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Healthify Api

This is the backend of my Healthify app which consists of 3 tables, users, units, and measurements. The API is hosted in Heroku. The base url is and has the following endpoints

  • POST /users Arguments:
  name: <username>
  password: <your_password>

creates a user and responds with:

  user: {}
  token: user_token
  • POST/login Arguments:
  name: <username>
  password: <your_password>

Logs in the user and responds with:

  user: {}
  token: user_token
  • GET /units Arguments:
headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'

Returns a list of all the availiable units to measure

-GET /units/:id Arguments:

headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'

Returns the unit with :id and a list of its measurements

  • GET /measurements Arguments:
headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'

returns an object with the name of the unit as keys and the list of measurements as values

  • POST /units/:unit_id/measurements Arguments:
headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'
body: {
  value: <float>

Creates a measurement for the corresponding unit

  • PUT /units/:unit_id/measurements/:id Arguments:
headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'
body: {
  value: <float>

Updates the value of the given measurement

-DELETE /units/:unit_id/measurements/:id Arguments:

headers: {
  Authorization: 'Bearer <token>'

Deletes the given measurement

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails

Getting Started

The project wroks with the postgresql database To test the endpoints locally you can use tunneling with ngrok or a similar tool

  • git clone
  • cd tracking-api
  • bundle install
  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate
  • rails db:seed to populate the database

The authentication uses a environment variable to wotk. To set it up:

  • bundle exec figaro install In the config/application.yml file that will be created add:
  • SECRET: <your_secret>

To run the tests:

  • bundle exec rspec


👤 Patrikis Angelos

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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  • To Microverse for their README template.

📝 [License]

MIT License


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