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Releases: patterns-group/code-patterns

code-patterns 3.11

05 Feb 05:31
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  • Updated resources to reflect new versioning/deployment plans (stable-only on NuGet/CI builds on MyGet)

code-patterns 3.11-beta.1

17 Jan 16:29
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  • Bumped Autofac dependencies to version 3.3.0 (issue 143)

code-patterns 3.10

12 Dec 22:29
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  • Provided greater flexibility in LoggingInterceptor by making the argument and return value formatter injectable (issue 139)
    • introduced new interface: ILogValueFormatter
    • new base type for value formatters: LogValueFormatterBase
    • new formatter type: JsonLogValueFormatter
    • updated tests and modules to include the new types

code-patterns 3.10-beta.5

08 Dec 01:57
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  • Dropped reference to Reactive Extensions (issue 123)
  • Updated MappingServices to use underlying types for collections (issue 126)
  • Added support for overriding mock behavior in IMoqContainer (issue 125)
  • Fixed TimeExtensions feature bug (issue 129)
  • Added new Proceed pointcut to DelegateInterceptor (issue 135)

code-patterns 3.10-beta.4

12 Oct 13:26
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  • Fixes for IMoqContainer (issue 114)
    • Calls to Create<TService> now either return the registered instance, or a mock. No hidden updates.
    • Calls to Create<TService, TImplementation> update the container with the implementation type, and return the newly-registered instance.

code-patterns 3.10-beta.3

12 Oct 13:25
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  • Extracted Patterns.Configuration.InMemoryConfigurationSource from Patterns.Testing.Configuration.TestConfigurationSource (issue 110)

code-patterns 3.10-beta.2

12 Oct 13:24
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  • Changes made to Patterns.Runtime.IDateTimeInfo and Patterns.Runtime.DefaultDateTimeInfo (issue 105):
    • Added DateTime GetUtcNow() to IDateTimeInfo
    • Updated implementation of DefaultDateTimeInfo

code-patterns 3.10-beta.1

12 Oct 13:23
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  • Additions / changes made to Patterns.Logging and Patterns.Interception (issue 96):
    • New type: Patterns.Interception.DelegateInterceptor → implements IInterceptor by allowing interception actions taken at each step to be injected
    • Updated LoggingInterceptor to inherit from new DelegateInterceptor type

code-patterns 3.9.4

12 Oct 13:22
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  • Fixes for Patterns.Logging / Patterns.Autofac.Logging (issue 92):
    • Extracted ILoggingConfig from LoggingConfig
    • Switched to interface usage everywhere
    • Modified LoggingModule logic to allow config source to be unregistered / config section to be missing; either case results in a default instance of LoggingConfig to be registered
  • Changed MoqRegistrationSource to only return registrations when creating new Mock-based ones; now returns an empty set in all other cases (issue 93)

code-patterns 3.9.3

12 Oct 13:21
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  • Updated out-of-date NuGet references (issue 73)