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Kotlin and Java Differences

#Key Differences Between Kotlin and Java Identified in prjoect [MyCourseApp] and [MyCourseListKotlin]

1. Kotlin doesn't support static members, while Java uses static members.
2. There are no null variables or objects in Kotlin while on the other hand, Null variable or objects are part of Java language.
3. Kotlin doesn't require any variable datatype specifications but Java requires variable datatype specifications .
4. Kotlin programs don't require semicolons in their program while Java program does need a semicolon.
5. If a function does not return any useful value, its return type is Unit. Unit is a type with only one value - Unit. This value does not have to be returned explicitly:
6. Strings are immutable. Once you initialize a string, you can't change its value or assign a new value to it. All operations that transform strings return their results in a new String object, leaving the original string unchanged.

Other Key Differences
1.Function parameters are defined using Pascal notation - name: type. Parameters are separated using commas. Each parameter must be explicitly typed while In Java  only class names are declared in Pascal notation
2. Kotlin combines features of both object-oriented and functional programming, whereas Java is limited to object-oriented programming.
3. In, Kotlin variables of a primitive type are objects while in Java Variables of a primitive type aren't objects


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