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Implementation of BERT using Apache Spark, Deep Java Library and Scala


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Document classification using BERT with Apache Spark and Deep Java Library

Patrick Nicolas - Last update 06.17.2023 V0.8

Autonomous Medical Coding with Discriminative Transformers

BERT on Spark

Discriminative pre-trained transformer on Apache Spark

Supporting Documents


The objective if this project is to classify document using BERT (Bidirectional Embeddings Representation of Transformer). The low latency distributed deep learning models are implemented using Apache Spark, Kafka and Amazon open source deep java library (

The components of the discriminative transformer model are

  • Tokenizing model: Various vocabularies/dictionaries assigned to specific type of clinical notes
  • Transformer model: The transformer is pre-trained over 4.4 million clinical notes with contextual data. It generates a 512 of 784 size embedding vector to represent each clinical note
  • Classifier model: A classifier used the embedding vector as input and submitted claim as labels.

One main drawback of transformers is their complexity and the very large number of parameters as described in the following table.

Model Number of parameters
Simple linear regression 2
Machine learning models 10-1,000
Deep learning models 10,000 -1 Million
Transformers 50 Million - 500 Billion
Human brain ~100 Trillion


  • AWS-AI support team: Kimberg Zach, Frank Liu, Sadaf Fardeen.
  • Feedback on some techniques provided by LinkedIn Natural Language Processing group.
  • A similar design (Scala, Spark, NVDIA accelerator, DJL, Kubernetes) is used at Amazon for product recommendation.


The main limitation of the model is dealing with unbalanced training set, specifically the number of document per a given topic in the training set. Although the model is very accurate for number of documents per topics > 20.
The solution should be a combination of the following approaches.

  • Augment documents associated with a sparse topic with synthetic note using semantic substitution.
  • Augment documents associated with a sparse topic through random insertion/deletion.
  • Augment vector representation
  • Oversampling of documents associated with a sparse topic.
  • Cluster topics (KNN?).
  • Claim weighting (high weight for sparse topics).
  • Ensemble of classifiers (could be very costly).
  • One-vs-all strategy.
  • Use encoded claims as labels using Tiny BERT.

Release timeline

Date Action
06.11.2022 Start project
06.14.2022 Evaluation of DJL v0.18
06.30.2022 Start implementation v0.0
07.02.2022 First commit MLOP repository
08.06.2022 Version 0.0
10.02.2022 Version 0.1
11.18.2022 Version 0.2
12.05.2022 Version 0.3
01.02.2023 Version 0.4
01.22.2023 Version 0.5
02.13.2023 Version 0.6
04.28.2023 Version 0.7
06.17.2023 Version 0.8



Python is a very convenient language and ecosystem to build, train and evaluate models, but it is very inefficient in processing real-time requests (Latency, Memory consumption,….). Once a model is trained, it can be deployed into the production workflow running Java or Scala with large scale frameworks such as Kafka, Storm or Spark. It is becoming increasing common to have DL models to be configured and trained through Python, and serving prediction through Java (Amazon, Netflix,...).

Training vs Inference

Overall Architecture

Current components

Components Num parameters Time to train
Tokenizer 4 0.1 hr
Transformer encoder 110,200,000 115 hrs
Feed forward classifier 196,600 16 hrs

(1) 400,000 documents on 16 virtual cores CPU with 64 GB and V100 GPU with 16 GB


Two new features introduced in Apache Spark 3.x make it easier to managed deep learning models:

  • Support for dynamic allocation of Kubernetes pods. The only required input is the docker file as argument of the Spark application (spark-submit). Kubernetes cluster are an alternative to the traditional Yarn resource manager
  • Integration with the NVIDIA GPU accelerator (Rapid) for manage GPU clusters (federation)

Deep learning streaming
Architecture of retail

One key challenge for for an effective training and inference is the distribution of the computation load:

  • Across CPUs for data processing pipeline/ETLs
  • Across GPUs for deep learning pipeline
  • Between the CPU and GPU clusters

Computation load distribution



The data flow is composed of three models.

  1. Document segmentation and tokenization
  2. Variant of Bidirectional Embedding Representation for Transformers (BERT) for encoding [Pre-training].
  3. Feed forward neural network for classification of documents.

High level design.

The models are assembled from layers into blocks, then blocks into models according to a commonly used modularity scheme (Keras, DJL,..).

transformer model

The next step is to integrate the task specific, downstream model with the pre-trained models.
There are two options:

  • Feature extraction Pre-training is uses a embedding feature extraction and are not updated when training the classifier
  • Fine-tuning The pre-trained weights are updated through training the classifier.

Feature extraction and fine tuning

Parameters tuning

There are several components involved in the parameters tuning process:

  • Extraction of vocabulary
  • Creation of tokenizer
  • Transformer pre-training small sample
  • Transformer pre-training base sample
  • Classifier training

Parameters tuning

Generic/evolutionary algorithm is used to refine some of the hyperparameters

Hyper-parameters Optimization

Applications and Utilities

Complete life cycle to create a model.

Step Application Parameters Descriptor
1 Select training set target = MIX, ALL, CMBS Select training set (target) for BERT encoder as MIX, ALL,CMBS
2 buildTrainingSet vocabularyType true numSubModels runId, target, vocabularyType, minLabelFreq, maxLabelFreq, codeSemanticEnabled, punctuationEnabled Build a full training set with contextual document and labels - Input: $target/vocabulary,$target/codeDescriptors.csv - Output: $target/contextDocument, $target/trainingSet, $target/subModels.csv, $target/labelIndexMap.csv
3 preTrainBert true runId, transformer, target, vocabularyType , sentenceBuilder, numSentencesPerDoc, subModelSampleSize, maxMaskingSize Pre-train the BERT encoder with the training set defined by its target - Input: $target/contextDocument, $target/trainingSet, $target/subModels.csv, $target/labelIndexMap.csv - Output: Pre-trained-Bert-0000.params
3b transferLearning runId, transformer, target, vocabularyType, sentenceBuilder, numSentencesPerDoc, subModelSampleSize, maxMaskingSize Optional Augment pre-trained transformer model
4 Copy BERT model to target runId, transformer, target, vocabularyType , sentenceBuilder, numSentencesPerDoc, subModelSampleSize, maxMaskingSize Optional: Copy Pre-trained-Bert params (MIX, ALL,..) to target/model/runId with target = CMBS, AMB, ...
6 classify ALL target, runId, vocabularyType, transformer, sentenceBuilder, numSentencesPerDoc, modelId, dlModel, dlLayout, epochs, minSampleSizePerSubModel, maxSampleSizePerSubModel Train the neural classifier using labels or claims using the same parameters are buildTrainingSet and preTrainBert - Output: subModelTaxonomy.csv, Trained-Bert-0000.params for each sub-model
7 evaluation s3 stageIndex s3RequestPath, s3FeedbackPath, table, sampleSize, preloadedSubModels Evaluate prediction using a Kafka simulator for request and labels - Output: metrics/runId/modelId/prediction
8 launch s3RequestPath, s3FeedbackPath, table, sampleSize, preloadedSubModels Evaluate prediction using a Kafka simulator for request and labels - Output: metrics/runId/modelId/prediction

Training life cycle


There are 4 distinct data flows:

  • Generation of vocabulary and pre-processing of documents.
  • Pre-training on vocabulary using transformers as encoder.
  • Classifier training using embeddings generated during pre-training.
  • Run-time prediction.

Modeling phases

Training sets

|Model|Requests|Feedbacks|CtxDocument|Training| |:--|:--|:--|:--| |ALL-TFIDF|1,008,284|853,479||3,749| |LARGE-TFIDF|4,231,404|4,480,654|798,929|21,875| |XLARGE-TF92|4,463,389|5,650,211|4,457,327|2,318|

(*) LARGE model may have duplicate requests and feedbacks

Here are the list of tokenizer models evaluated in pre-processing stage.

Vocabulary type Vocabulary components Av. Num tokens per document Size
AMA terms, abbreviation, Word pieces decomposition 181 137,423
Base Abbreviations, terms, Word pieces decomposition NA NA
Corpus Abbreviations, terms, Contextual, TfIdf 0.5-EMR, Word pieces decomposition 193 NA
FullEmr Abbreviations, terms, Contextual, Topic descriptor, TfIdf 0.7-EMR, Word pieces NA NA
FullNote Abbreviations, terms, Contextual, Topic descriptor, TfIdf 0.7-Note, Word pieces NA 154,370

NLP Pre-processing


The various augmentation techniques to address unbalanced data ...

  • Random replacement by Synonyms.
  • Random replacement of character by 'x'.
  • Random replacement of token by '[UNK]'.
  • Random swap of tokens.

Results on a random sample of training sub-models.
Num Yes 30454.
Num No 267242.
Num of requests: 297696.
Number of sub model predictors: 18.

Num Yes 28349.
Num No 284659.
Num of requests: 313008.
Number of sub model predictors: 16.

Num Yes 12641.
Num No 269839.
Num of requests: 282480.
Number of sub model predictors: 14.

Num Yes 13096.
Num No 200.
Num of requests: 13296.
Number of sub model predictors: 3.

Num Yes 41606.
Num No 86362.
Num of requests: 127968.
Number of sub model predictors: 8.

Num Yes 86759.
Num No 155785.
Num of requests: 242544.
Number of sub model predictors: 12.

Num Yes 13096.
Num No 200.
Num of requests: 13296.
Number of sub model predictors: 3.

Num Yes 34511.
Num No 283441.
Num of requests: 317952.
Number of sub model predictors: 19.

num Yes 33760.
Num No 305412.
Num of requests: 339178.
Number of sub model predictors: 24.

Num Yes 55273.
Num No 148967.
Num of requests: 204240.
Number of sub model predictors: 32.

Num Yes 32597.
Num No 79435.
Num of requests: 112032.
Number of sub model predictors: 23.

Num Yes 66965.
Num No 156859.
Num of requests: 223824.
Number of sub model predictors: 41.

Num sub models 48.
Num Yes 63585.
Num No 161055.
Num of requests: 224640.
Number of sub model predictors: 34.

Num sub models 48.
Num Yes 59797.
Num No 171803.
Num of requests: 231600.
Number of sub model predictors: 31.

SYN-48-E. Synonyms-base.
Num sub models 48.
Num Yes 122201.
Num No 351895.
Num of requests: 474096.
Number of sub model predictors:61.

Num sub models 96.
Num Yes 203653.
Num No 381659.
Num of requests: 585312.
Number of sub model predictors:91.

randomCorrect 24-64.
Num sub models 96.
Num Yes 210005.
Num No 432139.
Num of requests: 642144.
Number of sub model predictors:75.

Num sub models 96.
Num Yes 171731.
Num No 425101.
Num of requests: 596832.
Number of sub model predictors:90.

Num sub models 128.
randomCorrect. Num Yes 228688.
Num No 573632.
Num of requests: 802320.

Distribution of model type per sub model given the minimum number of documents per topic.

Min request per label Num Oracle sub models Num predictive sub models Num unsupported sub models
20 284 470 24661
8 640 784 23991

Transformer encoder

Epoch sampling

Taking into account natural, expected RSS memory leak, sampling the training set between epoch may be a solution.

  • Default mode: The same training set is used during the entire pre-training process. Convergence occurs quite fast at the cost of a smaller training set to be processed.
  • Epoch sampling mode: The original training set is sampled for each epoch which increase the number of epochs needed to converge.

Epoch sampling

Bert model Max chars Embedding size Num transformers Num attention heads
Tiny 128 256 4 4
Micro 128 512 12 8
Base 256 728 12 12
Large 512 1024 24 16


There are 3 embeddings input to the transformer:

  • Token (index)
  • Token position in sentence.
  • Sentence order in the document.

The encoder of token for batch is defined as.

Batch input embedding

The features and labels encoding derived from the tokens are defined as.
Input embeddings

Sentence embedding

The output of the transformer encoder such as BERT is a embedding vector for each of the sentences. The embedding vector can be extracted as:

  • [CLS] token embedding: Embedding vector for the first classification token
  • Pooling output: Embedding vector created by pooling all

Neural classifier

There are two fundamental approaches for select a claim or document summary/abstract from a training set.

  • Classifier in case the number of labels (or classes) is not very large. If the number of classes is very large then the softMax layer (distribution of output probabilities) fails to distinguish similar classes. One solution is to extract cluster of labels and implement a hierarchical classifier.
  • Transformer The goal is to match a representation of a document against a representation of a table instead classifying a document representation against a label as with a classifier.

Classification modes

Document embedding is generated from the concatenation of segment embedding generated by the transformer (encoder).
Document embedding - Concatenation

Document embedding is generated from the aggregation of segment embedding generated by the transformer (encoder).
Document embedding - Aggregation


Set up

The evaluation of transformer and classification models relies on a Kafka client simulator

Simulation architecture.

The data flow steps are:
1- The model consumes clinical documents loaded from S3/RDS.
2- It predict and store claims in database.
3- The claim is forwarded to the simulator.
4- Actual claims are submitted
5- Claims are merged with predicted claims.
6- Metrics are computed and stored.

Evaluation dataflow

Transformer embedding similarity

The pre-training model can be validated against the labels. The similarity of CLS embedding from any notes associated with a given label should be higher than the similarity of these CLS embedding across different labels. The average of similarity across any of the CLS prediction should be lower than the similarity of CLS embedding within any given label which should be 1

Evaluation of pre-trained models

The tuning parameters for the pre-training are

  • Vocabulary (AMA, Base, Ext, TfIdf, Full)
  • BERT model (Micro, Base)
  • Segment embedding aggregation (Concatenate, Sum)
  • Segment embedding (CLS token embedding, Pooled input tokens embedding)
  • Sentence builder (Segmented document + contextual variable: CTXTXT_TXT, CTXTXT_TXT_TXT, CTX_TXT_TXT, TXT_CTXTXT, ...)

Document Embedding Similarity

Comparison between two identical notes given a vocabulary, Bert model and segmentation scheme ...

BERT model Vocabulary Segmentation Segment embedding Doc embedding Pre-training size num epochs batchsize base lr Accuracy
Micro Extended CTXTXT_TXT_TXT clsEmbedding Concatenate 320K 4 36 0.00008 0.901
Micro Base CTXTXT_TXT Pooled output Concatenate 220 4 20 0.0001 0.73805773 0.7488189 0.7199475 0.7566929
Micro Base CTXTXT_TXT Pooled output Concatenate 320K 4 20 0.0001 0.87294215 0.9040842 0.90299916 0.94163907
Micro Extended CTXTXT_TXT Pooled output Concatenate 360K 6 36 0.00007 0.8600784 0.9025671 0.9104828 0.8828804 0.8714113
Micro Extended CTXTXT_TXT_TXT Pooled output Concatenate 360K 6 36 0.00007 0.7627335 0.8192347 0.85360587 0.8927642

Transformer Pretraining accuracy

Classifier sampled training FFNN.
Date: 12.06-09.2022
20 Sub-models sampling BERT model: Micro

Neural layout Vocabulary Size training set Num epochs Size pre-trained learning rate Accuracy
128 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 58.11%
96 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 57.74%
64 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 59.98%
32 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 55.88%
24 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 56.47%
64x16 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 57.61%
128x24 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 55.95%
128x48x20 Extended 160 12 128K 0.0005 56.8%

Given a layout of the neural classifier,

Neural layout Segmentation Size training set Num epochs Size pre-trained learning rate Accuracy
96 CTXTXT-TXT-TXT 28K 28 240K 0.0005 54.12%
96 CTXTXT-TXT-TXT 40K 28 240K 0.0005 57.99%
96 CTXTXT-TXT-TXT 60K 28 240K 0.0005 60.65%
96 CTXTXT-TXT-TXT 80K 28 240K 0.0005 62.11%
96 CTXTXT-TXT 120K 28 240K 0.0005 63.23%

Classifier training

Classifier full training FFNN.
Date: 12.07-10.2022.
320 Sub-models sampling BERT model: Micro

Neural layout Vocabulary Segment embedding Doc embedding Segmentation Min Size training set Target size Num epochs Size pre-trained learning rate Accuracy

|64|Extended|Concatenate|Pooled output|CTXTXT-TXT|20|300|16|380K|0.0005|38.95%| |64|Extended|Concatenate|Pooled output|CTXTXT-TXT|20|120|16|380K|0.0005|40.35%| |96|Extended|Sum|Pooled output|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|12|380K|0.00057|47.15%| |96|Extended|Concatenate|clsEmbedding|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|12|380K|0.00057|49.17%| |96|Extended|Sum|clsEmbedding|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|12|380K|0.00008|39.41%| |96|Extended|Concatenate|clsEmbedding|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|30|380K|0.0003|57.87%| |96|Extended|Concatenate|pooledOutput|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|36|380K|0.0003|54.97%| |96|Extended|Concatenate|clsEmbedding|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|20|120|42|380K|0.0003|62.04%| |96|Extended|Concatenate|clsEmbedding|CTXTXT-TXT-TXT|40|120|48|380K|0.0006|63.66%|

Source Code

As of Feb 21, 2023 19,803 lines of code.
12,751 lines of comments, Copyrights....
284 files.
192 classes



  • Kafka 3.2.0
  • Spark 3.3.1
  • Hadoop 3.3.1
  • Java 11.0.15
  • DJL 0.21.0
  • Scala 2.12.15
  • EMR 6.8.0
  • Tensor flow r.2.8
  • Torch 1.9.0
  • MXNet 1.9.1
  • Kubernetes 1.19
  • CUDA 11.7.64
  • NCCL 2.15.1
  • cuDNN 8.1.0
  • NVIDIA RAPIDS 22.10`

See scripts for references


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")


Implementation of BERT using Apache Spark, Deep Java Library and Scala







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