egSYMBOL <- toTable(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)

m <- match(y$genes$EntrezGene, egSYMBOL$gene_id)
y$genes$Symbol <- egSYMBOL$symbol[m]

o <- order(rowSums(y$counts), decreasing=TRUE)
y <- y[o,]
d <- duplicated(y$genes$Symbol)
y <- y[!d,]

y$samples$lib.size <- colSums(y$counts)

rownames(y$counts) <- rownames(y$genes) <- y$genes$EntrezGene
y$genes$EntrezGene <- NULL

y <- calcNormFactors(y)

This will allow us to use the values stored with the y DGE object to obtain values to carry out our clustering analysis. The objects included in the variable y are:


8N 8T 33N 33T 51N 51T
378938 306305 330105 473438 309917 712348 633871
7273 328503 1204 206612 3178 1675945 191624
692227 62098 73284 581364 365430 205994 106640
9301 56374 56594 554127 260275 229356 135146
9302 95410 181223 394803 209376 249091 131438
3860 393801 2291 359693 106059 211919 1833


group lib.size norm.factors
8N 1 7989764 1.1460730
8T 1 7371254 1.0856610
33N 1 15754939 0.6722509
33T 1 14043679 0.9734399
51N 1 21540962 1.0318178
51T 1 15193529 1.1902823

and $genes

RefSeqID Symbol NbrOfExons
378938 NR_002819 MALAT1 1
7273 NM_133378 TTN 312
692227 NR_004380 SNORD104 1
9301 NR_002563 SNORD27 1
9302 NR_002564 SNORD26 1
3860 NM_153490 KRT13 8

To store the data from the PCoA we run the following code: <- plotMDS(y)

The third element of this list has the x and y coordinates of our PCoA: <-[[3]]
[, 1] [, 2]
8N 1.7182412 0.4621997
8T -3.2008003 -0.0182245
33N 1.5966992 1.2367198
33T -1.6819569 1.1428929
51N 2.0690535 -0.9026850
51T -0.5012367 -1.9209030

To obtain the values for a PCA, we'll be using the prcomp function in R which needs data in a slightly different format than the edgeR package:

pca.counts <- cpm(y, log = TRUE)
pca.counts <- pca.counts %>%
pca <- prcomp(pca.counts)

First we obtain the log transformed CPM from our DGE, then we transpose the format so that prcomp can be used. We'll be using the first two principal components which are stored in the $x value: <- pca$x
8N -48.86463 -15.8492751 21.105142 0.4908541 -39.630495 0
8T 100.38566 -0.2757508 44.382504 6.8529166 6.395682 0
33N -50.69910 -39.5646579 -6.355969 32.9981898 22.652827 0
33T 48.70084 -33.3002506 -44.541605 -29.3624596 -2.308737 0
51N -62.27228 30.1980006 18.542396 -34.3765335 19.754249 0
51T 12.74951 58.7919338 -33.132469 23.3970326 -6.863526 0

Data manipulation

Starting with the PCoA, we now have coordinates for each of the replicates that can be plotted, but we need to have additional grouping information so that our plot can have all of the information that makes it easy to understand. That means adding columns for the patient and the type of cell that is being analyzed (cancer vs normal)

Lets give column names to the dataset and then split the first column so that we can designate those as additional fields in the table.

colnames( <- c("x", "y") <- <- tibble::rownames_to_column(, "patient.cell") <- %>%
  separate(col = "patient.cell", into = c('patient', 'cell'), sep = -1) %>%
  mutate( = case_when(cell =="N" ~ "Normal", 
                               cell == "T" ~ "Cancer"))
patient cell x y
8 N 1.7182412 0.4621997 Normal
8 T -3.2008003 -0.0182245 Cancer
33 N 1.5966992 1.2367198 Normal
33 T -1.6819569 1.1428929 Cancer
51 N 2.0690535 -0.9026850 Normal
51 T -0.5012367 -1.9209030 Cancer

Now we want to do the same with the PCA data: <- <- tibble::rownames_to_column(, "patient.cell") <- %>%
  separate(col = "patient.cell", into = c('patient', 'cell'), sep = -1) %>%
  mutate( = case_when(cell =="N" ~ "Normal", 
                             cell == "T" ~ "Cancer"))
patient cell PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6
8 N -48.86463 -15.8492751 21.105142 0.4908541 -39.630495 0 Normal
8 T 100.38566 -0.2757508 44.382504 6.8529166 6.395682 0 Cancer
33 N -50.69910 -39.5646579 -6.355969 32.9981898 22.652827 0 Normal
33 T 48.70084 -33.3002506 -44.541605 -29.3624596 -2.308737 0 Cancer
51 N -62.27228 30.1980006 18.542396 -34.3765335 19.754249 0 Normal
51 T 12.74951 58.7919338 -33.132469 23.3970326 -6.863526 0 Cancer

Additionally, we need to have labels for our PCA which show how much of the variance is described by each of the principal components. This is accomplished with the following code:

percentage <- round(pca$sdev^2 / sum(pca$sdev^2) * 100, 2)
percentage <- paste(colnames(pca$x), "(", 
                    paste(as.character(percentage), "%", ")", sep="") )

[1] "PC1 ( 52.42%)" "PC2 ( 17.83%)" "PC3 ( 14.37%)" "PC4 ( 9.11%)"

[5] "PC5 ( 6.27%)" "PC6 ( 0%)"

Now that we're done with that, lets move onto plotting!


Please note: the size of the font has been optimized for a 1200x1200 plot. If you are running this in RStudio, be sure to adjust the export size, otherwise, text will appear abnormally large in the preview window.


p <- ggplot(, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = +
  geom_point(aes(,, size = 12) + 
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = patient), size=10, 
                  max.overlaps = Inf, show.legend = FALSE, 
                  colour = "black", point.padding = 20) + 
  xlab("Leading logFC dim1") + 
  ylab("Leading logFC dim2") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(6), hjust = 0.5), 
        axis.title = element_text(size = rel(5)), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = rel(3)), 
        legend.key.size = unit(1, 'cm'), legend.key.height = unit(1, 'cm'), 
        legend.key.width = unit(1, 'cm'), 
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size=25))

final pcoa image


p <- ggplot(, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, colour = +
  geom_point(aes(,, size = 12) + 
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = patient), size=10, max.overlaps = Inf, 
                  show.legend = FALSE, colour = "black", 
                  point.padding = 20) + 
  xlab(percentage[1]) + 
  ylab(percentage[2]) + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(6), hjust = 0.5), 
        axis.title = element_text(size = rel(5)), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = rel(3)), 
        legend.key.size = unit(1, 'cm'), legend.key.height = unit(1, 'cm'),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, 'cm'),
        legend.title = element_blank(), 
        legend.text = element_text(size=25)) 

and this:

final pca image

Scree plot

p <- fviz_eig(pca) + 
  theme(text=element_text(size=35), axis.title = element_text(size=42), 
        axis.text = element_text(size=35))

final pca image

Final Notes

Now, this covers a fairly simple case where we have only two groups, but if you have more than two groups or want to distinguish between the patients (in this example), you can also use different shapes using the shapes aesthetic. For example, you may want to distinguish between treatments by having a shape that is either empty or filled.


Tuch, B. B., et al. (2010). "Tumor Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Allelic Expression Imbalances Associated with Copy Number Alterations." PloS one 5(2): e9317.


Clustering is a common exercise to determine how closely samples are related to each other. This shows how samples can be clustered using a PCoA and PCA and visualizing using ggplot. Particularly, how to cluster RNA-seq samples.







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