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Please see go-redis/redis issue #1113 for details.

This repository contains a misbehaving Redis server and simple Go code to demonstrate the issue.

The Redis server isn't intended to be a real Redis server, but it does correctly respond to a few commands (COMMAND, READONLY, ECHO, CLUSTER SLOTS). These are the only commands issued by this Go code. Of course, since this isn't a real Redis server, it's not proof of the error, but you can replicate the same with a real Redis server, if you get (un?)lucky with timeouts.

The "misbehaving" part is that the first* time it receives a READONLY command, it responds slowly.

(*: it doesn't do this for the initial probing connection that goredis makes, to make the bug easier to understand).

To run:

    $ python fake-redis/

Then, run

    $ go run main.go

You should see output similar to:

2019/07/23 17:23:26 msg: OK          
2019/07/23 17:23:26 err: <nil>

(note that if you rerun the Go code, you'll get a weird error about array parsing. This is how the same bug manifests when we timeout the first READONLY on the probing connection.)


For the purposes of code references, goredis/redis version 6bc7da will be used, since this is the latest master at time of writing.

In short, this bug causes, in the best case, unexpected client-side errors and at worst, commands to read the replies from other commands. Consider the case of a ClusterClient created with NewClusterClient. The options passed to this ClusterClient must include ReadOnly: true (i.e. we're fine reading stale data to improve read throughput; see redis docs for more details) and MaxRetries at any value greater than zero.

Assume that the cluster state is known (i.e. the CLUSTER SLOTS command has been issued and a response has been returned) and no other connections have been made. In my client code, I call msg, err := client.Echo("message").Result(). The ECHO command replies whatever the argument given is (ECHO documentation).

Details of how we get to the READONLY call (can be skipped if you're well acquainted with this and don't need a refresher):

  • commands.go:322: This creates a StringCmd and passes it to c.
  • cluster.go:746: A few levels of indirection later, the StringCmd is passed to ClusterClient.process. We assume that everything up until L767 succeeds. Since this is the first iteration, ask is false so we call node.Client.ProcessContext(ctx, cmd) on L755.
  • redis.go:244: Another few levels of indirection we arrive at baseClient.process. On L250 we call c.getConn(ctx). getConn calls _getConn.
  • redis.go:167: _getConn requests a connection from the connection pool. Assume a clean, newly dialed connection is returned. We then call c.initConn(cn).
  • redis.go:211: Since this is a new connection, the check at L206 is skipped. The options include readOnly, since ReadOnly was set on the cluster client and ClusterOptions.clientOptions which is passed to the Client from the cluster client, sets readOnly on cluster.go:134. Therefore, we pass this check.
  • redis.go:218: We call newConn(c.opt, cn).
  • redis.go:635: newConn creates a Conn with its connPool containing a NewSingleConnPool(cn).
  • redis.go:218: The function passed to Pipelined here contains only the ReadOnly() command based on the options.
  • redis.go:655: Conn.Pipelined passes its arguments to Pipeline.Pipelined() with exec as c.processPipeline (see redis.go:659).
  • pipeline.go:122: This is where the ReadOnly call is added to the pipeline, and c.Exec is called. Eventually that reaches the processPipeline we passed as exec earler.

This is where the bug occurs

  • redis.go:319: We call generalProcessPipeline with pipelineProcessCmds as p
  • redis.go:337: We call getConn.
  • redis.go:167: We call connPool.Get(). Since this is SingleConnPool, the pool's one cn is returned (pool_single.go:25). We call initConn, but the cn is already marked as Inited, so this is skipped and we return cn.
  • redis.go:343: We call p(ctx, cn, cmds). p is c.pipelineProcessCmds.
  • To recap: c is the Conn, cn is the SingleConnPool's connection, cmds is a list containing only READONLY (a StatusCmd).
  • Assume that writing the response to the connection is fine and has no errors.
  • Assume that the Redis server is under load and is slow to write the reply (+OK). This causes a timeout and pipelineProcessCmds returns true, (timeout error) at redis.go:367.
  • redis.go:344: We call c.releaseConnStrict(err).
  • redis.go:201: Since the error was not a Redis error, we call c.connPool.Remove.
  • pool_single.go:35 SingleConnPool.Remove does nothing.
  • redis.go:337: Second attempt (due to MaxRetries) We call getConn. We again get the connection from the SingleConnPool (the one used before).
  • redis.go:356: We succesfully write the READONLY command, then read the reply. By now, the response from the first READONLY has come to the connection, so it is read (since responses are read line-by-line, this only reads the first +OK response).

We now return with no error all the way back up the stack, but Redis has been sent a second READONLY command, which will reply with +OK, and be buffered in the connection.

  • redis.go:250: The connection is eventually returned here, with no error, but with the buffered +OK response.
  • redis.go:259: We sucessfully write our ECHO message. We then read the reply, which reads the +OK response. StringCmd.readReply calls Reader.ReadString, which can parse status replies as though they were strings (since they are).

At this point, the ECHO command returns OK instead of message, with no error. The next call on the same connection will get a string response that was intended for the ECHO command. This will continue, with no indication of an error in the client, until a command that expects a non-string, non-status response, at which point the reply will fail to read and the connection will be discarded.


Demonstrating bug in goredis.






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