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tl;dr This cmd program can compare text files and find what rows are the same or differ according to different set commands. It can handle bigfiles, but it is all in ram Link to webpage zetci with tutorials, examples, videos and more. Code: github

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Readme zetci

** This is in status WIP it is not done yet **

How to use it



Download the latest release from releases and unzip it to a folder and add the folder to the path.


Download the latest release from releases and unzip it to a folder and add the folder to the path.

Mac OS

Download the latest release from releases and unzip it to a folder and add the folder to the path.


zetci union --files fileA.csv,fileB.csv,fileC.csv --output ~/temp/what-is-both.csv
zetci intersect --files fileA.csv,fileB.csv,fileC.csv --output ~/temp/whats-the-same.csv zetci diffa --files fileA.csv,fileB.csv --output ~/temp/whats-diff.csv zetci except --files fileA.csv,fileB.csv --output ~/temp/whats-except.csv zetci xor --files fileA.csv,fileB.csv --output ~/temp/whats-only-in-one.csv

What problem does it solve?

When you have data in two or more files and want to extract parts of if. In similar way that you would from a sql database. It could be only the unique rows in several files or the differences between two files or what has been added to a file compared to previous version.

What is the target audience?

Somewhat familiar with running programs from the command line. Also good if you have a basic knowledge of how set theory. It could be Sowftware developers, data analysts, data scientists, data engineers or anyone one that has to work with data in textfiles and do not have access to a sql database or it is a one time analysis.

What are the use case?

You have two or more files with data and you want to extract parts of it. Some examples could be:

  • You have a file with all your customers and a file with all your orders and you want to see what customers that has not made any orders.
  • Someone sent you a file with all the customers that has made an order and you want to see what customers that are not in your system.
  • Someone has sent you a file with all the members of a club and you want to see what members that has been added since last time.
  • You have a file with all the members of a club and a file with all the members of a club and you want to see what members that are in both files.
  • You have a file with all the members of a club and a file with all the members of a club and you want to see what members that are in one file but not in the other.
  • You have a really big file and you want to see what rows that are unique in that file.
  • You want to import data from a file to a sql database but only the new rows that has been added since last time.

Why not use a sql database ?

Absolutely if you have sql database use that. But if you do not have access to a database or this is something that is just something you have to do once it could be simpler solution. It can also be part of an ETL process if you only want to import new rows and you get 50 GB with 10 million rows datadumps periodically with all their data from the source system. You could then do except between previous datadump and the new one to get these precious 500 new rows that has been added since last time and only import them. for this solution to work you need plenty of ram since zetci does all in ram.

Simple example

zetci fileA.csv fileB.csv fileC.csv will to stdoutput show a union of all unique rows. So if two rows are the same only one of them will be in the output. Union is the default subcommand.

zetci intersect --files fileA.csv fileB.csv fileC.csv --output ~/temp/whats-the-same.csv only what rows that are in all of the files will be output to a textfile.

zetci intersect --files fileA.csv key=1,2,3 ft=csv fileB.csv key=7,8,9 ft=csv fileC.csv key=1,2,3 ft=csv --output ~/temp/whats-the-same.csv only what rows that are all of the files and also we define what fields holds the unique key for the row and how the fields are defined and separeted.

More advanced examples

zetci except --files fileA.csv --exceptfile fileB.csv --output ~/temp/whats-new.csv Will show what is in the except file fileb.csv bot not in any of the others files which in this case is just fileA.csv

Really advanced example

What parameters does it understand

  • files Sets the input file to use
  • union Performs union operation on csv files
  • intersect Performs intersection operation on csv files
  • diffa Performs difference operation on csv files
  • xor Performs difference operation on csv files

About sets and its operations

We want eg the following set operations: not A and B => DiffFile see Explanation of expression or see more easily Venn diagram A and B => IntersectionFile see Explanation of expression or see more easily Venn diagram NotaBene combined => (not A and B) or (A and B) see Explanation of expression or see more easily Venn diagram DiffFile+IntersctionFile => FileB


Simple intersection

Make an intersection between file a and b the key are in column 4,6,7 seperator in the csv files a and b are semicolon (;) make it verbose.

zetci -v -i -a"s:\Darkcompare\A_TestFile.cs" -b"s:\Darkcompare\B_TestFile.cs" -k4 6 7 -s; Shown in Venn Diagram it would be: Link to Venn Diagagram showing A and B

In pseudo SQL it would be something like:

SELECT a.* from A_TestFile as a INNER JOIN B_TestFile as b on a.k4=b.k4 and a.k6=b.k6 and a.k7=b.k7

Many Setoperation on two sets

On the two sets A_TestFile and B_TestFile defined by the key on column 1 and 2 where the column separator is semicolon (;) make sets that are DiffB and DiffA and the intersection of the two. Describe all in a verbose style.

zetci -v -a".\A_TestFile.csv" -b".\B_TestFile.csv" -k1 2 -s; -r -d -i

In Venn Diagram it would be:

DiffB Venn Diagram Showing DiffB operation

DiffA Venn diagram DiffA,

Intersection Link to Venn Diagagram showing A and B

In pseudo SQL it would be something like:

SELECT b.* from B_TestFile as b WHERE b.key_1_2 not in (Select a.key_1_2 from A_TestFile as a)


SELECT a.* from A_TestFile as a WHERE a.key_1_2 not in (Select a.key_1_2 from B_TestFile as b)


SELECT a.* from A_TestFile as a INNER JOIN B_TestFile as b ON (a.key_1_2 = b.key_1_2 )

How to report bugs

Where to report bugs

Use the issue tracker Check if the bug is already reported. If it is not then create a new issue.

What to include in the bug report

  • What command and parameter you used
  • What you expected to happen
  • What happened
  • Testdata if possible
  • What operating system you are using
  • What version of zetci you are using

How to get help

Where to get help

What to include in the help request

  • What command and parameter you used
  • What you expected to happen
  • What happened
  • Testdata if possible

Feature request

What to include in the feature request

  • What you want to do
  • Why you want to do it
  • How you think it should be done

How is the program written



General walk through

What libraries does it use

Clapper - arguments handler

Terminal colors


Goals of this program.

What it should be good at.

Fast, simple, small footprint, easy to use, easy to understand.

What it not should be good at.

Compete with sql databases.

My own Features Request.

Sort output file

Define multiple columns as key

Compress large files data

Guess format of datafiles when you use keys

Parallelize the workload, eg read files in parallel, hashmaps in parallel.


checkout right hash algorithm. The default one for hashmap is not great for small or large date.

How to contribute

Clone the repository and make a pull request. The code is written in Rust and the tests are written in Rust. To clone the repository and run the tests do the following:

git clone 
cd zetci
cargo test

Make sure all tests pass before you make a pull request.

What to include in the pull request

  • What you have done
  • Why you have done it
  • How you have done it
  • Example of how to use the new feature
  • Test data if possible

These are the ground rules

  • Banter and jokes are fine, but keep it zetci.
  • Do not be a jerk.
  • Do not make Pull requests that breaks the build.
  • Do not make Pull requests that do not have tests.
  • Do not make Pull requests that do not have documentation.
  • Do not make Pull requests just to practise git.
  • Do not make Pull requests just to practise Pull requests.
  • If you are allowed to wear a gun in your country, you can wear a gun while making a pull request to this project. (That is if you are in your country while making the pull request)
  • Other than that, go wild.

Dev notes

to test params cargo run -- --files ./testdata/fee.csv,./testdata/foo.csv ./target/debug/zetci union --files './testdata/fee.csv','./testdata/foo.csv'

            // TODO: Add function that takes array of hashmaps with data from files and
            // performs the operation union on them. move function later to library.
            // TODO: The array of function needs to be a struct perhaps with meta data about
            // the data like which one is the biggest, cardinality and perhaps others so the
            // rudimentary queriy optimizer gets relevant info.


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