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Patrick Fonseca edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

Code documentation


  • Configuration (IMPORTANT)
  • Flows - all app screens/flows
  • Lifecycle - basic app launch files
  • DataManager - main data managers

How does it work

Flows is the folder with the main application screens, including the main dashboard with all of the tabs: Home, News, Calendar, Settings, etc. Each tab has its own view controller, and you can update the UI for a given tab via the Storyboard.

Views is the folder for generic views like table view cells or collection view cells used for the news tab, calendar, trending, etc.

Models is the folder for data models like the news, search results, dividends, and portfolio holding. Each model represents data that we receive from the API or Core Data.

Storyboards is the folder that has the Main.storyboard file. This is where you can make any UI changes that you want. Each individual tab/flow has it’s own view controller, making it very easy for you to update the UI as needed or even add new features to the app.

DataManager is the folder for the main app data manager that handles things like fetching data from the API, storing data to Core Data, and more. Here you will find the Persistence Manager which is a layer that strictly communicates with Core Data for storing any stock logos and other portfolio-related items,

To replace the AdMob identifiers or to configure the In-App Purchase identifier see the Documentation folder.

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