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Pixelance: Your Marketplace for Exceptional Assets!

Pixelance is a comprehensive marketplace for digital assets such as icons, images, and more. Built using cutting-edge technologies, Pixelance ensures seamless integration and performance for both buyers and sellers of digital assets.

Table of Contents


  • Comprehensive digital asset marketplace
  • Secure payments via Stripe
  • Responsive design with Tailwind CSS
  • Real-time communication and notifications
  • User authentication and management
  • Seamless integration with MongoDB for data storage

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Next.js, TypeScript, shadcn-ui, Tailwind CSS, lucide-react
  • State Management: Zustand
  • Backend: Express.js, tRPC server and client, Payload CMS
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication and Notifications: Resend, Nodemailer
  • Payments: Stripe
  • Utilities: Body-parser, dotenv, cross-env, nodemon, swiper, zod, postcss

Setup Instructions

To set up and run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd pixelance

Environment Variables

Fill in the required keys and secrets in the .env file or rename .env_example to .env.

Obtaining Keys and Secrets

To run this application, you must have accounts on the following platforms and obtain the necessary keys and secrets:

  • Stripe: Sign up at Stripe and obtain your secret key and webhook secret.
  • Resend: Sign up at Resend and obtain your API key.

Set up webhooks:

  • Stripe: Go to your Stripe dashboard and set the webhook URL to https://"your-url"/api/webhooks/stripe
    • Listens for the "checkout.session.completed" event.

Ensure these values are correctly set in your .env file.

- PAYLOAD_SECRET="" (any secure key)
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL="" (application URL)




Database Configuration

  1. Ensure your MongoDB database is running.
  2. Update the MONGODB_URL in the .env file with your database credentials.

Updating Next Configuration for Remote Image Patterns

To ensure your images are displayed correctly, you need to configure your URL in the Next.js settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the next.config.mjs file:

    • Locate and open the next.config.mjs file in your project root directory.
  2. Update the Remote Patterns:

    • Within the images section, find the remotePatterns array.

Add your hostname (URL) and protocol to the remotePatterns array as shown below:

module.exports = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: 'https',
        hostname: '',

Replace with your actual domain and adjust the pathname if necessary.

Install dependencies

npm install

Run Pixelance

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

License and Ownership

All rights and intellectual property over Pixelance are exclusively owned by Patrick Gunnar.


Your Marketplace for Exceptional Assets.







No releases published
